Dr Catherine Talbot
- Senior Lecturer In Psychology
- Poole House P127, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
I am a cyberpsychologist specialising in social media and its intersection with health and wellbeing. My research investigates the digital experiences of vulnerable and stigmatised groups. I have conducted research with a range of groups, including people with dementia, carers, people with eating disorders, and LGBTQ+ individuals. My current research focuses on young-onset dementia and the role of social media in facilitating social connection, self-expression, and a sense of identity.
I am a qualitative methodologist, with expertise conducting interviews with people with cognitive disabilities and vulnerable groups. In my research, I often apply qualitative methods of analysis to social media data such as blogs, tweets, and Instagram posts to understand lived experience. I am also interested in feminist psychology, particularly in improving psychological science and amplifying marginalized voices.
I am passionate about science communication and often write blogs, take part in public engagement events (e.g... Soapbox Science), and speak to the media about my research. I am also interested in creative communication, having worked with an artist to produce an art exhibition (Truth & Beauty) based on my research on eating disorders and social media. For this work, I was shortlisted for Elsevier's Researchers' Choice Communication Award.
I am committee member of the British Psychological Society (BPS) Cyberpsychology Section and the Early Career Researcher rep for the BPS Research Board.
- Giebel, C., Silva-Ribeiro, W., Watson, J., Volkmer, A., Chirico, I., Diaz, A., Heath, B., Hanna, K. and Talbot, C., 2024. A Systematic Review on the Evidence of Misdiagnosis in Dementia and Its Impact on Accessing Dementia Care. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 39 (10).
- Harkin, L., Stuart, A., Stevenson, C., Talbot, C., Daly, R., Park, M.S.A., Katz, D., Gooch, D. and Price, B., 2024. Being cut off from social identity resources has shaped loneliness during the coronavirus pandemic: A longitudinal interview study with medically vulnerable older adults from the United Kingdom. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 34 (1).
- Coulson, N.S. and Talbot, C.V., 2024. Examining support marshalling within an asynchronous online peer support forum for individuals affected by dementia. Journal of Health Psychology.
- Davidovic, A., Talbot, C., Hamilton-Giachritsis, C. and Joinson, A., 2023. To intervene or not to intervene: young adults’ views on when and how to intervene in online harassment. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 28 (5).
- Giebel, C., Lion, K.M., Lorenz-Dant, K., Suárez-González, A., Talbot, C., Wharton, E., Cannon, J., Tetlow, H. and Thyrian, J.R., 2023. The early impacts of COVID-19 on people living with dementia: part I of a mixed-methods systematic review. Aging and Mental Health, 27 (3), 533-546.
- Giebel, C., Talbot, C.V., Wharton, E., Lorenz-Dant, K., Suárez-González, A., Cannon, J., Tetlow, H., Lion, K.M. and Thyrian, J.R., 2023. The early impacts of COVID-19 on unpaid carers of people living with dementia: part II of a mixed-methods systematic review. Aging and Mental Health, 27 (3), 547-562.
- Greville-harris, M., Talbot, C.V., Moseley, R.L. and Vuillier, L., 2022. Conceptualisations of health in orthorexia nervosa: a mixed-methods study. Eating and Weight Disorders, 27 (8), 3135-3143.
- Talbot, C.V., Talbot, A., Roe, D.J. and Briggs, P., 2022. The management of LGBTQ+ identities on social media: A student perspective. New Media and Society, 24 (8), 1729-1750.
- Bartmess, M., Talbot, C., O’Dwyer, S.T., Lopez, R.P., Rose, K.M. and Anderson, J.G., 2022. Using Twitter to understand perspectives and experiences of dementia and caregiving at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Dementia, 21 (5), 1734-1752.
- Talbot, C.V. and Briggs, P., 2022. The use of digital technologies by people with mild-to-moderate dementia during the COVID-19 pandemic: A positive technology perspective. Dementia, 21 (4), 1363-1380.
- Stuart, A., Talbot, C. et al., 2022. Loneliness in older people and COVID-19: Applying the social identity approach to digital intervention design. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 6.
- Thomas, L., Talbot, C.V. and Briggs, P., 2021. The Digital Lives of Student Mothers: A Consideration of Technologies That Support or Erode the Student/Parent Boundary. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 154.
- Talbot, C.V., O’Dwyer, S.T., Clare, L. and Heaton, J., 2021. The use of Twitter by people with young-onset dementia: A qualitative analysis of narratives and identity formation in the age of social media. Dementia, 20 (7), 2542-2557.
- Talbot, C.V. and Briggs, P., 2021. "Getting back to normality seems as big of a step as going into lockdown": The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on People with Early to Middle Stage Dementia. Age Ageing, 50 (3), 657-663.
- Branley-Bell, D. and Talbot, C.V., 2020. Exploring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and UK lockdown on individuals with experience of eating disorders. Journal of Eating Disorders, 8 (1).
- Talbot, C., O’Dwyer, S., Clare, L., Heaton, J. and Anderson, J., 2020. Identifying people with dementia on Twitter. Dementia, 19 (4), 965-974.
- Talbot, C.V., O'Dwyer, S.T., Clare, L., Heaton, J. and Anderson, J., 2020. How people with dementia use twitter: A qualitative analysis. Computers in Human Behavior, 102, 112-119.