Teenage sexual health promotion
Authors: Thomas, B.G.
Journal: Journal of the Institute of Health Education
Volume: 34
Pages: 89-94
ISSN: 1463-5240
Abstract:This article describes research conducted as an exploration into teens' understanding of sex, health and the relationship between the two. Five focus group interviews were held with a total of sixty two 14 and 15 year old secondary school students. The main findings were that these adolescents appeared to have a good understanding of the factual issues which were presented in their sciences classes, especially regarding human conception and HIV and AIDS. However there was very little understanding demonstrated about other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and contraception. As the government's document 'Health of the Nation' (DOH 1992) specifically targets the areas of STD transmission and unwanted adolescent pregnancies, these findings have important implications for health promoters.
Source: Manual
Preferred by: Gail Thomas