Professor Dimitrios Buhalis
- Professor in Marketing, Strategy and Innovation
- Dorset House D202, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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Professor Dimitrios Buhalis is a Strategic Management and Marketing expert with specialisation in Information Communication Technology applications in the Tourism, Travel, Hospitality and Leisure industries. He is Director of the eTourism Lab and Deputy Director of the International Centre for Tourism and Hospitality Research, at Bournemouth University Business School in England. He was recently Visiting Professor at the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University SAR, China. He is the Editor in Chief of the most established Journal in Tourism: Tourism Review, and the Editor in Chief of the Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing. His research pioneers smart and ambient intelligence tourism with a particular focus on innovation, entrepreneurship and destination ecosystems management. Professor Buhalis has written and co-edited more than 25 books and 400 scientific articles. For more information, books, articles and presentations see
He is a world expert in Strategy, Marketing, Technology, Tourism and Hospitality. His research is referenced widely, and Professor Dimitrios Buhalis was recognised as a Highly Cited Researcher 2020, 2021 and 2022 by Clarivate™. The Highly Cited Researchers list identifies researchers who produced multiple papers ranking in the top 1% by citations for their chosen field or fields and year of publication, demonstrating significant influence among their peers. He is the 2nd most cited for tourism, 1st most cited for hospitality, 10th on strategy, and 29th in Marketing on Google Scholar with more than 79000 citations and h-index 120.
Professor Buhalis features in the Stanford University’s database of the world’s top 2% of scientists and was ranked #859 (for 2022) and #6465 (throughout his career) in the world, out of 204,644 researchers in all disciplines Using Scopus Data. He was also ranked #4 (for 2022) #7 (throughout his career) out of 182 researchers with Sport, Leisure & Tourism as their first discipline. The AD Scientific Index 2023 ranked Professor Buhalis on the top 0.3% for the last five years citations and the 0.5% of all citations as well as #5 in the world for strategic management. He is recognised as a Business and Management UK Leader in 2024 and ranked as the 5th in the UK and 42 Business and Management Scientists in the world by The new AD Scientific Index 2024 ranks Professor Buhalis #1 for Business and Management in the UK and #5 in Europe and #39 in the World as well as #1 in Europe and #5 in the World for strategic management. Dimitrios' current research focus includes: Artificial Intelligence, Metaverse, Real-Time and Nowness, Smart Tourism and Smart Hospitality, Social Media Context and Mobile Marketing (SoCoMo), Augmented Reality, Technology-enhanced Experience Management and Personalisation, Reputation and Social Media Strategies, Accessibility and Special Diet (Allergens) Tourism. Professor Buhalis is a well-known international speaker on trends, technology, marketing, tourism and Hospitality and works closely with the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO). Professor Buhalis is an inspirational forward thinker that undertakes cutting-edge research, develops innovations and makes a major impact on global society. He works closely with the international tourism industry and is supporting tourism and hospitality organisations around the world with strategic marketing innovations using cutting-edge technologies.
Dimitrios is a Founding Member and past President (2010-2014) of the International Federation for Information Technologies in Travel and Tourism (IFITT). He served as the First Vice President of the International Academy for the Study of Tourism (2017-2019). He also served as Vice President and Executive Board Member of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) Affiliate Members for the periods 2013-2015 and 2017-2019.
Professor Dimitrios Buhalis is a Strategic Management and Marketing expert with specialisation in Information Communication Technology applications in the Tourism, Travel, Hospitality and Leisure industries. Dimitrios is researching, lecturing, advising and facilitating progress in organisations globally, whilst his books and publications are studied widely by both students and professionals around the world. Dimitrios current research focus includes: Real-Time and Nowness, Smart Tourism and Smart Hospitality, Social Media Context and Mobile Marketing (SoCoMo), Augmented Reality, Technology-enhanced Experience Management and Personalisation, Reputation and Social Media Strategies, Accessibility and Special Diet (Allergens) Tourism.
Professor Buhalis has written and co-edited more than 20 books and 250 scientific articles. He has written or co-edited a total of about 20 books, including Tourism Business Frontiers and Tourism Management Dynamics published by Elsevier, eTourism: Strategic Information Technology for Tourism published by Pearson (Prentice Hall/Financial Times) and Tourism Distribution Channels (Thomson), Managing alliances in the global hospitality and tourism industry, Accessible Tourism, European Tourism Planning as well as a series of three books on IT and Tourism. He is currently working on four new books. He is the Editor in Chief of Tourism Review the most established Journal in Tourism: Tourism Review, now and SSCI Journal in its 75th volume... He is also the Editor in Chief of the Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing
His research is referenced widely, being the 2nd most cited for tourism and 1st most cited for hospitality 18th on strategy and 30th in Marketing on Google Scholar with more than 46500 citations and h-index 91.
Professor Dimitrios Buhalis was recognised as a Highly Cited Researcher 2020 by Clarivate™. Dimitrios was also ranked #1976 (for 2019) [Table 7] and #14403 (through his career) [Table 6] in the world, out of 161442 researchers in all disciplines; and #5 (for 2019) #8 (through his career) out of 132 amongst researchers with Sport, Leisure & Tourism as their first discipline in the Baas, et al (2020)
Professor Buhalis is an inspirational forward thinker that undertakes cutting edge research, develops innovations and makes a major impact on global society. He works closely with the international tourism industry and is supporting tourism and hospitality organisations around the world with strategic marketing innovations using cutting edge technologies. His close collaborations with industry, governments and international organisations ensure that his conclusions have the utmost relevance and impact on the real world whilst constantly pushing the boundaries of knowledge and academic excellence. Professor Dimitrios Buhalis is a renown international speaker and conference facilitator. He frequently delivers keynote presentations, speeches, seminars and workshops in both academic and professional conferences globally.
moreDimitrios' current research focus includes: Real-Time and Nowness, Smart Tourism and Smart Hospitality, Social Media Context and Mobile Marketing (SoCoMo), Augmented Reality, Technology-enhanced Experience Management and Personalisation, Reputation and Social Media Strategies, Accessibility and Special Diet (Allergens) Tourism.
- Buhalis, D., O’Connor, P. and Leung, R., 2023. Smart hospitality: from smart cities and smart tourism towards agile business ecosystems in networked destinations. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35 (1), 369-393.
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:
Decent work and economic growth
"Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all"
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
"Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation"
Partnership for the Goals
"Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development"
Journal Articles
- Lo, A., Huang, Z., Buhalis, D., Thomas, N. and Pang, J.M., 2025. Mapping the landscape of employer value propositions in Asian hotels through online job postings analysis. Tourism Management, 110, 105184.
- Assiouras, I., Laserer, C. and Buhalis, D., 2025. The evolution of artificial empathy in the hospitality metaverse era. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 126.
- Huang, F., Tse, W.T.S., Wu, Z. and Buhalis, D., 2025. Attributes influencing peer-to-peer accommodation performance: Classification and the future pathways. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 126.
- Rainoldi, M., Ladkin, A. and Buhalis, D., 2025. Digital nomads' work-leisure management practices. Annals of Tourism Research, 111.
- Fan, D.X.F., Buhalis, D., Fragkaki, E. and Tsai, Y.R., 2025. Achieving Senior Tourists’ Active Aging Through Value Co–creation: A Customer-Dominant Logic Perspective. Journal of Travel Research, 64 (2), 427-443.
- Buhalis, D., 2025. 80 years of tourism review – transformative and regenerative power of smart tourism. Tourism Review, 80 (1), 1-7.
- Kılıçarslan, Ö., Yozukmaz, N., Albayrak, T. and Buhalis, D., 2025. The impacts of Metaverse on tourist behaviour and marketing implications. Current Issues in Tourism, 28 (4), 622-642.
- Choubey, V., Chakraborty, D., Sharma, A., Khorana, S. and Buhalis, D., 2025. Metaverse in tourism: tourist involvement as a moderator. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 30 (1), 1-26.
- Vasil, M., Chopdar, P.K., Das, S.S. and Buhalis, D., 2025. Value co-destruction behavior in peer-to-peer accommodation: evidence of dark triad, moral disengagement, and host incivility. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management.
- Saputra, F.E., Buhalis, D., Augustyn, M.M. and Marangos, S., 2024. Anthropomorphism-based artificial intelligence (AI) robots typology in hospitality and tourism. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 15 (5), 790-807.
- Leung, X.Y., Buhalis, D. and Viglia, G., 2024. Immersive Advertising through Co-Creation: Lessons from the Visitor Economy How to Enhance Experiential Competitiveness With an “Attract, Convert, and Delight” Strategy. Journal of Advertising Research, 64 (3), 319-334.
- Sigala, M., Buhalis, D. et al., 2024. Understanding the impact of ChatGPT on tourism and hospitality: Trends, prospects and research agenda. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 60, 384-390.
- Buhalis, D. and Ivanov, S., 2024. Foreword. New Technologies in Virtual and Hybrid Events, ix-xi.
- Vasil M, M., Chopdar, P.K., Buhalis, D. and Das, S.S., 2024. Value co-creation in the sharing economy: Revisiting the past to inform future. Psychology and Marketing, 41 (7), 1443-1468.
- Guo, Q., Shen, H., Fan, D.X.F. and Buhalis, D., 2024. CSR influence on job performance: the roles of psychological needs fulfillment and organizational identification among tourism firms. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 36 (5), 1665-1689.
- Buhalis, D., Efthymiou, L., Uzunboylu, N. and Thrassou, A., 2024. Charting the progress of technology adoption in tourism and hospitality in the era of industry 4.0. EuroMed Journal of Business, 19 (1), 1-20.
- Zhou, L., Buhalis, D., Fan, D.X.F., Ladkin, A. and Lian, X., 2024. Attracting digital nomads: Smart destination strategies, innovation and competitiveness. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 31.
- Assiouras, I., Giannopoulos, A., Mavragani, E. and Buhalis, D., 2024. Virtual reality and mental imagery towards travel inspiration and visit intention. International Journal of Tourism Research, 26 (2).
- Pizam, A., Buhalis, D. et al., 2024. The role of perceived risk and information security on customers' acceptance of service robots in the hotel industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 117.
- Rubio-Escuderos, L., García-Andreu, H., Michopoulou, E. and Buhalis, D., 2024. Perspectives on experiences of tourists with disabilities: implications for their daily lives and for the tourist industry. Tourism Recreation Research, 49 (1), 48-62.
- Rainoldi, M., Ladkin, A. and Buhalis, D., 2024. Blending work and leisure: a future digital worker hybrid lifestyle perspective. Annals of Leisure Research, 27 (2), 215-235.
- Pereira, T., Limberger, P.F., Minasi, S.M. and Buhalis, D., 2024. New Insights into Consumers’ Intention to Continue Using Chatbots in the Tourism Context. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism, 25 (4), 754-780.
- Bulchand-Gidumal, J., William Secin, E., O’Connor, P. and Buhalis, D., 2024. Artificial intelligence’s impact on hospitality and tourism marketing: exploring key themes and addressing challenges. Current Issues in Tourism, 27 (14), 2345-2362.
- Zhu, C., Fong, L.H.N., Li, X., Buhalis, D. and Chen, H., 2024. Short video marketing in tourism: Telepresence, celebrity attachment, and travel intention. International Journal of Tourism Research, 26 (1).
- Assiouras, I., Vallström, N., Skourtis, G. and Buhalis, D., 2024. Exploring how interaction leads to value co-creation, value co-destruction, and value no-creation during service mega-disruptions. Current Issues in Tourism, 27 (20), 3231-3248.
- Rasul, T., Santini, F.D.O., Lim, W.M., Buhalis, D., Ramkissoon, H., Ladeira, W.J., Pinto, D.C. and Azhar, M., 2024. Tourist engagement: Toward an integrated framework using meta-analysis. Journal of Vacation Marketing.
- Kitchen, P.J., 2024. Encyclopedia of tourism management and marketing. JOURNAL OF MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS, 30 (4), 529.
- Assiouras, I., Giannopoulos, A., Mavragani, E. and Buhalis, D., 2024. Virtual reality facilitated travel inspiration: the role of pleasure and arousal. Current Issues in Tourism.
- Shen, H., Hu, Y., Fan, D.X.F. and Buhalis, D., 2024. Rural Homestay Experiencescape: Scale Development and Its Emotional and Cognitive Paths to Guest Engagement Behavior. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research.
- Ozturk, A.B., Buhalis, D. et al., 2023. Hotel customers’ behavioral intentions toward service robots: the role of utilitarian and hedonic values. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 14 (5), 780-801.
- Buhalis, D. and Chan, J., 2023. Traveling with pets: designing hospitality services for pet owners/parents and hotel guests. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35 (12), 4217-4237.
- Sowmya, G., Chakraborty, D., Polisetty, A., Khorana, S. and Buhalis, D., 2023. Use of metaverse in socializing: Application of the big five personality traits framework. Psychology and Marketing, 40 (10), 2132-2150.
- Ferreira, J.J., Teixeira, S.J., Shi, F., Wanke, P. and Buhalis, D., 2023. Guest editorial: Tourism and hospitality economics at times of crisis. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 6 (4), 1441-1446.
- Buhalis, D., Leung, D. and Lin, M., 2023. Metaverse as a disruptive technology revolutionising tourism management and marketing. Tourism Management, 97.
- Dwivedi, Y.K., Buhalis, D. et al., 2023. “So what if ChatGPT wrote it?” Multidisciplinary perspectives on opportunities, challenges and implications of generative conversational AI for research, practice and policy. International Journal of Information Management, 71.
- Dwivedi, Y.K., Buhalis, D. et al., 2023. Opinion Paper: "So what if ChatGPT wrote it?" Multidisciplinary perspectives on opportunities, challenges and implications of generative conversational AI for research, practice and policy. Int. J. Inf. Manag., 71, 102642.
- Boukis, A., Koritos, C., Papastathopoulos, A. and Buhalis, D., 2023. Customer incivility as an identity threat for frontline employees: The mitigating role of organizational rewards. Annals of Tourism Research, 100.
