The evolution of artificial empathy in the hospitality metaverse era
Authors: Assiouras, I., Laserer, C. and Buhalis, D.
Journal: International Journal of Hospitality Management
Volume: 126
ISSN: 0278-4319
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2024.104063
Abstract:As hospitality enters the metaverse era, artificial empathy becomes essential for developing of artificial intelligence (AI) agents. Using the empathy cycle model, computational empathy frameworks and interdisciplinary research, this conceptual paper proposes a model explaining how artificial empathy will evolve in the hospitality metaverse era. The paper also addresses customer empathy and responses towards AI agents and other human actors with in the hospitality context. It explores how metaverse characteristics such as immersiveness, sociability, experiential nature, interoperability, blended virtual and physical environments as well as environmental fidelity will shape computational models and evolution of artificial empathy. Findings suggests that metaverse enables AI agents to form a seamless cycle of detection, resonation, and response to consumers’ affective states, facilitating the evolution of artificial empathy. Additionally, the paper outlines conditions under which the artificial empathy cycle may be disrupted and proposes future research questions that can advance our understanding of artificial empathy.
Source: Scopus