Optical Jamming Enhances the Secrecy Performance of the Generalized Space-Shift-Keying-Aided Visible-Light Downlink

Authors: Wang, F., Liu, C., Wang, Q., Zhang, J., Zhang, R., Yang, L.L. and Hanzo, L.

Journal: IEEE Transactions on Communications

Volume: 66

Issue: 9

Pages: 4087-4102

eISSN: 1558-0857

ISSN: 0090-6778

DOI: 10.1109/TCOMM.2018.2831687


In order to enhance the secrecy performance of the generalized space shift keying (GSSK) visible light communication (VLC) system, in this paper, an optical jamming-aided secrecy enhancement scheme is proposed, in which the source transmitter (S) simultaneously sends both the confidential desired signal and optical jamming signals under the amplitude and power constraints. The optical jamming signals obey the truncated Gaussian distribution for satisfying the constraints. Given the discrete set of channel inputs, the optical jamming-aided GSSK-VLC system's secrecy performance is analyzed. Explicitly, the average mutual information (AMI), the lower bound of AMI and its closed-form approximation as well as the achievable secrecy rate are formulated analytically. Furthermore, the optimal power sharing strategy of the proposed GSSK-VLC systems relying on optical jamming is derived. Closed-form expressions are provided for the optimal power sharing in both the low- and high-SNR regions. Finally, the extensive simulation results are presented to validate our analytical results.

Source: Scopus

Optical Jamming Enhances the Secrecy Performance of the Generalized Space-Shift-Keying-Aided Visible-Light Downlink

Authors: Wang, F., Liu, C., Wang, Q., Zhang, J., Zhang, R., Yang, L.-L. and Hanzo, L.


Volume: 66

Issue: 9

Pages: 4087-4102

eISSN: 1558-0857

ISSN: 0090-6778

DOI: 10.1109/TCOMM.2018.2831687

Source: Web of Science (Lite)