- Buhalis, D., Leung, X.Y., Fan, D., Darcy, S., Chen, G., Xu, F., Wei-Han Tan, G., Nunkoo, R. and Farmaki, A., 2023. Editorial. Tourism Review, 78 (2), 293-313.
- Dwivedi, Y.K., Buhalis, D. et al., 2023. Metaverse marketing: How the metaverse will shape the future of consumer research and practice. Psychology and Marketing, 40 (4), 750-776.
- Shang, K., Fan, D.X.F. and Buhalis, D., 2023. Tour guides’ self-efficacy and resilience capability building through sharing economy platforms. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35 (4), 1562-1583.
- Buhalis, D., Lin, M.S. and Leung, D., 2023. Metaverse as a driver for customer experience and value co-creation: implications for hospitality and tourism management and marketing. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35 (2), 701-716.
- Buhalis, D., O’Connor, P. and Leung, R., 2023. Smart hospitality: from smart cities and smart tourism towards agile business ecosystems in networked destinations. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35 (1), 369-393.
- Assiouras, I., Skourtis, G., Giannopoulos, A., Buhalis, D. and Karaosmanoglu, E., 2023. Testing the relationship between value co-creation, perceived justice and guests’ enjoyment. Current Issues in Tourism, 26 (4), 587-602.
- Koohang, A., Buhalis, D. et al., 2023. Shaping the Metaverse into Reality: A Holistic Multidisciplinary Understanding of Opportunities, Challenges, and Avenues for Future Investigation. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 63 (3), 735-765.
- Johnson, A.G. and Buhalis, D., 2023. Legitimacy in co-creating tourism value through customer-to-customer (C2C) online travel communities. Tourism Recreation Research.
- Morrison, A.M. and Buhalis, D., 2023. Introduction. Routledge Handbook of Trends and Issues in Tourism Sustainability, Planning and Development, Management, and Technology, xxx-xxxiii.
- Morrison, A.M. and Buhalis, D., 2023. Introduction. Routledge Handbook of Trends and Issues in Global Tourism Supply and Demand, 1-4.
- Williams, N.L., Ivanov, S. and Buhalis, D., 2023. Algorithmic Ghost in the Research Shell: Large Language Models and Academic Knowledge Creation in Management Research. CoRR, abs/2303.07304.
- Assiouras, I., Vallström, N., Skourtis, G. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Value propositions during service mega-disruptions: Exploring value co-creation and value co-destruction in service recovery. Annals of Tourism Research, 97.
- Johnson, A.G. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Solidarity during times of crisis through co-creation. Annals of Tourism Research, 97.
- Dwivedi, Y.K., Buhalis, D. et al., 2022. Metaverse beyond the hype: Multidisciplinary perspectives on emerging challenges, opportunities, and agenda for research, practice and policy. International Journal of Information Management, 66.
- Shen, H., Zhao, C., Fan, D.X.F. and Buhalis, D., 2022. The effect of hotel livestreaming on viewers’ purchase intention: Exploring the role of parasocial interaction and emotional engagement. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 107.
- Zhu, C., Hoc Nang Fong, L., Gao, H., Buhalis, D. and Shang, Z., 2022. How does celebrity involvement influence travel intention? The case of promoting Chengdu on TikTok. Information Technology and Tourism, 24 (3), 389-407.
- Tomczyk, A.T., Buhalis, D., Fan, D.X.F. and Williams, N.L., 2022. Price-personalization: Customer typology based on hospitality business. Journal of Business Research, 147, 462-476.
- Buhalis, D., Papathanassis, A. and Vafeidou, M., 2022. Smart cruising: smart technology applications and their diffusion in cruise tourism. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 13 (4), 626-649.
- Buhalis, D. and Moldavska, I., 2022. Voice assistants in hospitality: using artificial intelligence for customer service. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 13 (3), 386-403.
- Pizam, A., Buhalis, D. et al., 2022. Factors affecting hotel managers’ intentions to adopt robotic technologies: A global study. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 102.
- Bethune, E., Buhalis, D. and Miles, L., 2022. Real time response (RTR): Conceptualizing a smart systems approach to destination resilience. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 23.
- O’ Regan, M., Salazar, N.B., Choe, J. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Unpacking overtourism as a discursive formation through interdiscursivity. Tourism Review, 77 (1), 54-71.
- O'Sullivan, H. and Ngugi, I., 2022. Marketing mix. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing.
- Zhang, H., Huang, R., Zhang, Y. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Cultural ecosystem services evaluation using geolocated social media data: a review. Tourism Geographies, 24 (4-5), 646-668.
- Stoyanova-Bozhkova, S., Paskova, T. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Emotional intelligence: a competitive advantage for tourism and hospitality managers. Tourism Recreation Research, 47 (4), 359-371.
- Şengel, Ü., Genç, G., Işkın, M., Çevrimkaya, M., Assiouras, I., Zengin, B., Sarıışık, M. and Buhalis, D., 2022. The impacts of negative problem orientation on perceived risk and travel intention in the context of COVID-19: a PLS-SEM approach. Journal of Tourism Futures.
- La, L., Xu, F. and Buhalis, D., 2021. Knowledge mapping of sharing accommodation: A bibliometric analysis. Tourism Management Perspectives, 40.
- Stylos, N., Zwiegelaar, J. and Buhalis, D., 2021. Big data empowered agility for dynamic, volatile, and time-sensitive service industries: the case of tourism sector. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33 (3), 1015-1036.
- Buhalis, D. and Volchek, K., 2021. Bridging marketing theory and big data analytics: The taxonomy of marketing attribution. International Journal of Information Management, 56.
- Buhalis, D. and Park, S., 2021. Guest editorial. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 30 (1), 1-11.
- Garrod, B., Saarinen, J., Moreno-Gil, S., Stepchenkova, S., Buhalis, D., Fyall, A., Jamal, T. and Pennington-Gray, L., 2020. Taking a Road Less Travelled: Welcome to Tourism and Hospitality. Tourism and Hospitality, 1 (1).
- Kallmuenzer, A., Peters, M. and Buhalis, D., 2020. The role of family firm image perception in host-guest value co-creation of hospitality firms. Current Issues in Tourism, 23 (19), 2410-2427.
- de Souza, J., Mendes-Filho, L. and Buhalis, D., 2020. Evaluating the effectiveness of tourist advertising to improve the competitiveness of destinations. Tourism Economics, 26 (6), 1001-1020.
- Buhalis, D., Andreu, L. and Gnoth, J., 2020. The dark side of the sharing economy: Balancing value co-creation and value co-destruction. Psychology and Marketing, 37 (5), 689-704.
- Brown, L., Buhalis, D. and Beer, S., 2020. Dining alone: improving the experience of solo restaurant goers. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32 (3), 1347-1365.
- Buhalis, D., Parra López, E. and Martinez-Gonzalez, J.A., 2020. Influence of young consumers’ external and internal variables on their e-loyalty to tourism sites. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 15.
- Laesser, C., Bieger, T., Pechlaner, H., Keller, P. and Buhalis, D., 2020. 75 years of Tourism Review: survival by transformation: a perspective article. Tourism Review, 75 (1), 4-7.
- Buhalis, D., 2020. Technology in tourism-from information communication technologies to eTourism and smart tourism towards ambient intelligence tourism: a perspective article. Tourism Review, 75 (1), 267-272.
- Buhalis, D., 2020. Guest editorial. Tourism Review, 75 (1), 1-3.
- Anagnostopoulou, S.C., Buhalis, D., Kountouri, I.L., Manousakis, E.G. and Tsekrekos, A.E., 2020. The impact of online reputation on hotel profitability. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32 (1), 20-39.
- Stamolampros, P., Korfiatis, N., Chalvatzis, K. and Buhalis, D., 2020. Harnessing the “wisdom of employees” from online reviews. Annals of Tourism Research, 80.
- Volchek, K., Law, R., Buhalis, D. and Song, H., 2020. Exploring ways to improve personalisation: The influence of tourist context on service perception. e-Review of Tourism Research, 17 (5), 737-752.
- Chan, I.C.C., Ma, J., Law, R., Buhalis, D. and Hatter, R., 2020. Dynamics of hotel website browsing activity: the power of informatics and data analytics. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 121 (6), 1398-1416.
- Can, A.S., Ekinci, Y., Viglia, G. and Buhalis, D., 2020. Stronger Together? Tourists’ Behavioral Responses to Joint Brand Advertising. Journal of Advertising, 49 (5), 525-539.
- Stamolampros, P., Korfiatis, N., Chalvatzis, K. and Buhalis, D., 2019. Job satisfaction and employee turnover determinants in high contact services: Insights from Employees'Online reviews. Tourism Management, 75, 130-147.
- Kozak, M. and Buhalis, D., 2019. Cross–border tourism destination marketing: Prerequisites and critical success factors. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 14.
- Yao, B., Qiu, R.T.R., Fan, D.X.F., Liu, A. and Buhalis, D., 2019. Standing out from the crowd – an exploration of signal attributes of Airbnb listings. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31 (12), 4520-4542.
- Rasoolimanesh, S.M., Law, R., Buhalis, D. and Cobanoglu, C., 2019. Guest editorial. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 10 (4), 481-488.
- Buhalis, D., Harwood, T., Bogicevic, V., Viglia, G., Beldona, S. and Hofacker, C., 2019. Technological disruptions in services: lessons from tourism and hospitality. Journal of Service Management, 30 (4), 484-506.
- Antón, C., Camarero, C., Laguna, M. and Buhalis, D., 2019. Impacts of authenticity, degree of adaptation and cultural contrast on travellers’ memorable gastronomy experiences. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 28 (7), 743-764.
- Rihova, I., Moital, M., Buhalis, D. and Gouthro, M.B., 2019. Practice-based segmentation: taxonomy of C2C co-creation practice segments. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31 (9), 3799-3818.
- Assiouras, I., Skourtis, G., Giannopoulos, A., Buhalis, D. and Koniordos, M., 2019. Value co-creation and customer citizenship behavior. Annals of Tourism Research, 78.
- Fan, D.X.F., Buhalis, D. and Lin, B., 2019. A tourist typology of online and face-to-face social contact: Destination immersion and tourism encapsulation/decapsulation. Annals of Tourism Research, 78.
- Buhalis, D. and Sinarta, Y., 2019. Real-time co-creation and nowness service: lessons from tourism and hospitality. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 36 (5), 563-582.
- Volchek, K., Liu, A., Song, H. and Buhalis, D., 2019. Forecasting tourist arrivals at attractions: Search engine empowered methodologies. Tourism Economics, 25 (3), 425-447.
- Koo, C., Mendes-Filho, L. and Buhalis, D., 2019. Smart tourism and competitive advantage for stakeholders: Guest editorial. Tourism Review, 74 (1), 1-4.
- Koo, C., Mendes-Filho, L. and Buhalis, D., 2019. Guest editorial. Tourism Review, 74 (1), 1-4.
- Peters, M., Kallmuenzer, A. and Buhalis, D., 2019. Hospitality entrepreneurs managing quality of life and business growth. Current Issues in Tourism, 22 (16), 2014-2033.
- Fan, D., Buhalis, D. and Lin, B., 2019. Tourists' online and face-to-face social contact and destination immersion. e-Review of Tourism Research, 16 (2-3), 224-233.
- Volchek, K., Law, R., Buhalis, D. and Song, H., 2019. The Good, the bad, and the ugly: Tourist perceptions on interactions with personalised content. e-Review of Tourism Research, 16 (2-3), 62-72.
- Nannelli, M., Buhalis, D., Franch, M. and Lucia, M.D., 2019. Disruption of the market structure in the tourism and hospitality accommodation service. The impact of the new short-term rental players. e-Review of Tourism Research, 17 (3), 460-474.
- Zhang, H., Chen, W., Zhang, Y., Buhalis, D. and Lu, L., 2018. National park visitors’ car-use intention: A norm-neutralization model. Tourism Management, 69, 97-108.
- Zhang, H., Gordon, S., Buhalis, D. and Ding, X., 2018. Experience Value Cocreation on Destination Online Platforms. Journal of Travel Research, 57 (8), 1093-1107.
- Rihova, I., Buhalis, D., Gouthro, M.B. and Moital, M., 2018. Customer-to-customer co-creation practices in tourism: Lessons from Customer-Dominant logic. Tourism Management, 67, 362-375.
- Zhang, H., Wu, Y. and Buhalis, D., 2018. A model of perceived image, memorable tourism experiences and revisit intention. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 8, 326-336.
- Buhalis, D. and Leung, R., 2018. Smart hospitality—Interconnectivity and interoperability towards an ecosystem. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 71, 41-50.
- Molinillo, S., Liébana-Cabanillas, F., Anaya-Sánchez, R. and Buhalis, D., 2018. DMO online platforms: Image and intention to visit. Tourism Management, 65, 116-130.
- Chrysikou, E., Tziraki, C. and Buhalis, D., 2018. Architectural hybrids for living across the lifespan: lessons from dementia. Service Industries Journal, 38 (1-2), 4-26.
- Brandão, F., Costa, C. and Buhalis, D., 2018. Tourism innovation networks: A regional approach. European Journal of Tourism Research, 18, 33-56.
- Martínez González, J.A., Parra-Lopez, E. and Buhalis, D., 2017. The loyalty of young residents in an island destination: An integrated model. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 6 (4), 444-455.
- Thomaz, G.M., Biz, A.A., Bettoni, E.M., Mendes-Filho, L. and Buhalis, D., 2017. Content mining framework in social media: A FIFA world cup 2014 case analysis. Information and Management, 54 (6), 786-801.
- Xu, F., Buhalis, D. and Weber, J., 2017. Serious games and the gamification of tourism. Tourism Management, 60, 244-256.
- Williams, N.L., Inversini, A., Ferdinand, N. and Buhalis, D., 2017. Destination eWOM: A macro and meso network approach? Annals of Tourism Research, 64, 87-101.
- Tanti, A. and Buhalis, D., 2017. The influences and consequences of being digitally connected and/or disconnected to travellers. Information Technology and Tourism, 17 (1), 121-141.
