Determining and assessing the determinants of e-service operations
Authors: Surjadjaja, H., Ghosh, S. and Antony, J.
Journal: Managing Service Quality: An International Journal
Volume: 13
Issue: 1
Pages: 39-53
ISSN: 0960-4529
DOI: 10.1108/09604520310456708
Abstract:The rapid growth of the Internet has provided tremendous opportunities for service companies to offer quality services. The prime drivers and motivations for offering such services through the Net are to reduce transaction costs and to provide efficient and effective service to customers. But what are the determinants essential for building a successful electronic service (e-service) operation? This paper addresses this specific issue by isolating the essential determinants from the available literature, and assessing them individually to obtain better insights and understanding. This could help companies to design and develop robust foundations on which to build successful e-service operations. The boundaries between e-service, e-business and e-commerce are blurred and sometimes confusing. This paper aims to clarify some of these ambiguities. © 2003, MCB UP Limited
Source: Scopus