Reclaiming agency through film education

Authors: Durrett, J.

Journal: Ethical Space: the international journal of communication ethics

Volume: 21

Issue: 2

ISSN: 1742-0105

DOI: 10.21428/0af3f4c0.2b54b922


Previously conducted research considers how learning practical filmmaking skills could contribute to addressing the social and emotional needs of displaced youth. It argues that learning practical filmmaking skills offered an avenue for young people to cope with displacement by serving as both a coping method as well as a method to acquire non-film-specific soft skills that may be useful growing up in the uncertain context of displacement. This paper focuses on a key theme that emerged from that research: agency and how learning practical filmmaking skills can help youth to develop and/or reclaim this. By examining two case studies, this paper argues that learning practical filmmaking can facilitate opportunities to develop and reclaim displaced youth’s sense of agency by offering the opportunity to reclaim a sense of control through creative visual expression, as well as take ownership of their new environments and the future of their communities through activism.

Source: Manual

Reclaiming agency through film education

Authors: Durrett, J.

Journal: Ethical Space

Volume: 21

Issue: 2

ISSN: 1742-0105


Previously conducted research considers how learning practical filmmaking skills could contribute to addressing the social and emotional needs of displaced youth. It argues that learning practical filmmaking skills offered an avenue for young people to cope with displacement by serving as both a coping method as well as a method to acquire non-film-specific soft skills that may be useful growing up in the uncertain context of displacement. This paper focuses on a key theme that emerged from that research: agency and how learning practical filmmaking skills can help youth to develop and/or reclaim this. By examining two case studies, this paper argues that learning practical filmmaking can facilitate opportunities to develop and reclaim displaced youth’s sense of agency by offering the opportunity to reclaim a sense of control through creative visual expression, as well as take ownership of their new environments and the future of their communities through activism.

Source: BURO EPrints