- Qi, S., Law, R. and Buhalis, D., 2017. Comparative evaluation study of the websites of China-based and international luxury hotels. Journal of China Tourism Research, 13 (1), 1-25.
- Buhalis, D. and Marinakou, E., 2017. Internet Research Methods. TOURISM MANAGEMENT, 63, 12-13.
- Buhalis, D., Kavoura, A. and Cooper, C., 2017. Social media and user-generated content for marketing tourism experiences. Tourismos, 12 (3), x-xvi.
- Boes, K., Buhalis, D. and Inversini, A., 2016. Smart tourism destinations: ecosystems for tourism destination competitiveness. International Journal of Tourism Cities, 2 (2), 108-124.
- Viglia, G., Werthner, H. and Buhalis, D., 2016. Disruptive innovations. Information Technology and Tourism, 16 (4), 327-329.
- Hsu, A.Y.C., King, B., Wang, D. and Buhalis, D., 2016. In-destination tour products and the disrupted tourism industry: progress and prospects. Information Technology and Tourism, 16 (4), 413-433.
- Xu, F., Tian, F., Buhalis, D., Weber, J. and Zhang, H., 2016. Tourists as Mobile Gamers: Gamification for Tourism Marketing. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 33 (8), 1124-1142.
- Ladkin, A. and Buhalis, D., 2016. Online and social media recruitment: Hospitality employer and prospective employee considerations. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28 (2), 327-345.
- Viglia, G., Minazzi, R. and Buhalis, D., 2016. The influence of e-word-of-mouth on hotel occupancy rate. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28 (9), 2035-2051.
- Michopoulou, E., Darcy, S., Ambrose, I. and Buhalis, D., 2015. Accessible tourism futures: the world we dream to live in and the opportunities we hope to have. Journal of Tourism Futures, 1 (3), 179-188.
- Neuhofer, B., Buhalis, D. and Ladkin, A., 2015. Smart technologies for personalized experiences: a case study in the hospitality domain. Electronic Markets – The International Journal of Networked Business, 25 (3), 243-254.
- Rihova, I., Buhalis, D., Moital, L. and Gouthro, M., 2015. Conceptualising customer-to-customer value co-creation in tourism. International Journal of Tourism Research, 17 (7), 356-363.
- Williams, N.L., Inversini, A., Buhalis, D. and Ferdinand, N., 2015. Community crosstalk: an exploratory analysis of destination and festival eWOM on Twitter. Journal of Marketing Management.
- Buhalis, D., 2015. Tourism and Trails: Cultural, Ecological and Management Issues. TOURISM MANAGEMENT, 50, 97.
- Xiang, Z., Tussyadiah, I. and Buhalis, D., 2015. Smart destinations: Foundations, analytics, and applications. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management.
- Mistilis, N., Buhalis, D. and Gretzel, U., 2014. Future eDestination Marketing: Perspective of an Australian Tourism Stakeholder Network. Journal of Travel Research, 53 (6), 778-790.
- Buhalis, D. and Foerste, M., 2014. SoCoMo marketing for travel and tourism: Empowering co-creation of value. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management.
- Buhalis, D., Rihova, I., Moital, M. and Gouthro, M.-B., 2014. Conceptualising customer-to-customer co-creation in socially dense tourism contexts. International Journal of Tourism Research.
- Mariani, M.M., Buhalis, D., Longhi, C. and Vitouladiti, O., 2014. Managing change in tourism destinations: Key issues and current trends. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 2 (4), 269-272.
- Neuhofer, B., Buhalis, D. and Ladkin, A., 2014. A Typology of Technology-Enhanced Tourism Experiences. International Journal of Tourism Research, 16 (4), 340-350.
- Law, R., Buhalis, D. and Cobanoglu, C., 2014. Progress on information and communication technologies in hospitality and tourism. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT, 26 (5), 727-750.
- Michopoulou, E. and Buhalis, D., 2013. Information provision for challenging markets: The case of the accessibility requiring market in the context of tourism. Information and Management, 50 (5), 229-239.
- Hays, S., Page, S.J. and Buhalis, D., 2013. Social media as a destination marketing tool: Its use by national tourism organisations. Current Issues in Tourism, 16 (3), 211-239.
- Rihova, I., Buhalis, D., Moital, L. and Gouthro, M., 2013. Social layers of customer-to-customer value co-creation. Journal of Service Management, 24 (5), 553-655.
- Leung, D., Law, R., van Hoof, H. and Buhalis, D., 2013. Social Media in Tourism and Hospitality: A Literature Review. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 30 (1-2), 3-22.
- Buhalis, D. and Wagner, R., 2013. eDestination: International best practices of tourism technologies and application. Tourism Tribune, 28 (1), 3-6.
- Buhalis, D. and Zhang, L., 2013. Interdisciplinary research on information science and tourism: A systematic review. Tourism Tribune, 28 (1), 114-128.
- Buhalis, D., Au, N. and Law, R., 2013. Online Complaining Behavior for Mainland China Hotels: The Perception of Chinese and Non-Chinese Customers. International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration.
- Buhalis, D., Qi, S. and Law, R., 2013. Who booked five-star hotels in Macau? A study of hotel guests’ online booking attention. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management.
- Buhalis, D., Qi, S. and Law, R., 2013. A Modified Fuzzy Hierarchical TOPSIS Model for Hotel Website Evaluation. International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications.
- Buhalis, D., Yovcheva, Z., Gatzidis, C. and van Elzakker, C., 2013. Empirical evaluation of smartphone Augmented Reality browsers in an urban tourism destination context. Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction.
- Frías, D.M., Rodríguez, M.A., Alberto Castañeda, J., Sabiote, C.M. and Buhalis, D., 2012. The Formation of a Tourist Destination's Image via Information Sources: The Moderating Effect of Culture. International Journal of Tourism Research, 14 (5), 437-450.
- Spencer, A.J., Buhalis, D. and Moital, M., 2012. A hierarchical model of technology adoption for small owner-managed travel firms: An organizational decision-making and leadership perspective. Tourism Management, 33, 1195-1208.
- Frías, D.M., Rodríguez, M.A., Castañeda, J.A., Sabiote, C.M. and Buhalis, D., 2012. The formation of a tourist destination's image via information sources: the moderating effect of culture. International Journal of Tourism Research.
- Hays, S., Page, S. and Buhalis, D., 2012. Social media as a destination marketing tool: An exploratory study of the use of social media among National Tourism Organisations. Current Issues in Tourism.
- Mistilis, N. and Buhalis, D., 2012. Challenges and potential of the Semantic Web for tourism. e-Review of Tourism Research (eRTR), 10.
- Yovcheva, Z., Buhalis, D. and Gatzidis, C., 2012. Overview of Smartphone Augmented Reality Applications for Tourism. e-Review of Tourism Research (eRTR), 10, 63-66.
- Neuhofer, B., Buhalis, D. and Ladkin, A., 2012. Conceptualising technology enhanced destination experiences. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 1 (1-2), 36-46.
- Buhalis, D., Frias, D.M., Rodriguez, M.A., Castaneda, J.A. and Sabiote, C.M., 2012. Tourism destination image formation through of information sources: The moderating effect of culture. International Journal of Tourism Research, 14, 437-450.
- Buhalis, D., Li, L. and Gray, D., 2012. Learning about Managing the Business in the Hospitality Industry. Human Resource Development Quarterly.
- Buhalis, D. and Yazici-Malkoclar, S., 2011. From reservation system to lifestyle portal. , 89-101.
- Egger, R. and Buhalis, D., 2011. eTourism case studies: Management and marketing issues. eTourism Case Studies: Management and Narketing Issues, 1-477.
- Buhalis, D. and Egger, R., 2011. Intermediaries. , 83-87.
- Zoge, M. and Buhalis, D., 2011. British airways: Customer enabled interactivity. , 269-281.
- Buhalis, D., Leung, D. and Law, R., 2011. ETourism: Critical information and communication technologies for tourism destinations. , 205-224.
- Buhalis, D. and Michopoulou, E., 2011. Information-Enabled Tourism Destination Marketing: Addressing the Accessibility Market, Current Issues in Tourism. Current Issues in Tourism, 14, 145-168.
- Fotis, J., Buhalis, D. and Rossides, N., 2011. Social Media Impact on Holiday Travel Planning: The Case of the Russian and the FSU Markets. International Journal of Online Marketing, 1, 1-19.
- Fotis, J., Buhalis, D. and Rossides, N., 2011. Social media impact on holiday travel: The case of the Russian and the FSU markets. International Journal of Online Marketing, 1(4), 1-19.
- Qi, S., Leung, R., Law, R. and Buhalis, D., 2011. A Longitudinal Study of Consumer Perceptions of Travel Website Success Factors in Hong Kong. FIU Hospitality Review, 29, 48-63.
- Paraskevas, A., Katsogridakis, I., Law, R. and Buhalis, D., 2011. Search Engine Marketing: Transforming Search Engines to Hotel Distribution Channels. The Cornell Hotel Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 52(2), 200-208.
- Buhalis, D., Qi, S. and Law, R., 2011. Motivations for Visiting Hotel Websites: Chinese versus International Consumers. Journal of Travel and Tourism Research, 136-147.
- Buhalis, D. and Matloka, J., 2011. Impulsar la comercializacion electronica de destinos turisticos con la personalizacion de contenidos: La economia de las colas largas. Estudios Turísticos, 189, 9-35.
- Egger, R. and Buhalis, D., 2011. Mobile systems. , 417-425.
- Egger, R. and Buhalis, D., 2011. Hospitality. , 5-13.
- Egger, R. and Buhalis, D., 2011. Destinations. , 175-179.
- Egger, R. and Buhalis, D., 2011. Transportation. , 263-268.
- Egger, R. and Buhalis, D., 2011. Information communication technology systems. , 327-331.
- Brás, J.M., Costa, C. and Buhalis, D., 2010. Network analysis and wine routes: The case of the Bairrada Wine Route. Service Industries Journal, 30 (10), 1621-1641.
- Law, R., Qi, S. and Buhalis, D., 2010. A review of website evaluation in tourism research. Tourism Management, 31, 297-313.
- Minghetti, V. and Buhalis, D., 2010. Digital divide in tourism. Journal of Travel Research, 49, 267-281.
- Qi, S., Law, R. and Buhalis, D., 2010. A Comparison of Chinese and International Online User Perceptions of the Usefulness of Hotel Websites. Information Technology & Tourism, 11.
- Paraskevas, A., Katsogridakis, I., Law, R. and Buhalis, D., 2010. Search Engine Marketing: Transforming Search Engines to Hotel Distribution Channels. The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly.
- Law, R., Leung, R. and Buhalis, D., 2010. An Analysis of Academic Leadership in Hospitality and Tourism Journals. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research.
- Buhalis, D. and Michopoulou, E., 2010. Information-Enabled Tourism Destination Marketing: Addressing the Accessibility Market. Current Issues in Tourism.
- Brás, J.M., Costa, C. and Buhalis, D., 2010. Networks analysis and wine routes: the case of the Bairrada wine route. The Service Industries Journal, 30, 1-21.
- Inversini, A., Cantoni, L. and Buhalis, D., 2010. Destinations Information Competitors and Web Reputation. Information Technology & Tourism, 11, 221-234.
- Law, R., Qi, S. and Buhalis, D., 2010. Progress in tourism management: A review of website evaluation in tourism research. Tourism Management, 31, 297-313.
- Law, R., Leung, R. and Buhalis, D., 2010. An Analysis of Academic Leadership in Hospitality and Tourism Journals. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 34, 455-477.
- Buhalis, D., 2010. Digital Divide and Tourism: Bridging the gap between markets and destinations. Journal of Travel Research, 20 (10), 1-15.
- Peters, M., Frehse, J. and Buhalis, D., 2009. The importance of Lifestyle entrepreneurship: A conceptual study of the tourism industry. PASOS. Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural, 7, 393-405.
- Buhalis, D. and Murphy, H., 2009. Information Communication Technologies (ICTs), entrepreneurship and SMTEs. , 287-300.
- Law, R., Leung, R. and Buhalis, D., 2009. Information Technology Applications in Hospitality and Tourism: A Review of Publications from 2005 to 2007. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 26, 599-623.
- Parra Lopez, E., Buhalis, D. and Fyall, A., 2009. Editorial: Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Tourism. PASOS. Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural, 7, 355-357.
- Buhalis, D. and Kaldis, K., 2008. eEnabled internet distribution for small and medium sized hotels: the case of hospitality SMEs in Athens. Tourism Recreation Research, 33.
- Michopoulou, E. and Buhalis, D., 2008. Performance measures of net-enabled hypercompetitive industries: the case of tourism. International Journal of Information Management, 28, 168-180.
- Buhalis, D. and Law, R., 2008. Progress in information technology and tourism management: 20 years on and 10 years after the Internet—The state of eTourism research. Tourism Management, 29, 609-623.
- Eichhorn, V., Miller, G., Michopoulou, E. and Buhalis, D., 2008. Enabling Access to Tourism Through Information Schemes. Annals of Tourism Research, 35, 189-210.
- Chung, J. and Buhalis, D., 2008. Information needs in online social networks. Information Technology & Tourism, 10, 267-281.
- Li, L. and Buhalis, D., 2008. Influential Factors of Internet Users Booking Online in China's Domestic Tourism. Journal of China Tourism Research, 4, 172-188.
- Qi, S., Law, R. and Buhalis, D., 2008. Usability of Chinese Destination Management Organization Websites. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 25, 182-198.
- Buhalis, D. and Law, R., 2008. Progress in tourism management: twenty years on and ten years after the internet: the state of eTourism research. Tourism Management, 29, 609-623.
- Buhalis, D., 2008. Planning Research in Hospitality and Tourism. TOURISM MANAGEMENT, 29 (6), 1240-1241.
- Eichhorn, V., Miller, G., Michopoulou, E. and Buhalis, D., 2008. ENABLING ACCESS TO TOURISM THROUGH INFORMATION SCHEMES? Annals of Tourism Research, 35 (1).
- Buhalis, D. and Kaldis, K., 2008. eEnabled Internet Distribution for Small and Medium Sized Hotels: The Case of Athens. Tourism Recreation Research, 33 (1), 67-81.
