New mode of luxury shoppers: focusing on personalised experiences

Authors: Oe, H., Yamaoka, Y. and Liang, Y.

Journal: Revista de Marketing Aplicado

Volume: 26

Issue: 2

Pages: 97-117

ISSN: 1852-2300

DOI: 10.17979/redma.2022.26.2.9174


This article examines the online shopping behavior of Asian consumers for luxury products. The study consists of a quantitative analysis of data collected from Generation Y consumers in emerging markets in Asia. The results show that the value of “saving face” is the most influential factor in determining the purchase intention of luxury goods, while personal experience does not have a strong influence on the purchase intention. This suggests that the personalized experience, which has recently come to the attention of researchers as an important factor in Western contexts, does not yet have a direct influence on luxury shopper behavior in emerging markets, in which higher prices continue to be paid to "save face". The results provide a useful reference for the development of luxury goods marketing strategies in emerging Asian markets.

Source: Manual

New mode of luxury shoppers: Focus on personalised experiences

Authors: Oe, H., Yamaoka, Y. and Liang, Y.

Journal: Revista de Marketing Aplicado

Volume: 26

Issue: 2

Pages: 97-117

ISSN: 1852-2300


This study examines the online luxury product purchasing behaviour of Asian consumers. The study applies quantitative methods to a dataset of Generation Y consumers in emerging markets in Asia. The results show that face-saving value is the most influential factor on luxury goods purchase intention, while personal experience does not have a strong influence on purchase intention. In other words, the personalised experience factor, which has recently attracted researchers' attention as a significant antecedent in the Western context, does not have a direct influence on the behaviour of luxury shoppers in emerging markets at the moment, who continue to pay premium prices to maintain their face. The results provide a useful reference for the development of marketing strategies in the luxury goods sector.

Source: BURO EPrints