Dr Nathan Bourne
- Lecturer Biomedical Science
- Christchurch House C207, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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Journal Articles
- Alsaffar, L., Osborne, L. and Bourne, N.T., 2018. Bacterial colonization of bladeless electrical fans. Journal of Hospital Infection, 100 (4), 476-477.
- Bourne, N. and Hill, S., 2011. CO2-dependent meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: implications for screening. Journal of Hospital Infection.
- Bourne, N. and Williamson, M., 2006. Binding of amyloid beta-peptide to ganglioside micelles is dependent on histidine-13. Journal of Biochemistry, 397, 483-490.