- Buhalis, D., 2007. Foreword. Information and Communication Technologies in Support of the Tourism Industry.
- Niininen, O., Buhalis, D. and March, R., 2007. Customer empowerment in tourism through Consumer Centric Marketing (CCM). Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 10, 265-281.
- Li, L., Buhalis, D., Lockwood, A. and Benzine, K., 2007. The use of e-learning in training in the UK hospitality industry: An exploratory study. ECEL 2007: 6th European Conference on e-Learning, 391-398.
- Costa, C. and Buhalis, D., 2006. Introduction. Tourism Management Dynamics: Trends, Management and Tools, 1-5.
- Buhalis, D., Owen, R. and Pletinckx, D., 2006. Information communication technology applications for World Heritage Site management. , 125-144.
- Buckberg, G.D., 2006. Stonehenge and the heart: similar construction. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg, 29 Suppl 1, S286-S290.
- Li, L. and Buhalis, D., 2006. E-Commerce in China: The Case of Travel. International Journal of Information Management, 26, 153-166.
- Costa, C. and Buhalis, D., 2005. Conclusion: Tourism futures. , 241-246.
- Buhalis, D. and Costa, C., 2005. Preface. Tourism Business Frontiers: Consumers, Products and Industry.
- Buhalis, D. and O'Connor, P., 2005. Information Communication Technology Revolutionizing Tourism. Tourism Recreation Research, 30, 7-16.
- Peters, M. and Buhalis, D., 2004. Family hotel businesses: Strategic planning and the need for education and training. Education + Training, 46, 406-415.
- Peters, M. and Buhalis, D., 2004. Small Family Hotel Businesses: The Need for Education and Training. Journal of Education and Training, 46, 406-416.
- Buhalis, D. and Deimezi, R., 2004. eTourism Developments in Greece. International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 5, 103-130.
- Buhalis, D., 2004. eAirlines: Strategic and Tactical use of ICTs in the Airline Industry. Information & Management, 41, 805-825.
- Bastakis, C., Buhalis, D. and Butler, R., 2004. The Perception of Small and Medium Sized Tourism Accommodation Providers on the Impacts of the Tour Operators' Power in Eastern Mediterranean. Tourism Management, 25, 151-170.
- Buhalis, D. and Deimezi, O., 2004. E-Tourism Developments in Greece: Information Communication Technologies Adoption for the Strategic Management of the Greek Tourism Industry. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 5 (2), 103-130.
- Buhalis, D. and Deimezi, O., 2003. Information Technology Penetration and E-commerce Developments in Greece, With a Focus on Small to Medium-sized Enterprises. Electronic Markets, 13, 309-324.
- Collins, C., Buhalis, D. and Peters, M., 2003. Enhancing SMTEs business performance through eLearning platforms. Journal of Education and Training, 45, 483-494.
- Ma, J.X., Buhalis, D. and Song, H., 2003. ICTs and Internet Adoption in China's Tourism Industry. International Journal of Information Management, 23, 451-476.
- Buhalis, D. and Molinaroli, E., 2003. Entrepreneurial Networks in the Italian eTourism. Information Technology & Tourism, 5, 175-184.
- Bennett, M. and Buhalis, D., 2003. The Future for Internet Travel Distribution: The Travel Agent Perspective. Insights, D, 25-30.
- Paraskevas, A. and Buhalis, D., 2002. Outsourcing IT for Small Hotels: The Opportunities and Challenges of Using Application Service Providers. The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 43, 27-39.
- Buhalis, D., 2002. Information Technology and Tourism: Trends and Developments. Estudis de Turisme de Catalunya, 6, 21-26.
- Buhalis, D., Fotiou, S. and Vereczi, G., 2002. Sustainable Development of Ecotourism in Small Islands Developing States (SIDS) and Other Small Islands. International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 4, 79-89.
- Buhalis, D. and Licata, M.C., 2002. The Future eTourism Intermediaries. Tourism Management, 23, 207-220.
- Buhalis, D. and Molinaroli, E., 2002. Entrepreneurial Networks and Supply Communities in the Italian eTourism. J. Inf. Technol. Tour., 5, 175-184.
- Buhalis, D., 2001. Tourism in Greece: Strategic Analysis and Challenges. Current Issues in Tourism, 4, 440-480.
- Buhalis, D., 2001. A New Era in Information Technology for Tourism. Turistica Trimestrale di Economia-Management-Marketing, 10, 83-96.
- Buhalis, D. and Minghetti, V., 2001. Introduction: Information Communication Technologies, Tourism, Culture and Art. Information Technology & Tourism, 4, 75-76.
- Buhalis, D. and Spada, A., 2000. Destination Management Systems: Criteria for Success - An Exploratory Research. J. Inf. Technol. Tour., 3, 41-58.
- Buhalis, D., 2000. Marketing the competitive destination of the future. Tourism Management, 21 (1), 97-116.
- Buhalis, D., 2000. Tourism and information technologies: Past, present and future. Tourism Recreation Research, 25 (1), 41-58.
- Buhalis, D., 2000. Relationships in the distribution channel of tourism conflicts between hoteliers and tour operators in the mediterranean region. International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration, 1 (1), 113-139.
- Crotts, J.C., Buhalis, D. and March, R., 2000. Introduction: Global alliances in tourism and hospitality management. International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration, 1 (1), 1-10.
- Buhalis, D., 1999. Information Technology for Small and Medium-Sized Tourism Enterprises: Adaptation and Benefits. J. Inf. Technol. Tour., 2, 79-95.
- Buhalis, D., 1999. 'Agenda 2010: For small businesses in the world's longest industry - A growing contribution to European tourism.' Llandudno, Wales 20-22 May 98. Tourism Management, 20 (3), 369-370.
- Buhalis, D., 1999. Limits of tourism development in peripheral destinations: problems and challenges. TOURISM MANAGEMENT, 20 (2), 183-185.
- Buhalis, D. and Main, H., 1998. Information technology in peripheral small and medium hospitality enterprises: Strategic analysis and critical factors. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 10 (5), 198-202.
- Buhalis, D., 1998. Tourism in the mediterranean: Challenges and Opportunities. Tourism Recreation Research, 23 (1), 90-91.
- Buhalis, D., Jafari, J. and Werthner, H., 1997. Information technology and the reengineering of tourism. ANNALS OF TOURISM RESEARCH, 24 (1), 245-247.
- Buhalis, D., 1996. Enhancing the Competitiveness of Small and Medium-Sized Tourism Enterprises. Electron. Mark., 6, 1-6.
- Buhalis, D., 1996. Technology transfer for African tourism. TOURISM MANAGEMENT, 17 (8), 619-620.
- Buhalis, D. and Sowerby, D., 1996. Towards the millennium: Global civilization in change? TOURISM MANAGEMENT, 17 (3), 230-232.
- Buhalis, D., Cooper, C. and Westlake, J., 1995. Eurotourism: Research and perspectives. Annals of Tourism Research, 22 (3), 697-699.
- Buhalis, D., Cooper, C. and Westlake, J., 1994. Eurotourism: research and perspectives, Greece, May 1994. Tourism Management, 15 (6), 474-476.
- Buhalis, D., 1993. RICIRMS as a strategic tool for small and medium tourism enterprises. Tourism Management, 14 (5), 366-378.
- Buhalis, D. and Westlake, J., 1993. Tourism and the environment: a search for hope in Greece. Tourism Management, 14 (2), 151-153.
- Morrison, A.M. and Buhalis, D., 2023. Routledge Handbook of Trends and Issues in Tourism Sustainability, Planning and Development, Management, and Technology.
- Morrison, A.M. and Buhalis, D., 2023. Routledge Handbook of Trends and Issues in Global Tourism Supply and Demand.
- Buhalis, D. and Cooper, C., 2022. Tourism Management.
- Buhalis, D., 2022. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volumes 1-4.
- Xu, F. and Buhalis, D., 2021. Introduction: Gamification in Tourism-The Cutting-Edge Trend in Tourism.
- Mariani, M.M., Czakon, W., Buhalis, D. and Vitouladiti, O., 2016. Tourism Management, Marketing, and Development: Performance, Strategies, and Sustainability.
- Costa, C., Panyik, E. and Buhalis, D., 2014. European Tourism Planning and Organisation Systems: The EU Member States.
- Mariani, M.M., Baggio, R., Buhalis, D. and Longhi, C., 2014. Introduction: Tourism management, marketing, and development: The importance of networks and ICTs.
- Costa, C., Panyik, E. and Buhalis, D., 2013. Trends in European Tourism Planning and Organisation.
- Buhalis, D., Darcy, S. and Ambrose, I., 2012. Best practice in accessible tourism: inclusion, disability, ageing population and tourism. Bristol, England: Channel View Publications.
- Ambrose, I., Darcy, S. and Buhalis, D., 2012. Best Practice in Accessible Tourism: Inclusion, Disability, Ageing Population and Tourism.
- Buhalis, D. and Darcy, S., 2011. Accessible tourism: concepts and issues.. Bristol: Channel View Publications.
- Buhalis, D. and Egger, R., 2011. Preamble and acknowledgements.
- Egger, R. and Buhalis, D., 2011. Introduction.
- Egger, R. and Buhalis, D., 2011. Epilogue: The eTourism Future.
- Buhalis, D. and Egger, R., 2008. eTourism Case Studies: Management and Marketing Issues in eTourism. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
- Buhalis, D. and Costa, C., 2006. Preface.
- Buhalis, D. and Costa, C., 2006. Tourism Management Dynamics :Trends, Management and Tools. London, England: Butterworth Heinemann.
- Buhalis, D. and Costa, C., 2006. Tourism Business Frontiers: Consumers, Products and Industry. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
- Buhalis, D. and Costa, C., 2006. Preface.
- Buhalis, D., 2002. eTourism: Information Technologies for Strategic Tourism Management. Harlow, England: Financial Times Prentice Hall.
- Buhalis, D. and Laws, E., 2001. Tourism Distribution Channels: practices, issues and transformations. London: Continuum.
- Tan, G.W.H. and Buhalis, D., 2024. Crafting a publications career. How to Get Published in the Best Tourism Journals. 177-188.
- Shang, K., Buhalis, D., Fan, D.X.F. and Augustyn, M., 2024. Customer-to-Customer Real-Time Value Co-creation in Tourism Live Streaming: A Live Streamer Perspective. 175-179.
- Stoyanova-Bozhkova, S., 2022. Transitology. In: Buhalis, D., ed. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing. ElgarOnline, 567-569.
- Rodriguez Consoni, M., 2022. Complementary Currency. In: Buhalis, D., ed. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing. Edward Elgar Publishing, 585-588.
- Rodriguez Consoni, M., 2022. Work/Non-work Boundaries. In: Buhalis, D., ed. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing. Edward Elgar Publishing, 793-797.
- Simkhada, P.P. and Van Teijlingen, E., 2022. Sexual Relationships and Trekking Guides. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 77-79.
- Polkinghorne, M. and Taylor, J., 2022. Recursive Abstraction Method for Analysing Qualitative Data. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 636-638.
- Buhalis, D., 2022. © Buhalis, D., 2022, Tourism Management and Marketing in Transformation: Preface, in Buhalis, D., (ed) Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing, EDWARD ELGAR PUBLISHING (forthcoming). Buhalis, D., (ed) Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing, EDWARD ELGAR PUBLISHING (forthcoming). EDWARD ELGAR PUBLISHING.
- Adedoyin, F.F., 2022. Tourism-induced Environmental Kuznets Curve. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 492-494.
- Augustyn, M.M., Seakhoa-King, A. and Mason, P., 2022. Destination Quality. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volumes 1-4. 897-900.
- Augustyn, M.M., Seakhoa-King, A. and Mason, P., 2022. Quality. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 601-604.
- Augustyn, M.M., Seakhoa-King, A. and Mason, P., 2022. Quality Management. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 607-610.
- Augustyn, M.M., Seakhoa-King, A. and Mason, P., 2022. SERVQUAL Scale. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 65-68.
- Mason, P., Augustyn, M.M. and Seakhoa-King, A., 2022. Exploratory Research. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 192-195.
- Mason, P., Augustyn, M.M. and Seakhoa-King, A., 2022. Research Philosophy. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 684-687.
- Seakhoa-King, A., Mason, P. and Augustyn, M.M., 2022. Research Methodology. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 681-684.
- Seakhoa-King, A., Mason, P. and Augustyn, M.M., 2022. Quantitative Research. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 610-613.
- Turkoglu, H., 2022. Sexual Harassment. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 71-73.
- Tomczyk, A.T., Buhalis, D. and Williams, N.L., 2022. Personalization. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 467-470.
- Stoyanova-Bozhkova, S., 2022. Managerial Roles. In: Buhalis, D., ed. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing. ElgarOnline, 123-125.
- Buhalis, D., 2022. Drivers of e-Tourism. Handbook of e-Tourism. 57-73.
- Yadav, M.K., Sharma, J. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Moment of Truth Stages. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 244-247.
- Tsironis, C. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Religious Tourism Challenges. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 666-671.
- Buhalis, D. and Islam, M.S., 2022. Moment of Truth. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 240-244.
- Alsetoohy, O., Ayoun, B. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT). Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 728-732.
- Pesonen, J.A. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Universities in Tourism. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 629-632.
- Valai, P. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Tickets and Ticketing. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 381-383.
- Irani, H.R., Mahyari, M.E. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Touchpoints in the Customer Journey. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 388-391.
- Buhalis, D. and Camilleri, M.A., 2022. Distribution (Direct). Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volumes 1-4. 994-997.
- Anthopoulos, L. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Smart City. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 118-121.
- Mukherjee, M., Mukherjee, S. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Airline Alliances. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volumes 1-4. 89-92.
- Arora, S., Sharma, A. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Food Walking Tour. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 304-307.
- Buhalis, D. and Moldavska, I., 2022. Artificial Intelligence-empowered Voice Bots in Hotels. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volumes 1-4. 184-187.
