Claire Uren
- Senior University Practice Learning Adviser
- Yeovil Campus, 91 Preston Road, BA20 2DN
Claire Uren qualified as a registered general nurse in 1990 and worked on an acute surgical unit in a district hospital for five years before moving to community nursing. Claire became involved in education in 2001, taking on the role of Practice Educator for Bournemouth University, whilst continuing with her practice role as a community nurse. Claire has become increasingly involved in education as a lecturer and practice education link for pre and post registration education in health and social care, currently working as a Senior University Practice Learning Adviser across the Somerset locality. Claire completed her Masters degree in Health and Social Care Education in 2010. Claire is also joint admissions lead for the adult nursing programme.
Contributing to an evaluation of the Collaborative Learning in Practice (CLiP) model at Yeovil District Hospital. This involved meetings to set up the project and participating in focus groups as part of the evaluation.