Digital behaviors and people risk: Challenges for risk management

Authors: Phippen, A. and Ashby, S.

Journal: Advanced Series in Management

Volume: 11

Pages: 1-26

ISBN: 9781781908983

ISSN: 1877-6361

DOI: 10.1108/S1877-6361(2013)0000011005


Purpose - This research explores the implications for risk management of "People Risk." In particular how online digital behaviors, particularly from young people entering the workplace for the first time, might impact on the work setting and how risk management might mitigate impact on the employee and organization. Design/methodology/approach - A mixed methods approach was used to consider these implications and draws from a number of data sources in the United Kingdom including a database of self-review data around online safety policy and practice from over 2000 schools, a survey of over 1000 14-16 year olds and their attitudes toward sexting, and a survey of over 500 undergraduate students. In addition the work considers existing risk management approaches and the models therein and how they might be applied to people risk. Findings - The dataset analyzed in this exploration show an education system in the United Kingdom that is not adequately preparing young people with an awareness of the implications of digital behavior in their lives and the survey data shows distorted social norms that might have serious consequences in the workplace. Practical implications - This research should raise concerns for managers in the workplace who need to be aware of the changes in "normal" behavior and how these potentially harmful practices may be mitigated in the workplace. Originality/value - The research provides a strong evidence base for a change in "acceptable" social behavior by children and young people alongside an education system not promoting effective awareness. These two datasets combined highlight potential new risks to the workplace. Copyright © 2013 by Emerald Group Publishing Limited All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

Source: Scopus

Digital behaviors and people risk: Challenges for risk management

Authors: Phippen, A. and Ashby, S.

Editors: Olivas-Lujan M.R. and Bondarouk T.

Journal: Adv. Ser. Manage.

Volume: 11

Pages: 1-26

ISBN: 9781781908983

ISSN: 1877-6361

DOI: 10.1108/S1877-6361(2013)0000011005

Source: Manual