- Toanoglou, M. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Commitment Contract. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volumes 1-4. 548-551.
- Varela, A. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Room-to-let Accommodation. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 761-764.
- David-Negre, T., Almeida-Santana, A. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Networks. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 327-330.
- Enric López, C. and Buhalis, D., 2022. 5G in Tourism. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 252-255.
- Demicco, F.J. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Medical Tourism Cost Justification. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 169-173.
- Buhalis, D., Papathanassis, A. and Vafeidou, M., 2022. Smart Cruising. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 122-124.
- Toanoglou, M. and Buhalis, D., 2022. All-inclusive. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volumes 1-4. 129-133.
- Buhalis, D. and Sinarta, Y., 2022. Real-time Service/Nowness. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 629-633.
- Buhalis, D., 2022. Smart Tourism. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 124-127.
- Madsen, D.Ø. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Business Process Re-engineering. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volumes 1-4. 395-398.
- Buhalis, D. and Papantoniou, K.C., 2022. Total Revenue Management. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 383-388.
- Kiarie, S.W. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Internet of Bodies. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 762-765.
- Shen, H., Guo, J. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Sensory Marketing in Tourism. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 2695-2698.
- Toanoglou, M. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Allotment Contract. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volumes 1-4. 139-142.
- Buhalis, D., 2022. Tourism management and marketing in transformation: editor’s statement and introduction to the Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volumes 1-4. 1-18.
- Stojanović, A.J., Drakić-Grgur, M. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Social Networks Strategy. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 170-173.
- Jang, J. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Tourist Information Centre. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 508-510.
- Bethune, E., Buhalis, D. and Miles, L., 2022. Real Time Response. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 627-629.
- Buhalis, D., Muiruri, E.G. and Njoroge, J.M., 2022. Computer Reservation Systems. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volumes 1-4. 593-596.
- Mariani, M. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Facebook Marketing. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 197-201.
- Buhalis, D., Kuria, K.U.S. and Njoroge, J.M., 2022. Restaurants. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 725-728.
- Buhalis, D., 2022. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 693-696.
- Díaz-Meneses, G., Estupiñán-Ojed, M. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Recycling. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 638-641.
- Volchekand, K. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Marketing Attribution. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 134-136.
- Peters, M. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Lifestyle Entrepreneurship. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 47-50.
- Yadav, M.K. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Dynamic Packaging. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volumes 1-4. 1015-1018.
- Brandão, F., Costa, C. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Tourism System. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 484-487.
- Stojanović, A.J., Drakić-Grgur, M. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Tourism and Hospitality Education. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 427-430.
- Musa, M., Rahman, P. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Virtual Reality (VR) Types. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 679-683.
- Spilanis, I., Mitropoulou, A. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Insularity. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 716-719.
- Srivastava, P., Shandilya, G. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Hotel Standard Operating Procedures Post-COVID-19. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 615-618.
- O’connor, P. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Distribution. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volumes 1-4. 988-992.
- Khan, M.Y.H. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Tourist Police. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 510-513.
- Rainoldi, M., Buhalis, D. and Ladkin, A., 2022. Work–Life Balance: Border Theory in Tourism. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 791-793.
- Xu, F. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Gamification. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 352-355.
- Shang, K., Fan, D. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Streaming. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 269-272.
- Islam, M.S., Ekiz, E. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Hajj and Umrah. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 485-489.
- Çelik, M.N. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Sustainable Destination Development. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 305-309.
- Buhalis, D. and Constantoglou, M., 2022. Destination Typology. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volumes 1-4. 903-907.
- Rahmafitria, F., Dirgahayani, P. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Accessibility and Transportation. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volumes 1-4. 30-35.
- Buhalis, D., 2022. eTourism. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volumes 1-4. 127-130.
- Kavoura, A. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Online Communities. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 379-382.
- Xu, F. and Buhalis, D., 2021. Conclusion. Gamification for Tourism. 280-286.
- Neuhofer, B. and Buhalis, D., 2021. Experience design in the smart tourism destination. Routledge Handbook of the Tourist Experience. 616-629.
- Neuhofer, B. and Buhalis, D., 2017. Service-dominant logic in the social media landscape: New perspectives on experience and value co-creation. Advances in Social Media for Travel, Tourism and Hospitality: New Perspectives, Practice and Cases. 13-25.
- Buhalis, D. and Murphy, H., 2017. Information Communication Technologies (ICTs), Entrepreneurship and SMTEs. Tourism and Entrepreneurship: International Perspectives. 287-300.
- Mariani, M.M., Czakon, W., Buhalis, D. and Vitouladiti, O., 2016. Introduction. Tourism Management, Marketing, and Development: Performance, Strategies, and Sustainability. 1-12.
- Yovcheva, Z., Buhalis, D., Gatzidis, C. and Van Elzakker, C.P.J.M., 2014. Empirical evaluation of smartphone augmented reality browsers in an urban tourism destination context. Hospitality, Travel, and Tourism: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. 481-502.
- Qi, S., Law, R. and Buhalis, D., 2014. A modified Fuzzy hierarchical TOPSIS model for hotel website evaluation. Hospitality, Travel, and Tourism: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. 263-283.
- Rihova, I., Buhalis, D., Moital, M. and Gouthro, M., 2014. Social constructions of value: marketing considerations for the context of events and festival participation. In: Moufakkir, O. and Pernecky, T., eds. Ideological, Social and Cultural Aspects of Events. CABI.
- Costa, C., Panyik, E. and Buhalis, D., 2014. A Comparative Approach to European Tourism Planning and Organisation Systems: An Introduction. European Tourism Planning and Organisation Systems: The EU Member States. 1-9.
- Costa, C., Panyik, E. and Buhalis, D., 2014. Towards an Emerging Planning and Organisational Framework: Conclusions. European Tourism Planning and Organisation Systems: The EU Member States. 461-468.
- Neuhofer and Buhalis, D., 2013. Experience, Co-Creation and Technology: Issues, Challenges and Trends for Technology Enhanced Tourism Experiences. In: McCabe, S., ed. The Routledge Handbook of Tourism Marketing. Taylor & Francis Group, 124-139.
- Costa, C., Panyik, E. and Buhalis, D., 2013. Towards a Conceptual Framework: An Introduction. Trends in European Tourism Planning and Organisation. 1-12.
- Peters, M. and Buhalis, D., 2013. SMEs in Tourism Destinations. Trends in European Tourism Planning and Organisation. 92-101.
- Buhalis, D. and Matloka, J., 2013. Technology-enabled Tourism Destination Management and Marketing. Trends in European Tourism Planning and Organisation. 339-350.
- Costa, C., Panyik, E. and Buhalis, D., 2013. Towards a New Vision for European Tourism Policy: Conclusions. Trends in European Tourism Planning and Organisation. 360-367.
- Fotis, J., Buhalis, D. and Rossides, N., 2012. Social media use and impact during the holiday travel planning process. In: Fuchs, M., Ricci, F. and Cantoni, L., eds. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2012. Vienna, Austria: Springer-Verlag, 13-24.
- Karyopouli, S. and Koutra, C., 2012. Mature coastal Mediterranean destinations: mitigating seasonality. In: Costa, C., Panyik, E. and Buhalis, D., eds. European Tourism Planning and Organisation Systems. Bristol: Channel View.
- Ambrose, I., Darcy, S. and Buhalis, D., 2012. Conclusions: Best Accessible Tourism Practice. Best Practice in Accessible Tourism: Inclusion, Disability, Ageing Population and Tourism. 377-380.
- García-Caro, S.N., De Waal, A. and Buhalis, D., 2012. Special Needs Customer Care Training for Tourism. Best Practice in Accessible Tourism: Inclusion, Disability, Ageing Population and Tourism. 365-376.
- Ambrose, I. and Darcy, S., 2012. Introduction. 1-16.
- Jun, S.H., Hartwell, H. and Buhalis, D., 2011. Impact of the internet on travel satisfaction and overall life satisfaction. In: Uysal, M., Perdue, R. and Sirgy, M.J., eds. Handbook of tourism and quality-of-life research: enhancing the lives of tourists and residents of host communities.. Springer.
- Buhalis, D. and Jun, S.H., 2011. Tourism & Technology. In: Cooper, C., ed. Contemporary Tourism Reviews. Goodfellow Publishers.
- Buhalis, D., 2011. eTourism Strategy. In: Moutinho, L., ed. Strategic Management in Tourism. Wallingford, Oxfordshire: CABI, 262-274.
- Peters, M. and Buhalis, D., 2011. Creativity and Innovation. In: Tassiopoulos, D., ed. New tourism ventures: an entrepreneurial and managerial approach. Cape Town, South Africa: Juta, 93-105.
- Spyriadis, T., Buhalis, D. and Fyall, A., 2011. Dynamics of Destination Governance: Governance and Meta-governance in the Composite Industrial Environment of Destinations. In: Laws, E., Richins, H. and Agrusa, J., eds. Tourism Destination Governance: Practice, Theory and Issues. Oxford: CABI.
- Egger, R. and Buhalis, D., 2011. Intermediaries. eTourism Case Studies: Management and Marketing Issues. 83-87.
- Buhalis, D. and Yazici-Malkoclar, S., 2011. from reservation system to lifestyle portal. eTourism Case Studies: Management and Marketing Issues. 89-101.
- Zoge, M. and Buhalis, D., 2011. British Airways: customer enabled interactivity. eTourism Case Studies: Management and Marketing Issues. 269-281.
- Matloka, J. and Buhalis, D., 2010. Destination Marketing through User Personalised Content (UPC). In: Gretzel, U., Law, R. and Fuchs, M., eds. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2010. Vienna, Austria: Springer-Verlag, 519-530.
- Qi, S., Leung, R., Law, R. and Buhalis, D., 2010. Hong Kong residents’ perception of travel websites. In: Gretzel, U., Law, R. and Fuchs, M., eds. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2010. Vienna, Austria: Springer-Verlag, 75-86.
- Au, N., Law, R. and Buhalis, D., 2010. The impact of culture on e-complaints: evidence from Chinese consumers in hospitality organisations. In: Gretzel, U., Law, R. and Fuchs, M., eds. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2010. Vienna, Austria: Springer-Verlag, 285-296.
- Fotis, J., Rossides, N. and Buhalis, D., 2010. Social Media Impact on Leisure Travel: The Case of the Russian Market and the Challenges for the Cyprus Tourism Industry. In: Vrontis, D., Weber, Y., Kaufmann, R. and Tarba, S., eds. 3rd Annual EuroMed Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business: Business Developments Across Countries And Cultures. EuroMed Press, 1365-1367.
- Michopoulou, E. and Buhalis, D., 2010. Stakeholder analysis of accessible tourism. Accessible Tourism: Concepts and Issues. 260-273.
- Darcy, S. and Buhalis, D., 2010. Conceptualising disability. Accessible Tourism: Concepts and Issues. 21-45.
- Eichhorn, V. and Buhalis, D., 2010. Accessibility: A key objective for the tourism industry. Accessible Tourism: Concepts and Issues. 46-61.
- Darcy, S. and Buhalis, D., 2010. Introduction: From disabled tourists to accessible tourism. Accessible Tourism: Concepts and Issues. 1-20.
- Michopoulou, E. and Buhalis, D., 2010. Technology platforms and challenges. Accessible Tourism: Concepts and Issues. 287-299.
- Darcy, S., Ambrose, I., Schweinsberg, F. and Buhalis, D., 2010. Conclusion: Universal approaches to accessible tourism. Accessible Tourism: Concepts and Issues. 300-316.
- Buhalis, D. and Murphy, H., 2009. Information Communication Technologies (ICTs), SMTEs and Entrepreneurship. In: Ateljevic, J. and Page, S.J., eds. Tourism and Entrepreneurship: International Perspectives. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann, 285-298.
- Peters, M. and Buhalis, D., 2009. Small Family Hotel Businesses: Strategic Planning and the Need for Education and Training. The Compendium of Family Business Models from Around the World. India: ICFAI University Press.
- Buhalis, D. and Costa, C., 2009. Tecnologías y sistemas de información de gestión en turismo. In: Beech, J. and Chadwick, S., eds. Modernizacion y calidad: en la administracion del turismo. Editorial Sintesis, 241-256.
- Chung, J.Y. and Buhalis, D., 2009. Virtual Travel Community: bridging between travellers and locals. In: Sharda, N., ed. Tourism Informatics: Visual Travel Recommender Systems, Social Communities and User Interface Design. Information Science Reference, 130-144.
- Inversini, A. and Buhalis, D., 2009. Long Tail Tourism Destination Websites: A study on information quality and information convergence. CAUTHE 2009: See Change: Tourism and Hospitality in a Dynamic World Proceedings. CAUTHE.
- Pistidda, L. and Buhalis, D., 2009. eTourism: Wireless Applications in Tourism. CAUTHE 2009: See Change: Tourism and Hospitality in a Dynamic World Proceedings. CAUTHE.
- Buhalis, D. and Pistidda, L., 2009. Wireless applications in destinations. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2009: Proceedings of ENTER 2009. Vienna, Austria: Springer-Verlag, 161-172.
- Au, N., Buhalis, D. and Law, R., 2009. Complaints on the Online Environment – The Case of Hong Kong Hotels. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2009: Proceedings of ENTER 2009. Vienna, Austria: Springer-Verlag, 73-86.
- Qi, S., Law, R. and Buhalis, D., 2009. A Study of Chinese and International Online Users’ Perceptions of Usefulness on Hotel Websites. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2009: Proceedings of ENTER 2009. Vienna, Austria: Springer-Verlag, 285-296.
- Zoge, M. and Buhalis, D., 2008. British Airways. In: Buhalis, D. and Egger, R., eds. eTourism Case Studies : Management and Marketing Issues in eTourism. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
- Malkoclar, Y. and Buhalis, D., 2008. In: Buhalis, D. and Egger, R., eds. eTourism Case Studies: Management & Marketing Issues in eTourism. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
- Kronenberg, C., Peters, M. and Buhalis, D., 2008. Evaluating the Opportunity. In: Tassiopoulos, D., ed. New Tourism Ventures: An Entrepreneurial and Managerial Approach. South Africa: Juta Academic, 97-110.
