Online self-presentation: Psychological predictors and outcomes

Authors: Wilson, C., Talbot, C.V. and Scott, G.G.

Journal: Telematics and Informatics Reports

Volume: 14

eISSN: 2772-5030

DOI: 10.1016/j.teler.2024.100147


Internet technology has changed the way we interact, and online communication has become increasingly common. There is a need to know more about how individuals present and behave online. The study examined relationships between perfectionism (self-oriented, socially prescribed, other-oriented), online self-presentation types (idealised self, multiple selves and consistent self), cyberbullying experiences (victimisation and perpetration) and psychological outcomes (rumination and depressive symptoms). An online questionnaire measuring these variables was completed by 139 general population adults (91.2 % from the UK, 73 % female; age range 17–70 years; Mean = 33.32 SD = 13.76). Regression analysis showed a role of self-oriented and socially prescribed perfectionism in idealised self and multiple selves online presentation. Further, self-presentation was related to individuals’ likelihood to engage in cyberbullying as a perpetrator. Finally, self-presentation and cyberbullying perpetration were predictive of rumination and depressive symptoms. The findings provide insight into adults’ online behaviour and related outcomes thus contributing to our understanding of the psychology within online interactions.

Source: Scopus

Online self-presentation: Psychological predictors and outcomes

Authors: Wilson, C., Talbot, C. and Scott, G.G.

Journal: Telematics and Informatics Reports

DOI: 10.1016/j.teler.2024.100147

Source: Manual

Online self-presentation: Psychological predictors and outcomes

Authors: Wilson, C., Talbot, C.V. and Scott, G.G.

Journal: Telematics and Informatics Reports

Volume: 14

ISSN: 2772-5030


Internet technology has changed the way we interact, and online communication has become increasingly common. There is a need to know more about how individuals present and behave online. The study examined relationships between perfectionism (self-oriented, socially prescribed, other-oriented), online self-presentation types (idealised self, multiple selves and consistent self), cyberbullying experiences (victimisation and perpetration) and psychological outcomes (rumination and depressive symptoms). An online questionnaire measuring these variables was completed by 139 general population adults (91.2 % from the UK, 73 % female; age range 17–70 years; Mean = 33.32 SD = 13.76). Regression analysis showed a role of self-oriented and socially prescribed perfectionism in idealised self and multiple selves online presentation. Further, self-presentation was related to individuals’ likelihood to engage in cyberbullying as a perpetrator. Finally, self-presentation and cyberbullying perpetration were predictive of rumination and depressive symptoms. The findings provide insight into adults’ online behaviour and related outcomes thus contributing to our understanding of the psychology within online interactions.

Source: BURO EPrints