Work-life Balance and Organizational Commitment: a Study of Field Level Administration in Bangladesh
Authors: Yang, Y. and Islam, D.M.T.
Journal: International Journal of Public Administration
Volume: 44
Issue: 14
Pages: 1286-1296
eISSN: 1532-4265
ISSN: 0190-0692
DOI: 10.1080/01900692.2020.1755684
Abstract:This article aimed to explore the influence of job pressure stress and workplace support on work-life balance and affective organizational commitment among the officers working in field administration. Using a quantitative method, we collected a sample of 157 out of 563 field administration in Bangladesh. The data were analyzed using multiple regression. The results showed that job pressure stress is negatively related to work-life balance. Family supportive organizational policies has a more pronounced influence on work-life balance than other types of workplace support. Surprisingly, affective organizational commitment is not influenced by work-life balance. Our findings provide a preliminary understanding of work-life balance among public servants in Bangladesh and offer practical advice to policy makers aimed at improving public servants’ work-life balance.
Source: Scopus
Work-life Balance and Organizational Commitment: a Study of Field Level Administration in Bangladesh
Authors: Yang, Y. and Islam, D.M.T.
Volume: 44
Issue: 14
Pages: 1286-1296
eISSN: 1532-4265
ISSN: 0190-0692
DOI: 10.1080/01900692.2020.1755684
Source: Web of Science (Lite)
Work-life balance and organizational commitment: a study of field level administration in Bangladesh
Authors: Yang, Y. and Tajul Islam, D.M.
Journal: International Journal of Public Administration
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISSN: 0190-0692
DOI: 10.1080/01900692.2020.1755684
Abstract:This paper aimed to explore the influence of Job pressure Stress and workplace support on work-life balance and affective organizational commitment among the officers working in field administration. Using a quantitative method, we collected a sample of 157 out of 563 field administration in Bangladesh. The data was analysed using multiple regression. The results showed that Job Pressure Stress is negatively related to work-life balance. Family supportive organizational policies has a more pronounced influence on work-life balance than other types of workplace support. Surprisingly, affective organizational commitment is not influenced by work-life balance. Our findings provide a preliminary understanding of work-life balance among public servants in Bangladesh and offer practical advice to policy makers aimed at improving public servants’ work-life balance.
Source: Manual
Work-life balance and organizational commitment: a study of field level administration in Bangladesh
Authors: Yang, Y. and Islam, D.M.T.
Journal: International Journal of Public Administration
Volume: 44
Issue: 14
Pages: 1286-1296
ISSN: 0190-0692
Abstract:This paper aimed to explore the influence of Job pressure Stress and workplace support on work-life balance and affective organizational commitment among the officers working in field administration. Using a quantitative method, we collected a sample of 157 out of 563 field administration in Bangladesh. The data was analysed using multiple regression. The results showed that Job Pressure Stress is negatively related to work-life balance. Family supportive organizational policies has a more pronounced influence on work-life balance than other types of workplace support. Surprisingly, affective organizational commitment is not influenced by work-life balance. Our findings provide a preliminary understanding of work-life balance among public servants in Bangladesh and offer practical advice to policy makers aimed at improving public servants’ work-life balance.
Source: BURO EPrints