Second Phase Transnationalism: Reflections on Launching the SCMS Transnational Cinemas Scholarly Interest Group
Authors: Fisher, A. and Smith, I.R.
Journal: Transnational Screens
Volume: 10
Issue: 2
Abstract:This article examines what the process of founding and chairing the SCMS (Society for Cinema and Media Studies) ‘Transnational Cinemas’ scholarly interest group revealed to the authors about the evolution of the field. Charting a progression in the group’s activities from workshops around disciplinary definition to more practical sessions addressing teaching and research methodologies, the article maps out key shifts that took place within the period 2013–2017. It also appraises the authors’ efforts to create lasting, tangible resources for future researchers and teachers. The limitations of such a group’s influence are balanced against its capacity to bring scholars from diverse disciplines into dialogue with each other, thereby offering insight into the breadth and depth of the ‘transnational cinemas’ field.
Source: BURO EPrints