Respiratory characteristics of individuals with non-specific low back pain: A cross-sectional study

Authors: Mohan, V., Paungmali, A., Sitilerpisan, P., Hashim, U.F., Mazlan, M.B. and Nasuha, T.N.

Journal: Nursing and Health Sciences

Volume: 20

Issue: 2

Pages: 224-230

eISSN: 1442-2018

ISSN: 1441-0745

DOI: 10.1111/nhs.12406


Non-specific low back pain (NS-LBP) is known to cause respiratory dysfunction. In this study, we investigated alterations in breathing, respiratory strength and endurance, core stability, diaphragm mobility, and chest expansion among patients with NS-LBP and healthy individuals. The specific aim of the study was to correlate between respiratory function and other variables among NS-LBP patients. Thirty four patients with NS-LBP were matched with 34 healthy participants before undergoing total faulty breathing scale, spirometer, respiratory pressure meter, chest expansion, ultrasound, and pressure biofeedback measurements. There were signs of faulty breathing in the NS-LBP patients when compared to the healthy participants. Diaphragmatic mobility and respiratory muscle endurance were lower in the NS-LBP group. Chest expansion exhibited a significant decrease at the level of the fourth intercostal space in the NS-LBP group, but respiratory muscle strength and core stability were not significant between the two groups. Positive correlations were found to be fairly significant regarding respiratory muscle strength. The findings of this study indicated altered respiratory characteristics in the NS-LBP patients, and suggested that they would improve through respiratory exercises.

Source: Scopus

Respiratory characteristics of individuals with non-specific low back pain: A cross-sectional study.

Authors: Mohan, V., Paungmali, A., Sitilerpisan, P., Hashim, U.F., Mazlan, M.B. and Nasuha, T.N.

Journal: Nurs Health Sci

Volume: 20

Issue: 2

Pages: 224-230

eISSN: 1442-2018

DOI: 10.1111/nhs.12406


Non-specific low back pain (NS-LBP) is known to cause respiratory dysfunction. In this study, we investigated alterations in breathing, respiratory strength and endurance, core stability, diaphragm mobility, and chest expansion among patients with NS-LBP and healthy individuals. The specific aim of the study was to correlate between respiratory function and other variables among NS-LBP patients. Thirty four patients with NS-LBP were matched with 34 healthy participants before undergoing total faulty breathing scale, spirometer, respiratory pressure meter, chest expansion, ultrasound, and pressure biofeedback measurements. There were signs of faulty breathing in the NS-LBP patients when compared to the healthy participants. Diaphragmatic mobility and respiratory muscle endurance were lower in the NS-LBP group. Chest expansion exhibited a significant decrease at the level of the fourth intercostal space in the NS-LBP group, but respiratory muscle strength and core stability were not significant between the two groups. Positive correlations were found to be fairly significant regarding respiratory muscle strength. The findings of this study indicated altered respiratory characteristics in the NS-LBP patients, and suggested that they would improve through respiratory exercises.

Source: PubMed

Respiratory characteristics of individuals with non-specific low back pain: A cross-sectional study

Authors: Mohan, V., Paungmali, A., Sitilerpisan, P., Hashim, U.F., Mazlan, M.B. and Nasuha, T.N.


Volume: 20

Issue: 2

Pages: 224-230

eISSN: 1442-2018

ISSN: 1441-0745

DOI: 10.1111/nhs.12406

Source: Web of Science (Lite)

Respiratory characteristics of individuals with non-specific low back pain: A cross-sectional study.

Authors: Mohan, V., Paungmali, A., Sitilerpisan, P., Hashim, U.F., Mazlan, M.B. and Nasuha, T.N.

Journal: Nursing & health sciences

Volume: 20

Issue: 2

Pages: 224-230

eISSN: 1442-2018

ISSN: 1441-0745

DOI: 10.1111/nhs.12406


Non-specific low back pain (NS-LBP) is known to cause respiratory dysfunction. In this study, we investigated alterations in breathing, respiratory strength and endurance, core stability, diaphragm mobility, and chest expansion among patients with NS-LBP and healthy individuals. The specific aim of the study was to correlate between respiratory function and other variables among NS-LBP patients. Thirty four patients with NS-LBP were matched with 34 healthy participants before undergoing total faulty breathing scale, spirometer, respiratory pressure meter, chest expansion, ultrasound, and pressure biofeedback measurements. There were signs of faulty breathing in the NS-LBP patients when compared to the healthy participants. Diaphragmatic mobility and respiratory muscle endurance were lower in the NS-LBP group. Chest expansion exhibited a significant decrease at the level of the fourth intercostal space in the NS-LBP group, but respiratory muscle strength and core stability were not significant between the two groups. Positive correlations were found to be fairly significant regarding respiratory muscle strength. The findings of this study indicated altered respiratory characteristics in the NS-LBP patients, and suggested that they would improve through respiratory exercises.

Source: Europe PubMed Central

Respiratory characteristics of individuals with non-specific low back pain: A cross-sectional study.

Authors: Mohan, V., Paungmali, A., Sitilerpisan, P., Hashim, U.F., Mazlan, M.B. and Nasuha, T.N.

Journal: Nursing and Health Sciences

Volume: 20

Issue: 2

Pages: 224-230

ISSN: 1441-0745


Non-specific low back pain (NS-LBP) is known to cause respiratory dysfunction. In this study, we investigated alterations in breathing, respiratory strength and endurance, core stability, diaphragm mobility, and chest expansion among patients with NS-LBP and healthy individuals. The specific aim of the study was to correlate between respiratory function and other variables among NS-LBP patients. Thirty four patients with NS-LBP were matched with 34 healthy participants before undergoing total faulty breathing scale, spirometer, respiratory pressure meter, chest expansion, ultrasound, and pressure biofeedback measurements. There were signs of faulty breathing in the NS-LBP patients when compared to the healthy participants. Diaphragmatic mobility and respiratory muscle endurance were lower in the NS-LBP group. Chest expansion exhibited a significant decrease at the level of the fourth intercostal space in the NS-LBP group, but respiratory muscle strength and core stability were not significant between the two groups. Positive correlations were found to be fairly significant regarding respiratory muscle strength. The findings of this study indicated altered respiratory characteristics in the NS-LBP patients, and suggested that they would improve through respiratory exercises.

Source: BURO EPrints