The Impact of Drug Storage Temperatures on its Efficacy in Extreme Environments: An Evidence-Based Approach
Authors: Schroth, C. and Phillips, P.
Conference: CoPMRE Visiting Faculty Day 2018
Abstract:This poster explores the available literature/evidence with regards to the most appropriate storage temperatures for emergency care drugs in the pre-hospital setting and how they should be stored to reduce the likelihood of reduced efficacy.
Source: Manual
The impact of drug storage temperatures on its efficacy in extreme environments: an evidence-based approach.
Authors: Schroth, C. and Phillips, P.
Conference: CoPMRE Visiting Faculty Day 2018
Abstract:This poster explores the available literature/evidence with regards to the most appropriate storage temperatures for emergency care drugs in the pre-hospital setting and how they should be stored to reduce the likelihood of reduced efficacy.
Source: BURO EPrints