Collaborative learning: Application of the mentorship model for adult nursing students in the acute placement setting
Authors: Harvey, S. and Uren, C.D.
Journal: Nurse Education Today
Volume: 74
Pages: 38-40
eISSN: 1532-2793
ISSN: 0260-6917
DOI: 10.1016/j.nedt.2018.11.022
Abstract:Traditionally mentorship of pre-registration student nurses in clinical practice has followed a 1:1 model. Students are allocated a named mentor for the duration of the placement and they are responsible for supporting and assessing the learner. Many studies have identified problems with this approach to mentorship, including lack of time to facilitate learning on a 1:1 basis. In response to some of these challenges, a collaborative model of mentorship is being adopted both internationally and nationally. This involves placing a range of 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students on placement together, with students being allocated specific patients to care for collaboratively, under supervision. This model has already become established in Amsterdam, as an effective approach to mentorship (Lobo et al., 2014). In addition collaborative learning in practice has also been introduced in Ireland, Australia and the United States of America. This paper discusses the implementation of a collaborative model of learning by a district hospital and higher education institute (HEI) in the South West of England, commencing with a preliminary study in one placement area. Following success of this project this model is being implemented in other placement areas within the Trust.
Source: Scopus