Women on a low income and risk factors for Coronary Heart Disease: a research study
Authors: Hemingway, A.
Publisher: Bournemouth University
Place of Publication: Poole, England
Abstract:In the UK the inverse social class gradient in CHD is not reducing for women. Women of child bearing age and CHD risk is an understudied area, as are the realities of living on a low income in relation to that risk. Using a grounded theory method, this study has enabled the reflections of women on their lifestyles and attempts at lifestyle change to be analysed. This is an area which warrants study particularly in relation to inequalities in health. This study suggests that the women interviewed were unaware of CHD as a potential risk to their health and three key areas negatively influenced the lifestyles of the women interviewed in relation to smoking, diet and exercise. These three key areas were high workload demands in the home, lack of control over their own circumstances and lack of social support, areas previously identified as occupational psychosocial CHD risk factors.
Source: Manual
Preferred by: Ann Hemingway