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Professor Dimitrios Buhalis is a Strategic Management and Marketing expert with specialisation in Information Communication Technology applications in the Tourism, Travel, Hospitality and Leisure industries. He is Director of the eTourism Lab and Deputy Director of the International Centre for Tourism and Hospitality Research, at Bournemouth University Business School in England. He was recently Visiting Professor at the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University SAR, China. He is the Editor in Chief of the most established Journal in Tourism: Tourism Review, and the Editor in Chief of the Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing. His research pioneers smart and ambient intelligence tourism with a particular focus on innovation, entrepreneurship and destination ecosystems management. Professor Buhalis has written and co-edited more than 25 books and 400 scientific articles. For more information, books, articles and presentations see



Professor Dimitrios Buhalis is a Strategic Management and Marketing expert with specialisation in Information Communication Technology applications in the Tourism, Travel, Hospitality and Leisure industries. Dimitrios is researching, lecturing, advising and facilitating progress in organisations globally, whilst his books and publications are studied widely by both students and professionals around the world. Dimitrios current research focus includes: Real-Time and Nowness, Smart Tourism and Smart Hospitality, Social Media Context and Mobile Marketing (SoCoMo), Augmented Reality, Technology-enhanced Experience Management and Personalisation, Reputation and Social Media Strategies, Accessibility and Special Diet (Allergens) Tourism.

Professor Buhalis has written and co-edited more than 20 books and 250 scientific articles. He has written or co-edited a total of about 20 books, including Tourism Business Frontiers and Tourism Management Dynamics published by Elsevier, eTourism: Strategic Information Technology for Tourism published by Pearson (Prentice Hall/Financial Times) and Tourism Distribution Channels (Thomson), Managing alliances in the global hospitality and tourism industry, Accessible Tourism, European Tourism Planning as well as a series of three books on IT and Tourism. He is currently working on four new books. He is the Editor in Chief of Tourism Review the most established Journal in Tourism: Tourism Review, now and SSCI Journal in its 75th volume...


Dimitrios' current research focus includes: Real-Time and Nowness, Smart Tourism and Smart Hospitality, Social Media Context and Mobile Marketing (SoCoMo), Augmented Reality, Technology-enhanced Experience Management and Personalisation, Reputation and Social Media Strategies, Accessibility and Special Diet (Allergens) Tourism.


  • Buhalis, D., O’Connor, P. and Leung, R., 2023. Smart hospitality: from smart cities and smart tourism towards agile business ecosystems in networked destinations. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35 (1), 369-393.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:

No poverty

"End poverty in all its forms everywhere"

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Decent work and economic growth

"Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all"

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Industry, innovation and infrastructure

"Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation"

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Partnership for the Goals

"Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development"

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