- Peters, M. and Buhalis, D., 2008. Creativity and Innovation. In: Tassiopoulos, D., ed. New Tourism Ventures: An Entrepreneurial and Managerial Approach. South Africa: Juta Academic, 47-60.
- Karcher, K. and Alford, P., 2008. Tiscover: Destination management system pioneer. In: Egger, R. and Buhalis, D., eds. eTourism case studies: Management and marketing issues in eTourism. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann, 233-242.
- Pühretmair, F. and Buhalis, D., 2008. Accessible Tourism: Introduction to the Special Thematic Session. In: Miesenberger, K., ed. Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 11th International Conference, ICCHP 2008, Linz, Austria, July 9-11, 2008, Proceedings. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 969-972.
- Buhalis, D., 2008. Information Technology in Tourism. In: Cooper, C., Fletcher, J., Fyall, A., Gilbert, D. and Wanhill, S., eds. Tourism: Principles and Practice. London: Pearson, 622-655.
- Chung, J.Y. and Buhalis, D., 2008. Web 2.0: A study of online travel community. In: O'Connor, P., Hopken, W. and Gretzel, U., eds. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2008: Proceedings of ENTER 2008. Vienna, Austria: Springer-Verlag, 70-81.
- Kronenberg, C., Peters, M. and Buhalis, D., 2008. Evaluating the opportunity. In: Tassiopoulos, D., ed. New tourism ventures: an entrepreneurial and managerial approach. Cape Town, South Africa.: Juta, 97-110.
- Buhalis, D. and O'Connor, P., 2006. Information communication technology - Revolutionizing tourism. Tourism Management Dynamics: Trends, Management and Tools. 196-209.
- Costa, C. and Buhalis, D., 2006. Conclusion: Tourism management dynamics. Tourism Management Dynamics: Trends, Management and Tools. 247-252.
- Ladkin, A., 2006. Conference tourism. In: Buhalis, D. and Costa, C., eds. Tourism business frontiers: consumers, products and industry. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 56-66.
- Buhalis, D., 2006. Strategic Use of Information Technologies in the Tourism Industry. In: Papatheodorou, A., ed. Managing Tourism Destinations. Cheltenham, England: Edward Elgar, 409-421.
- Buhalis, D., 2006. eTourism. In: Anttiroiko, A.-V. and Malkia, M., eds. Encyclopedia of Digital Government. Hershey, USA: IGI Publishing, 749-755.
- Buhalis, D., Karcher, K. and Brown, M., 2006. TISCOVER: Development and Growth. In: Prideaux, B., Moscardo, G. and Laws, E., eds. Managing Tourism and Hospitality Services: Theory and International Applications. Wallingford, England: CABI Publishing, 62-72.
- Buhalis, D., Owen, R. and Pletinckx, R., 2006. ICT Applications for World Heritage Site Management. In: Fyall, A. and Leask, A., eds. Managing World Heritage Sites. Elsevier Butterworth -Heinemann, 125-144.
- Buhalis, D., 2006. The Impact of Information Technology on Tourism Competition. In: Papathedorou, A., ed. Corporate Rivalry and Market Power : Competition Issues in the Tourism Industry. London: I. B. Tauris, 143-171.
- Buhalis, D. and Egger, R., 2006. Information Communication Technology as a Means for Process and Production Innovation for Organisations. In: Pikkematt, B. and Peters, M., eds. Innovationen im Tourismus. Germany: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 163-175.
- Peters, M., Weiermair, K. and Buhalis, D., 2006. L’Esprit d’Entreprise dans les Sociétés Familiales du Secteur Touristique: Le Cas de l’Hôtellerie. In: Callot, P., ed. Tourisme et PME. Paris: Hermes, 117-131.
- Buhalis, D. and Costa, C., 2006. Information Technology and Management Information Systems in Tourism. In: Beech, J. and Chadwick, S., eds. Business of Tourism Management. Harlow, England: Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 247-262.
- Buhalis, D. and Ujma, D., 2006. Intermediaries: Travel Agencies & Tour Operators. In: Buhalis, D. and Costa, C., eds. Tourism Business Frontiers: Consumers, Products and Industry. Oxford, England: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 171-180.
- Costa, C. and Buhalis, D., 2006. Introduction. In: Buhalis, D., Costa, C. and Ford, F., eds. Tourism Business Frontiers : Consumers, Products and Industry. Oxford, England: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 1-7.
- Buhalis, D. and Peters, M., 2006. SME's in Tourism. In: Buhalis, D. and Costa, C., eds. Tourism Management Dynamics : Trends, Management and Tools. London: Buttterworth Heinemann, 116-129.
- Costa, C. and Buhalis, D., 2006. Tourism Futures. In: Buhalis, D. and Costa, C., eds. Tourism Business Frontiers : Consumers, Products and Industry. Oxford, England: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 241-246.
- Buhalis, D. and O'Connor, P., 2006. Information Communication Technologies. In: Buhalis, D. and Costa, C., eds. Tourism management Dynamics: Trends, Management and Tools. London: Buttterworth Heinemann, 196-209.
- Niininen, O., March, R. and Buhalis, D., 2006. Consumer Centric Tourism Marketing. In: Buhalis, D. and Costa, C., eds. Tourism Management Dynamics : Trends, Management and Tools. London: Buttterworth Heinemann, 175-186.
- Costa, C. and Buhalis, D., 2006. Tourism Management Dynamics. In: Buhalis, D. and Costa, C., eds. Tourism Management Dynamics : Trends, Management and Tools. London: Butterworth Heinemann, 247-252.
- Buhalis, D. and Owen, R., 2006. Business Process Reengineering. In: Pizam, A., ed. International Encyclopedia of Hospitality Management. London: Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann, 55-56.
- Buhalis, D. and Owen, R., 2006. Wireless. In: Pizam, A., ed. International Encyclopedia of Hospitality Management. London: Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann, 651-666.
- Buhalis, D., 2006. Outsourcing ICT Services. In: Pizam, A., ed. International Encyclopedia of Hospitality Management. London: Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann, 458.
- Buhalis, D., 2006. High Tech High Touch. In: Pizam, A., ed. International Encyclopedia of Hospitality Management. London: Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann, 302-303.
- Costa, C. and Buhalis, D., 2006. Synergies Between Territorial Planning and Strategic Management: A prospective Analysis. In: Fonseca, M.L., ed. Desenvolvimento e Território: Espaços Rurais Pós-Agrícolas e Nuevos Lugares de Turismo e Lazer. Lisbon, Portugal: Universidade de Lisboa, 191-213.
- Costa, C. and Buhalis, D., 2006. Introduction. In: Buhalis, D. and Costa, C., eds. Tourism Management Dynamics: Trends, Management and Tools. London: Buttterworth Heinemann, 1-6.
- Costa, C. and Buhalis, D., 2006. Conclusion: tourism futures. Tourism Business Frontiers: Consumers, products and industry. 241-246.
- Buhalis, D. and Ujma, D., 2006. Intermediaries: travel agencies and tour operators. Tourism Business Frontiers: Consumers, products and industry. 171-180.
- Costa, C. and Buhalis, D., 2006. Introduction. Tourism Business Frontiers: Consumers, products and industry. 1-6.
- Buhalis, D., Owen, R. and Pletinckx, D., 2006. Information communication technology applications for World Heritage Site management. Managing World Heritage Sites. 125-144.
- Costa, C. and Buhalis, D., 2005. Introduction. 1-6.
- Buhalis, D., 2005. Information Technology in Tourism. In: Cooper, C., Fletcher, J., Gilbert, D. and Wanhill, S., eds. Tourism : Principles and Practice. 3rd ed.. Harlow, England: Financial Times Prentice Hall, 702-730.
- Buhalis, D., 2005. Impact of Technology. In: Pender, L. and Sharpley, R., eds. The Management of Tourism. London: Sage, 232-245.
- Buhalis, D., 2005. Information and communication technologies for tourism. The Management of Tourism. 232-245.
- Buhalis, D., 2003. Internet. In: Jenkins, J. and Pigram, J., eds. Encyclopaedia of Leisure and Outdoor Recreation. London: Routledge, 264-266.
- Buhalis, D., 2003. WWW. In: Jenkins, J. and Pigram, J., eds. Encyclopaedia of Leisure and Outdoor Recreation. London: Routledge, 566-569.
- Buhalis, D., 2003. Tourism and Information Technologies: Past, Present, Future. In: Ranga, M. and Chandra, A., eds. Tourism and Hospitality in the 21st Century. New Delhi, India: Discovery Publishing House, 154-169.
- Buhalis, D. and Cooper, C., 2003. COMPETITION OR CO-OPERATION? Small and medium sized tourism enterprises at the destination. Embracing and Managing Change in Tourism: International case studies. 329-351.
- Buhalis, D. and Laws, E., 2001. Introduction: Tourism Distribution Channels: Practices, Issues and Transformations. In: Buhalis, D. and Laws, E., eds. Tourism Distribution Channels :Practices, Issues and Transformations. London: Continuum, 3-7.
- Buhalis, D., 2001. Tourism Distribution Channels: Practices and Processes. In: Buhalis, D. and Laws, E., eds. Tourism Distribution Channels: practices, issues and transformations. London: Continuum, 7-32.
- O'Connor, P., Buhalis, D. and Frew, A., 2001. The Transformation of Tourism Distribution Channels Through Information Technology. In: Buhalis, D. and Laws, E., eds. Tourism Distribution Channels : Practices, Issues and Transformations. London: Continuum, 332-350.
- Buhalis, D. and Laws, E., 2001. Tourism Distribution Channels: Agendas for Future Research. In: Buhalis, D. and Laws, E., eds. Tourism Distribution Channels : Practices, Issues and Transformations. London: Continuum, 371-376.
- Buhalis, D., 2001. The Tourism Phenomenon- The New Tourist and Consumer. In: Wahab, S. and Cooper, C., eds. Tourism in the Age of Globalisation. London: Routledge, 69-96.
- Buhalis, D. and Diamantis, D., 2001. Tourism Development and Sustainability on the Greek Archipelagos. In: Ioannides, D., Apostolopoulos, G. and Sonmez, S., eds. Mediterranean Islands and Sustainable Tourism Development: practices, management and policies. London: Continuum, 143-170.
- Fyall, A., Oakley, B. and Weiss, A., 2000. Theoretical Perspectives Applied to Inter-Organisational Collaboration on Britain's Inland Waterways. In: Crotts, J., Buhalis, D. and March, R., eds. Global Alliances in Tourism and Hospitality Management. New York: Haworth Press, 89-112.
- Tomczyk, A., 2024. Proceedings of The Mediterranean Tourism Knowledge Exchange and Policy Forum “ARTS – Amidst Rapid Transformational Shifts” – Book of Abstracts. In: Buhalis, D., Brandao, F., Mangion, M.-L. and Efthmiou, L., eds. The Mediterranean Tourism Knowledge Exchange and Policy Forum 25-27 November 2024 Malta. , 22-26.
- Saputra, F.E., Buhalis, D., Augustyn, M. and Marangos, S., 2024. A Typology of Anthropomorphism-based AI Robots in Hospitality Industry. In: Digital Marketing Colloquium 2024: Exploring Artificial Intelligence, Metaverse and Web3 19-20 March 2024 Bournemouth University, United Kingdom.
- Fan, D.X.F., Lyu, J., Huang, Y., Shang, K. and Buhalis, D., 2024. Senior Tourists' Digital Travel Experience: A Humanisation Perspective. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2024, ENTER 2024, 315-320.
- Fan, X., Buhalis, D., Fragkaki, E. and Tsai, Y.-R., 2020. Achieving active ageing through value and value co-creation in leisure and tourism. In: Travel and Tourism Research Association International Conference 16-18 June 2020 Victoria, BC, Canada.
- Fan, X., Buhalis, D. and Fragkaki, E., 2019. Towards a Better Quality of Life: Value Co-Creation with the Active Elderly in Leisure Service. In: Leisure Studies Association Annual Conference 9-11 July 2019 Dundee, UK.
- Fan, X., Buhalis, D. and Lin, B., 2019. Online and Face-to-Face Social Contact and Tourists’ Destination Immersion. In: 26th annual ENTER2019 eTourism Conference 29 January-1 February 2019 Nicosia, Cyprus. e-Review of Tourism Research Texas A & M University.
- Brandão, F., Costa, C. and Buhalis, D., 2018. Structural holes and positions in tourism innovation networks: Divide to conquer? Proceedings of the European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ECIE, 2018-September, 121-131.
- Nyangwe, S. and Buhalis, D., 2018. Branding Transformation Through Social Media and Co-creation: Lessons from Marriott International. ENTER, 257-269 Springer.
- Law, R., Sun, S., Schuckert, M. and Buhalis, D., 2018. An Exploratory Study of the Dependence on Mobile Payment Among Chinese Travelers. ENTER, 336-348 Springer.
- Sinarta, Y. and Buhalis, D., 2018. Technology Empowered Real-Time Service. ENTER, 283-295 Springer.
- Hsu, A.Y.-C., King, B., Wang, D. and Buhalis, D., 2017. Entrepreneurship in the Contemporary Tourism Ecosystem: The Case of Incoming Tour Operators in Taiwan. ENTER, 101-113 Springer.
- Tanti, A. and Buhalis, D., 2016. Connectivity and the Consequences of Being (Dis)connected. ENTER, 31-44 Springer.
- Tscheu, F. and Buhalis, D., 2016. Augmented Reality at Cultural Heritage sites. ENTER, 607-619 Springer.
- Inversini, A., Sage, R., Williams, N. and Buhalis, D., 2015. The Social Impact of Events in Social Media Conversation. In: Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2015 3-6 February 2015 Lugano, Switzerland. , 283-294 Springer.
- Neuhofer, B., Buhalis, D. and Ladkin, A., 2015. Technology as a Catalyst of Change: Enablers and Barriers of the Tourist Experience and Their Consequences. In: ENTER2015 Conference 2-6 February 2015 Lugano, Switzerland. Information and Communication Technology in Tourism 2015, 789-802 Springer.
