Computer mediated social comparative feedback does not affect metacognitive regulation of memory reports

Authors: Rechdan, J., Sauer, J.D., Hope, L., Sauerland, M., Ost, J. and Merckelbach, H.

Journal: Frontiers in Psychology

Volume: 8

Issue: AUG

eISSN: 1664-1078

DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01433


In two experiments, we investigated how social comparative feedback affects the metacognitive regulation of eyewitness memory reports. In Experiment 1, 87 participants received negative, positive, or no feedback about a co-witness's performance on a task querying recall of a crime video. Participants then completed the task individually. There were no significant differences between negative and positive feedback groups on any measure. However, participants in both of these conditions volunteered more finegrain details than participants in the control condition. In Experiment 2, 90 participants answered questions about a crime video. Participants in the experimental groups received either positive or negative feedback, which compared their performance to that of others. Participants then completed a subsequent recall task, for which they were told their performance would not be scored. Feedback did not significantly affect participants' confidence, accuracy, or the level of detail they reported in comparison to a no feedback control group. These findings advance our understanding of the boundary conditions for social feedback effects on meta-memory.

Source: Scopus

Computer Mediated Social Comparative Feedback Does Not Affect Metacognitive Regulation of Memory Reports.

Authors: Rechdan, J., Sauer, J.D., Hope, L., Sauerland, M., Ost, J. and Merckelbach, H.

Journal: Front Psychol

Volume: 8

Pages: 1433

ISSN: 1664-1078

DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01433


In two experiments, we investigated how social comparative feedback affects the metacognitive regulation of eyewitness memory reports. In Experiment 1, 87 participants received negative, positive, or no feedback about a co-witness's performance on a task querying recall of a crime video. Participants then completed the task individually. There were no significant differences between negative and positive feedback groups on any measure. However, participants in both of these conditions volunteered more fine-grain details than participants in the control condition. In Experiment 2, 90 participants answered questions about a crime video. Participants in the experimental groups received either positive or negative feedback, which compared their performance to that of others. Participants then completed a subsequent recall task, for which they were told their performance would not be scored. Feedback did not significantly affect participants' confidence, accuracy, or the level of detail they reported in comparison to a no feedback control group. These findings advance our understanding of the boundary conditions for social feedback effects on meta-memory.

Source: PubMed

Computer Mediated Social Comparative Feedback Does Not Affect Metacognitive Regulation of Memory Reports

Authors: Rechdan, J., Sauer, J.D., Hope, L., Sauerland, M., Ost, J. and Merckelbach, H.


Volume: 8

ISSN: 1664-1078

DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01433

Source: Web of Science (Lite)

Computer Mediated Social Comparative Feedback Does Not Affect Metacognitive Regulation of Memory Reports.

Authors: Rechdan, J., Sauer, J.D., Hope, L., Sauerland, M., Ost, J. and Merckelbach, H.

Journal: Frontiers in psychology

Volume: 8

Pages: 1433

eISSN: 1664-1078

ISSN: 1664-1078

DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01433


In two experiments, we investigated how social comparative feedback affects the metacognitive regulation of eyewitness memory reports. In Experiment 1, 87 participants received negative, positive, or no feedback about a co-witness's performance on a task querying recall of a crime video. Participants then completed the task individually. There were no significant differences between negative and positive feedback groups on any measure. However, participants in both of these conditions volunteered more fine-grain details than participants in the control condition. In Experiment 2, 90 participants answered questions about a crime video. Participants in the experimental groups received either positive or negative feedback, which compared their performance to that of others. Participants then completed a subsequent recall task, for which they were told their performance would not be scored. Feedback did not significantly affect participants' confidence, accuracy, or the level of detail they reported in comparison to a no feedback control group. These findings advance our understanding of the boundary conditions for social feedback effects on meta-memory.

Source: Europe PubMed Central