Dissonant Fabulation: Subverting Online Genres to Effect Socio-Cognitive Dissonance

Authors: Skains, R.L.

Journal: Textus

Pages: 41-57

DOI: 10.7370/91006


“Dissonant fabulation” describes an emerging genre of fictional narratives in online spaces whose generic conventions construct expectations of realism. This genre is defined not as a form but as a mode of written communication that uses its genre’s conventions and expectations even while subverting them to inspire social and political questions and discourse. Two case studies are analysed for their creation of socio-cognitive dissonance leading to social discourse: Amazon.com reviews of BIC Cristal For Her pens and the faux Target customer service Facebook profile “Ask ForHelp”. The genre of dissonant fabulations is discussed and contextualised within critical digital intertextual discourse and fictional narratives.

Source: Manual