Changing Tides: Digital Entrepreneurship is Swelling in some Seaside towns across the UK.

Authors: Taura, N.

Journal: RSA Journal

Issue: 4

Pages: 48

Publisher: Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts Manufactures and Commerce


Over the last century, entrepreneurialism has been associated with speed, optimal growth and cognitive intelligence. While this approach has generated substantial financial wealth, it has also been associated with the rise of bio-diversity loss, harmful effects to flora and fauna, and higher levels of stress among our entrepreneurs. The world needs a more inclusive and regenerative approach to entrepreneurialism that is contextually gentler and more humane to people, planet, and places. My research (Taura and Radicic, 2019) on frequent digital innovations in some peripheral seaside towns of the UK, particularly in Bournemouth and Poole, shows that we could all learn something from the recent emergence of gentler entrepreneurialism in these locales. This approach to entrepreneurialism is more likely to deliver positive outcomes for our environment and economy and provides a roadmap to more socially sustainable practices.

Source: Manual