- Buhalis, D. and Amaranggana, A., 2015. Smart Tourism Destinations Enhancing Tourism Experience Through Personalisation of Services. ENTER, 377-389 Springer.
- Buhalis, D. and Mamalakis, E., 2015. Social Media Return on Investment and Performance Evaluation in the Hotel Industry Context. ENTER, 241-253 Springer.
- Boes, K., Buhalis, D. and Inversini, A., 2015. Conceptualising Smart Tourism Destination Dimensions. ENTER, 391-403 Springer.
- Xu, F. and Buhalis, D., 2014. The Gamification of Tourism. In: ENTER 2014 21-24 January 2014 Dublin.
- Neuhofer, Buhalis, D. and Ladkin, A., 2014. Co-Creation through Technology: Dimensions of Social Connectedness. In: ENTER2014 Conference 21-24 January 2014 Dublin, Ireland. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, 339-352 Vienna: Springer.
- Buhalis, D. and Amaranggana, A., 2014. Smart Tourism Destinations. ENTER, 553-564 Springer.
- Buhalis, D. and Foerste, M.-K., 2014. SoCoMo Marketing for Travel and Tourism. ENTER, 175-185 Springer.
- Tian, F., XU, F., Buhalis, D. and Weber, J., 2013. Marketing Tourism via Electronic Games: Understanding the Motivation of Tourist Players. In: ", 5th International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications 11-13 September 2013 Bournemouth University, UK.
- Neuhofer, B., Buhalis, D. and Ladkin, A., 2013. Experiences, Co-creation and Technology: A conceptual approach to enhance tourism experiences. In: Cauthe 2013 11-14 February 2013 Lincoln, New Zealand.
- Neuhofer, Buhalis and Ladkin, 2013. High Tech for High Touch Experiences: A Case Study from the Hospitality Industry. In: ENTER 2013 22-25 January 2013 Innsbruck, Austria. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, 290-301 Springer.
- Yovcheva, Z., Buhalis, D. and Gatzidis, C., 2013. Engineering Augmented Tourism Experiences. ENTER, 24-35 Springer.
- Li, N., Buhalis, D. and Zhang, L., 2013. Interdisciplinary Research on Information Science and Tourism. ENTER, 302-313 Springer.
- Buhalis, D. and Wagner, R., 2013. E-destinations: Global Best Practice in Tourism Technologies and Applications. ENTER, 119-130 Springer.
- Neuhofer, B. and Buhalis, D., 2012. Understanding and managing Technology-Enabled Enhanced Tourist Experiences. In: The 2nd Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing & Management 31 May-2 June 2012 Corfu, June.
- Mistilis, N. and Buhalis, D., 2012. Challenges and potential of the Semantic Web for tourism. In: ENTER 2012 24-27 January 2012 Helsingborg, Sweden.
- Mistilis, N. and Buhalis, D., 2011. Can tourism networks manage new technology? In: 1st World Research Summit for Tourism and Hospitality 10-13 December 2011 Hotel ICON, Hong Kong.
- Khoo-Lattimore, C., Ekiz, E. and Buhalis, D., 2011. Power In Praise: Exploring Online Compliments On Luxury Hotels. In: Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management Conference 19-24 June 2011 Istanbul, Turkey. , 366-370.
- Phung, P. and Buhalis, D., 2011. Travel Enjoyment and Website Sensory Features. In: Law, R., Fuchs, M. and Ricci, F., eds. ENTER 2011 Proceedings 26-28 January 2011 Innsbruck, Austria. , 599-610 Vienna, Austria: Springer.
- Spencer, A., Buhalis, D. and Moital, M., 2011. Determinants of Organizational Technology Adoption for Travel Firms: Prospects and Challenges,eRTR Review of Tourism Research. In: ENTER2011 26-28 January 2011 Innnsbruck, Austria.
- Jin, Y., Chung, J., Buhalis, D. and Petrick, J., 2010. The use of social network analysis to examine the interactions between locals and tourists in an online community. In: TTRA 2010: TTRA’s 41st Annual Conference "Rockin' and Rollin' Down the Research River 20-22 June 2010 Grand Hyatt San Antonio, TX, USA.
- Inversini, A. and Buhalis, D., 2009. Tourism Destination Websites and Web 2.0. In: 3rd Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference 6-9 September 2009 Bournemouth University, England.
- Buhalis, D. and Pistidda, L., 2009. Wireless applications in destinations. In: 3rd Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference 6-9 September 2009 Bournemouth University, England.
- Inversini, A. and Buhalis, D., 2009. Information Convergence in the Long Tail: The Case of Tourism Destination Information. , 381-392 Vienna, Austria: Springer-Verlag.
- Qi, S., Law, R. and Buhalis, D., 2009. A Study of Chinese and International Online User Perceptions of Hotel Websites' Usefulness. ENTER, 285-296 Springer.
- Buhalis, D., 2008. Tourism: Social Networking Online and Implications for Hotels Management. In: II Canarian Hotel Management Meeting, HECANSA 4-5 June 2008 Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.
- Buhalis, D., 2008. Technology Empowered Revolution for Tourism Destinations. In: National Conference on Image, Products and Destinations 13-14 May 2008 Province of Siena, Italy..
- Buhalis, D., 2008. eTourism: Innovate and Differentiate. In: XXI National Congress of Hospitality and Tourism 11-12 February 2008 Vilamoura, Portugal..
- Buhalis, D., 2008. eTourism – The View from the Future: Search and Travel Experience in the Web 2.0 era. In: ENTER2008, IFITT 22-25 January 2008 Innsbruck, Austria.
- Buhalis, D., 2008. eTourism: Search in the Web 2.0 era. In: EyeForTravel: Travel Distribution Technology 2008 16-17 January 2008 Regent's Park Marriott, London.
- Buhalis, D. and Pistidda, L., 2008. The Impact of WiMAX on Tourist Destinations. In: O'Connor, P., Hё̧œ̐pken, W. and Gretzel, U., eds. ENTER 2008: eTourism:The View from the Future January 2008 Innsbruck, Austria. , 383-394 Vienna: Springer-Verlag Wien.
- Qi, S., Leung, R., Law, R. and Buhalis, D., 2008. A Study of Information Richness and Downloading Time for Hotel Websites in Hong Kong. In: O'Connor, P., Hё̧œ̐pken, W. and Gretzel, U., eds. ENTER 2008: eTourism:The View from the Future January 2008 Innsbruck, Austria. , 267-278 Vienna: Springer-Verlag Wien.
- Chung, J.Y. and Buhalis, D., 2008. Web 2.0: A study of Online Travel Community. In: O'Connor, P., Hё œ pken, W. and Gretzel, U., eds. ENTER 2008: eTourism:The View from the Future January 2008 Innsbruck, Austria. , 70-81 Vienna: Springer-Verlag Wien.
- Inversini, A., Cantoni, L. and Buhalis, D., 2008. Destinations Information Competitors and Web Reputation: A Preliminary Study. In: ITT workshop: Tourism, Information Search and the Internet 13-14 November 2008 MODUL University, Vienna, Austria. Journal of Information Technology and Tourism.
- Buhalis, D., 2007. Technology Empowered Revolutions for Tourism Destinations. In: Tourism International Congress of Leiria and the Oeste Region, The School of Maritime Technology (ESTM/IPL), Instituto Politécnico de Leiria (IPL) 22-23 November 2007 Peniche, Portugal.
- Buhalis, D., 2007. Strategic Destination Management and Marketing. In: Executive Education Courses, ILUM University 18 May 2007 Milan, Italy.
- Hyun, M.Y. and Buhalis, D., 2007. The Impact of On/Offline Travel Information on Virtual Destination Images. In: International Society of Travel and Tourism Educators 2007 Conference 4-6 October 2007 Charleston, South Carolina, USA.
- Buhalis, D. and Zoge, M., 2007. The Strategic Impact of the Internet on the Tourism Industry. ENTER, 481-492 Springer.
- Michopoulou, E., Buhalis, D., Michailidis, S. and Ambrose, I., 2007. Destination Management Systems: Technical Challenges in Developing an eTourism Platform for Accessible Tourism in Europe. ENTER, 301-310 Springer.
- Qi, S., Buhalis, D. and Law, R., 2007. Evaluation of the Usability of Chinese Destination Management Organisation Websites. ENTER, 267-278 Springer.
- Michopoulou, E. and Buhalis, D., 2006. Developing an eTourism Platform for Accessible Tourism in Europe: Technical Challenges. ENTER, 170 Springer.
- Owen, R., Buhalis, D. and Pletinckx, D., 2006. Visitors' Evaluations of Technology Used at Cultural Heritage Sites. ENTER, 383-393 Springer.
- Kao, Y.F., Louvieris, P., Powell-Perry, J. and Buhalis, D., 2005. E-Satisfaction of NTO's Website Case Study: Singapore Tourism Board's Taiwan Website. ENTER, 227-237 Springer.
- Li, L. and Buhalis, D., 2005. Predicting Internet Usage for Travel Bookings in China. ENTER, 429-439 Springer.
- Owen, R., Buhalis, D. and Pletinckx, D., 2005. Visitors' Evaluations of ICTs Used in Cultural Heritage. VAST, 129-136 Eurographics Association.
- Owen, R., Buhalis, D. and Pletinckx, D., 2004. Developing the Tourism Aspects of a Cultural Route. VAST, 75-84 Eurographics Association.
- Owen, R., Buhalis, D. and Pletinckx, D., 2004. Identifying technologies used in Cultural Heritage. VAST, 155-163 Eurographics Association.
- Michopoulou, E. and Buhalis, D., 2004. E-Metrics in the Tourism Sector. ENTER, 612-623 Springer.
- Flouri, E. and Buhalis, D., 2004. Wireless Technologies for Tourism Destinations. ENTER, 27-38 Springer.
- Collins, C. and Buhalis, D., 2004. Enhancing SMTEs Business Performance through the Internet and Online Learning Platforms. ENTER, 580-591 Springer.
- Ma, J.X., Buhalis, D. and Song, H., 2003. ICTs & Internet Adoption in China's Tourism Industry. ENTER, 345-354 Springer.
- Kaldis, K., Boccorh, R. and Buhalis, D., 2003. Technology Enabled Distribution of Hotels: An Investigation of the Hotel Sector in Athens, Greece. ENTER, 280-288 Springer.
- Ghandour, R. and Buhalis, D., 2003. Third-Generation Mobile Services and the Needs of mTravellers. ENTER, 222-231 Springer.
- Collins, C. and Buhalis, D., 2003. Destination Management Systems Utilisation in England. ENTER, 202-211 Springer.
- Molinaroli, E. and Buhalis, D., 2003. Entrepreneurial Networks in Italian eTourism. ENTER, 96-104 Springer.
- Deimezi, O. and Buhalis, D., 2003. eTourism Developments in Greece. ENTER, 39-48 Springer.
- Paraskevas, A. and Buhalis, D., 2002. Hosted Application Provision for Small and Medium Sized Tourism Enterprises: Are We Ready for This? ENTER, 407-416 Springer.
- Licata, M.C., Buhalis, D. and Richer, P., 2001. The Future Role of the Travel E-mediaries (CRSs, GDSs, Switch Companies, Videotext). ENTER, 139-149 Springer.
- Dellaert, B.G.C., 2000. Tourists' valuation of other tourists' contributions to travel web sites. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 293-302.
- Palkoska, J., Dunzendorfer, A. and Küng, J., 2000. Vague queries in tourism information systems. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 61-70.
- MacVicar, A. and Main, H., 2000. Desktop: How culture in an international multi-locational travel organisation affects the successful implementation of technology solutions - Two years on. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 189-199.
- Withalm, J. and Fasching, M., 2000. Agents solving strategic problems in tourism. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 275-282.
- Buhalis, D. and Spada, A., 2000. Destination management systems: Criteria for success - An exploratory research. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 473-484.
- Crichton, E. and Frew, A.J., 2000. Usability of information and reservations systems: Theory or practice? INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 408-417.
- Baier, B., 2000. The interplay of holiday-related travel habits and the use of new information and communication technologies. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 303-313.
- Govers, R., Jansen-Verbeke, M. and Go, F.M., 2000. Virtual tourist destinations: Assessing their communication effectiveness with and through foreign intermediaries. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 93-103.
- Pan, B. and Fesenmaier, D.R., 2000. A typology of tourism related web sites: Its theoretical background and implications. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 381-395.
- Sharma, P., Carson, D. and DeLacy, T., 2000. Developing a business information data warehouse for the Australian tourism industry - A strategic response. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 147-156.
- Minghetti, V., Moretti, A. and Micelli, S., 2000. 'Intelligent' museum as value creator on the tourism market: Towards a new business model. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 114-125.
- Frew, A.J., 2000. A critical analysis of tourism information technology research. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 39-52.
- Haller, M., Pröll, B., Retschitzegger, W., Tjoa, A.M. and Wagner, R.R., 2000. Integrating heterogeneous tourism information in TIScover -: The MIRO-Web approach. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 71-80.
- Klicek, B., 2000. Tourist satisfaction based multilevel intelligent decision support system. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 167-177.
- Daniele, R., Mistilis, N. and Ward, L., 2000. Partnership Australia's national tourism data warehouse: Preliminary assessment of a destination marketing system. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 353-364.
- Friel, M., Sombert, A. and Crimes, B., 2000. Service dimensions of travel distribution: An Indian case study. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 200-208.
- Höpken, W., 2000. Reference model of an electronic tourism market. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 265-274.
- Peacock, M., 2000. The failure of the new discipline: Information technology, business process, and the control of tourism operatives. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 53-60.
- Martini, U., Jacucci, G., Cattani, C. and Calzà, D., 2000. Mentoring small destinations into destination management towards electronic marketing. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 485-496.
- Waksberg, R., Stevens, B. and Vales, G., 2000. The Canadian tourism exchange: Content, collaboration, and commerce. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 245-264.
- Jung, T.H. and Butler, R., 2000. The measurement of the marketing effectiveness of the internet in the tourism and hospitality industry. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 460-472.
