From pairwise comparisons and rating to a unified quality scale

Authors: Perez-Ortiz, M., Mikhailiuk, A., Zerman, E., Hulusic, V., Valenzise, G. and Mantiuk, R.K.

Journal: IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

Volume: 29

Pages: 1139-1151

eISSN: 1941-0042

ISSN: 1057-7149

DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2019.2936103


The goal of psychometric scaling is the quantification of perceptual experiences, understanding the relationship between an external stimulus, the internal representation and the response. In this paper, we propose a probabilistic framework to fuse the outcome of different psychophysical experimental protocols, namely rating and pairwise comparisons experiments. Such a method can be used for merging existing datasets of subjective nature and for experiments in which both measurements are collected. We analyze and compare the outcomes of both types of experimental protocols in terms of time and accuracy in a set of simulations and experiments with benchmark and real-world image quality assessment datasets, showing the necessity of scaling and the advantages of each protocol and mixing. Although most of our examples focus on image quality assessment, our findings generalize to any other subjective quality-of-experience task.

Source: Scopus