Optimisation of the determinants of e-service operations
Authors: Ghosh, S., Surjadjaja, H. and Antony, J.
Journal: Business Process Management Journal
Volume: 10
Issue: 6
Pages: 616-635
ISSN: 1463-7154
DOI: 10.1108/14637150410567848
Abstract:E-service operations that attract and influence customers to buy products and/or services from specific sites is a complex process involving service design, marketing, and delivery, and encompass a number of essential determinants. Determinants that integrate all the three service processes form the basic framework on which a survey was conducted involving e-service companies, and their views were ascertained on those determinants affecting e-service operations. The aim of this paper is to provide a specific solution that isolates the critical determinants for e-service operations. This paper demonstrated the usability of optimisation technique in isolating critical determinants based on companies’ responses. It was found that optimisation technique works well and is able to isolate optimum number of key determinants that are critical to e-service operations. Pareto analysis and statistical significance test were also used to explore the relative importance of the determinants; however, it was found that they failed to identify specific and optimum number of critical determinants. The rationale and limitations of each technique and their applicability were also critically assessed. © 2004, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Source: Scopus