- Yu, A.K.L. and Law, R., 2000. The application of E-commerce to enhance the competitive advantages of hotels in Hong Kong. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 343-352.
- Malaka, R. and Zipf, A., 2000. DEEP MAP: Challenging IT research in the framework of a tourist information system. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 15-27.
- Lyons, G.A., 2000. Developing rural tourism destinations: Implications for, and of, information systems. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 232-244.
- Blank, D. and Sussmann, S., 2000. Destination management systems and small accommodation establishments: The Irish experience. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 418-429.
- Evans, G., Peacock, M. and Richards, G., 2000. Small is beautiful? ICT and tourism SMEs: a comparative European survey. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 497-508.
- Bédard, F., 2000. Tomorrow's travel agency:: A survey of adaptation and positioning strategies to new technologies in services. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 336-342.
- Borge, M., 2000. Involving the DMO's in a larger part of the value chain. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 375-380.
- Kaukal, M. and Werthner, H., 2000. Integration of heterogeneous information sources. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 81-92.
- Castelltort, M., Mora, J.I., Navarro, G., Pernas, J.I. and Zapata, M.J., 2000. Internet as a destination marketing tool: A case study (Spanish National Tourism Organisation). INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 438-449.
- Bullock, J.C. and Goble, C.A., 2000. Putting the tourist into tourist information. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 104-113.
- Stock, O., 2000. Intelligent interfaces for the tourist. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 1-14.
- Steiner, T., 2000. Meta-level programming for legacy TIS integration. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 28-38.
- Zabel, J., Bönke, D. and Constanta, P., 2000. Open network for tourism (OnTour):: A concept for electronic commerce in the business processes of the tourism industry. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 283-292.
- Wöber, K.W., 2000. Efficiency measures in benchmarking decision support systems:: A hotel industry application. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 450-459.
- Cho, Y.H. and Fesenmaier, D.R., 2000. A conceptual framework for evaluating effects of a virtual tour. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 314-323.
- O'Leary, J.T., 2000. Data management in tourism: Chaotic and quixotic. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 157-166.
- O'Connor, P. and Frew, A.J., 2000. Evaluating electronic channels of distribution in the hotel sector. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 324-335.
- van der Pijl, G.J., 2000. The use of internet sites by smaller travel agencies in the Netherlands. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 430-437.
- Navarro, J.R. and Rubio, J.Q., 2000. DATATUR: Tourism statistics information system - The experience of Spain. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 126-146.
- Gretzel, U., 2000. Capacity to change and its influence on effective IT use. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 509-518.
- König, J. and Strauss, C., 2000. Supplements in airline cabin service. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 365-374.
- Tremblay, P. and Sheldon, P.J., 2000. Industrial mapping of tourism information technologies. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 218-231.
- Sigala, M., Airey, D., Jones, P. and Lockwood, A., 2000. The diffusion and application of multimedia technologies in the tourism and hospitality industries. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 396-407.
- Gálvez, S., Guevara, A., Caro, J.L. and Aguayo, A., 2000. Cooperative techniques and tools to increase the quality of the software in tourist companies. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 178-188.
- Rastrollo, M.A. and Alarcón, P., 2000. The competitiveness of traditional tourist destinations in the information economy. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 2000, 209-217.
- Yuan, Y.Y., Fesenmaier, D.R., Xia, L. and Gratzer, M., 1999. The use of Internet and Intranet in American Convention and Visitors Bureaus. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 365-375.
- Tjostheim, I., Bergan, M. and Lous, J., 1999. The new extranet for the Norwegian tourism industry. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 357-364.
- Küng, J., Duzendorfer, A. and Wagner, R.R., 1999. A general datamodel for tourism information systems. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 151-160.
- Laubenheimer, M.C., Carlsson, T., Cordero, F. and Makinen, A., 1999. From intra-regional competition towards intra-regional cooperation in tourism: The concept of Telecooperation and Virtual Enterprises in the regional tourism business. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 279-289.
- O'Brien, P.F., 1999. An architecture for a distributed travel reservations system. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 172-178.
- Frew, A.J. and O'Connor, P., 1999. Destination marketing system strategies: Refining and extending an assessment framework. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 398-407.
- Buhalis, D., 1999. The cost and benefits of Information Technology and the Internet for small and medium-sized tourism enterprises. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 218-227.
- Dellaert, B.G.C., 1999. The tourist as value creator on the Internet. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 66-76.
- Frew, A.J. and Crichton, E., 1999. User interfaces in information and reservation systems: Classification and development issues. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 328-336.
- Peacock, M., 1999. The future is feminine - Gender issues and information systems in hospitality and tourism. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 310-317.
- Godart, J.M., 1999. Combinatorial optimisation based decision support system for trip planning. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 318-327.
- Hartl-Nielsen, A., 1999. Publishing tourism statistics and market intelligence on the Internet. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 388-397.
- Baker, M., Sussmann, S. and Meisters, M., 1999. The productivity paradox and the hospitality industry. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 300-309.
- Marcussen, C.H., 1999. Distribution of Danish holiday cottages via the Internet/WWW. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 259-269.
- Jung, H.S. and Twigeri, A., 1999. The use of the Internet as a new marketing tool to promote new tourist destinations in Asia - Case study: Korea National Tourism Organisation (KNTO). INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 119-129.
- Main, H.C., 1999. Emerging technologies and their role in developing a marketing information system(MKIS) for tourism and hospitality products. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 347-356.
- Jung, H.S., 1999. The analysis of demographic profiles and prospects of internet users in national tourism organisations case study: Korea National Tourism Organisation (KNTO). INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 98-107.
- Evans, G., 1999. Networking for growth and digital business: Local urban tourism SMTEs and ICT. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 376-387.
- Daniele, R. and Mistilis, N., 1999. Information technology and tourism education in Australia: an industry view of skills and qualities required in graduates. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 140-150.
- O'Brien, P.F., 1999. Matching traveller preferences to destination and product characteristics: It's all a matter of semantics. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 130-139.
- Go, F.M., Govers, R. and van den Heuvel, M., 1999. Towards interactive tourism: capitalising on virtual and physical value chains. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 11-24.
- Buhalis, D. and Keeling, S., 1999. Distributing B&B accommodation in York, UK: Advantages and developments emerging through the Internet. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 228-237.
- Klabbers, M.D. and Timmermans, H.J.P., 1999. Measuring tourism consumer behaviour using ESCAPE: a multimedia interview engine for stated choice and preference experiments. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 179-190.
- Cettolo, M., Corazza, A., Lazzari, G., Pianesi, F., Pianta, E. and Tovena, L.M., 1999. A speech-to-speech translation based interface for tourism. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 191-200.
- Höpken, W., 1999. Modelling of an electronic tourism market. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 161-171.
- Robledo, M.A., 1999. DBM as a source of competitive advantage for the hotel industry. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 36-45.
- Güler, S. and Klein, S., 1999. Hotel reservation systems on the Internet -: Custom design vs. standard software. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 201-217.
- Björk, P. and Guss, T., 1999. The Internet as a marketspace -: The percepton of the consumers. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 54-65.
- Pröll, B., Retschitzegger, W. and Wagner, R.R., 1999. Holiday packages on the Web. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 108-118.
- Jewell, G., Williamson, B. and Kärcher, K., 1999. The Airtours Cruise Intranet:: Streamlining the distribution of information, knowledge and money. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 337-346.
- Wöber, K.W., 1999. Comparing operating ratios for small and medium hotel and restaurant businesses.: A decision support system using Internet technology. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 238-246.
- Curry, P. and Alpert, F., 1999. The impact of the Internet on consideration sets - the case of international tourist destinations. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 77-87.
- Schertler, W. and Berger-Koch, C., 1999. Tourism as an information business: The strategic consequences of e-commerce for business travel. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 25-35.
- van der Pijl, G.J. and Bartelink, H., 1999. Printing-on-demand as a channel for tourist information. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 46-53.
- Baker, M. and Sussmann, S., 1999. Factors affecting the contribution of information technology in the hospitality industry. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 290-299.
- Evans, G. and Peacock, M., 1999. A comparative study of ICT and tourism and hospitality SMEs in Europe. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 247-258.
- Beirne, E. and Curry, P., 1999. The impact of the Internet on the information search process and tourism decision making. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 88-97.
- Tichler, G., Grossmann, W. and Werthner, H., 1999. Using data mining in analysing local tourism patterns. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 1-10.
- Guevara, A., Caro, J.L., Aguayo, A., Gálvez, S. and González, L., 1999. Electronic invoicing for a hotel management computer network system. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM 1999, 270-278.
- Buhalis, D., 1996. Information and telecommunication technologies as a strategic tool for tourism enhancement at destination regions. ENTER, 131-142 Springer.
- Gaušas, S., Leiputė, B., Christenko, A., Langham, E., Szabó, R., Tashkenbayev, M., Balderas Cejudo, A., Zsarnoczky, M.B. and Buhalis, D., 2025. Role of the longevity economy in the tourism sector.. European Parliament, CASP, Policy Department, Directorate for Transport, Employment and Social Affairs, Brussels. Available from:
Internet Publications
- Buhalis, D.. Home Page.
Scholarly Editions
- O’sullivan, H., Alcaide-Pulido, P. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Corporate Reputation.
- Tomczyk, A., 2023. Personalisation through pricing co-creation: Customer’s willingness to pay and pricing strategies in the B2C context of hospitality. PhD Thesis. Bournemouth University, Bournemouth University Business School.
PhD Students
- Arkadiusz Tomczyk, 2023. Personalisation through co-creation: Pricing strategy and willingness to pay, (In progress)
- Elecia Bethune, 2024. Tourism Resilience, (In progress)
- Asim Mohammadjamal A Batwahas. Designing Smart Tourism Experiences: Investigating the Impact of Digital Nudging on Tourist Behavior and Sustainability, (In progress)
- Nagarjun Ragde. The economics or economic impacts of smart tourism, (In progress)
- Shirley Elizabeth Anne Sheehan. Regenerative Tourism and SMEs, (In progress)
- Turki Bakarim. Destination Place branding, (In progress)
- Vasil M Muhammad. Value co-creation/co-destruction in sharing economy for Airbnb, (In progress)
- Andrew Spencer, 2014. The determinants of firm technology adoption: strategic management implications for travel industry retailers, (Completed)
- Ivana Rihova. Consumers as producers: the dimensions of consumer-to-consumer co-creation in the event experience
- John Fotis. The impact of social media in consumer behaviour: Focus on leisure travel
- Jessika Weber. Augmented Reality Gaming: A New Paradigm for Tourist Experience?
- Nicolas Gregori. The Service of Now: Innovative service marketing delivery using social media networking: Learning from review websites in the tourism/hospitality industry
- Zornitza Yovcheva. User-Centred Design for Smartphone Context-Aware Augmented Reality Applications in Tourism
- Barbara Neuhofer. Technology Enhanced Tourist Experiences: a holistic exploration of how technology can enhance tourist experiences
- Fachri Eka Saputra. Anthropomorphic Robots and Service Quality in Tourism
- Kaiti Shang. Streaming in Tourism
- Kamonpa Wangkuanklang,. Smart Tourism and Rural Development
- Katerina Volchek. Big Data and Personalisation
- Mark Ashton. Robotics and Automation: impacts on Hospitality service delivery
- Mattia Rainoldi. work and leisure in the digital age: A practice exploration of digital work
- Tomasz Tomczyk. Personalisation and Revenue Management
- Vicky Loi. The influence of e-WOM on travel decisions: the use of mobile devices at destination
Profile of Teaching PG
- eTourism
- Tourism Industry
- MSc Dissertation
Profile of Teaching UG
- tourism
- Digital Destinations & Social Media: ‘Make or Break’ (ESRC, 08 Nov 2013). Awarded
- ESRC Digital Destinations: Exchanging Digital Technology Knowledge in Local Tourism Economies (ESRC, 21 Aug 2012). Awarded
- Australian Tourism Digital Workshop (Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW), 12 Jul 2012). Awarded
- Advanced Training for Hotel Group Management Training program (PESTANA, 20 Feb 2011). Awarded
- Research for the Benefit of SMEs" : Identifier: FP7-SME-2011-BSG. Research for the Benefit of SME Associations" (FP7-SME, 01 Jan 2011). Awarded
- John Kent Institute for Tourism (John Kent, 01 Oct 2009). Awarded
- Determinants for Complaints on e-Channels by Hotel Customers (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 01 Sep 2009). Awarded
- eAccess+the eAccessibility Network of Excellence (FP7, PSP-ICT, 01 Jan 2009). Awarded
- A Retrospective Analysis of eTourism Research (Hong Komg University, 07 Nov 2007). Awarded
- iSeT: intergrated Suite for e-Tourism (European Commission, 01 Oct 2007). Awarded
- Usability of DMO Websites in Mainland China (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 07 Apr 2006). Awarded
External Responsibilities
- United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), Vice President Affiliate Members (2012-),
- PhD in PhD (University of Surrey, 1996)
- MSc in Tourism Management (University of Surrey, 1991)
- BSc (Hons) in Business Administration (University of the Aegean, 1989)
- Journal Paper of the Year Award Second Place for "Community Crosstalk: An Exploratory Analysis of Destination and Festival EWOM (International Federation for IT and Travel Tourism, 2016)
- AM2014 Events & Experiential Marketing Best Paper in Track Prize with co-authors Dr Nigel Williams, Dr Alessandro Inversini and Prof. Dimitrios Buhalis for Social Media and Festivals as Destination Marketing Tool: A study on Twitter Conversations sponsored by Wiley (Academy of Marketing, 2014)
- President of IFITT (IFITT, 2010)
- International Academy for the Study of Tourism, Fellow (2010-),
- International Federation of Information Technology for Travel and Tourism - IFITT (President), Fellow,
Social Media Links
- Facebook,
- LinkedIn,
- Twitter, @buhalis
- LinkedIn,
- Facebook,
- Twitter, @buhalis
Website Links
External Media and Press
- Falling pound boost UK appeal to international tourists, China Daily, 25 Nov 2022.