Natalia Tejedor Garavito

Natalia Tejedor Garavito

  • ntejedor at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
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I am a forest ecologist and my current research focuses on assessing the impact of climate change on montane forests, evaluating the extinction risk of individual tree species in the tropical Andes (South America), using species potential distribution modelling and the IUCN Red List.

Journal Articles



  • Newton, A., Cantarello, E., Myers, G., Douglas, S.J. and Tejedor, N., 2010. The condition and dynamics of New Forest woodlands. Biodiversity in the New Forest. Newbury, Berkshire: Pisces Publications, 132-147.
  • Newton, A. et al., 2010. Landscape-scale dynamics and restoration of dryland forest ecosystems. Principles and practice of forest landscape restoration: case studies from the drylands of Latin America. Gland, Switzerland: International Union for Conservation of Nature, 229-272.



  • British Ecological Society, Member,
  • IUCN SSC Global Tree Specialist Group, Member,