How to enhance sustainability goals implementation in the business behavior: A lesson from the discussions of Japanese Small and Medium sized Enterprises

Authors: Oe, H. and Yamaoka, Y.

Journal: Social Business

Volume: 10

Issue: 3

Pages: 281-304

Publisher: Westburn Publishers

ISSN: 2044-4087

DOI: 10.1362/204440820X16003501529194

Source: Manual

How to enhance sustainability goals implementation in the business behavior: A lesson from the discussions of Japanese Small and Medium sized Enterprises

Authors: Oe, H. and Yamaoka, Y.

Journal: Social Business

Volume: 10

Issue: 3

Pages: 281-304

ISSN: 2044-4087


Purpose: This study aims to explore the Japanese SME owners’ perspectives of entrepreneurial values which lead Japanese SMEs sustainable business behavior and aims to develop a conceptual framework with key themes how to enhance sustainability goals implementation in the businesses. Design/methodology/approach: A qualitative study was applied using semi-structured interview method. The interviews were conducted with the 24 SME owners in Japan and the data were analysed using a thematic approach. The five entrepreneurial orientation (EO) dimensions were used as an analytical framework to reveal the Japanese unique values underpinning their sustainable business behavior. Findings: The results suggest that Japanese SME owners have unique business values in addition to the five established EO dimensions. First, two new revealed dimensions ‘Co-value creation’ and ‘Contribution to the communities’ have been found to support their clear intention of implementation of sustainability goals in the business behavior. Second, from the interview process, three more values have been depicted as the underlying their sustainable business behavior, which we named ‘driving forces’ for implementing sustainability goals: ‘Emotional attachment,' ‘Pride,' and ‘Non- economic values with Sanpo-yoshi'.

Limitations: We acknowledge that the dataset should be expanded to develop more robust implications which can be verified with other businesses in different markets. A quantitative approach also should be conducted to validate the model and measurements to enhance the applicability and usability of the developed model. Contributions: This study has developed implications for the businesses how to implement sustainability goals with what kind of business values embedded in the SME owners’ mindset. The research outcome demonstrates the key values which support sustainability goals implementation: SDG 8, 9, 11, and 12. The study aimed to share further knowledge on sustainability theory and practices by addressing the unique underpinning values encouraging the businesses to the sustainable directions, and course of research that provides insights for researchers and practitioners.

Source: BURO EPrints