A disaster prevention programme using virtual schemes: Recommendation of tradition populaire integrated with tendenko as an approach to immersive training
Authors: Oe, H. and Kawakami, S.
Journal: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
Volume: 57
Issue: April
ISSN: 2212-4209
Abstract:The aim of this technical note is to discuss and propose a community action plan to increase citizen preparedness and readiness for natural disasters. This exploratory study applies a conceptual analysis based on a comprehensive review of relevant literature on evacuation training and preparation for tsunamis, focusing on tendenko behaviour.
The results of the study led to the development of a guideline outlining key actions for evacuation programme designers with practical procedures to foster citizens’ motivation to learn and encourage engagement in community-based activities. The proposed steps can provide training designers (e.g. local councils, community NPOs, and evacuation experts) with actionable recommendations for practical activities to enhance citizen preparedness. One of the original contributions of the proposed programme is its inclusion of tradition populaire, according to which communication is held not only with the residents in the disaster area but also with inbound visitors. The proposed disaster prevention training programme based on information and communications technology (ICT) can be supportive to the disaster areas by inbound visitors to enhancing citizens’ and visitors’ understanding of disastrous scenarios and the necessity to increase their preparedness for such events. Based on the outcomes of the research, a further analysis is being planned to validate the utility and effectiveness of the proposed action plans, with primary data being used to develop more robust implications for practitioners and researchers.
Source: Manual
A disaster prevention programme using virtual schemes: Recommendation of tradition populaire integrated with tendenko as an approach to immersive training
Authors: Oe, H. and Kawakami, S.
Journal: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
Volume: 57
Issue: April
ISSN: 2212-4209
Abstract:The aim of this technical note is to discuss and propose a community action plan to increase citizen preparedness and readiness for natural disasters. This exploratory study applies a conceptual analysis based on a comprehensive review of relevant literature on evacuation training and preparation for tsunamis, focusing on tendenko behaviour.
The results of the study led to the development of a guideline outlining key actions for evacuation programme designers with practical procedures to foster citizens’ motivation to learn and encourage engagement in community-based activities. The proposed steps can provide training designers (e.g. local councils, community NPOs, and evacuation experts) with actionable recommendations for practical activities to enhance citizen preparedness. One of the original contributions of the proposed programme is its inclusion of tradition populaire, according to which communication is held not only with the residents in the disaster area but also with inbound visitors. The proposed disaster prevention training programme based on information and communications technology (ICT) can be supportive to the disaster areas by inbound visitors to enhancing citizens’ and visitors’ understanding of disastrous scenarios and the necessity to increase their preparedness for such events. Based on the outcomes of the research, a further analysis is being planned to validate the utility and effectiveness of the proposed action plans, with primary data being used to develop more robust implications for practitioners and researchers.
Source: BURO EPrints