Professor Ann Hemingway
- 07590007163
- Professor Of Public Health And Wellbeing
- Executive Business Centre EB611, Bournemouth University, 89 Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth, BH8 8EB
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My work is international and national research focused on reducing inequalities in health outcomes for different groups. I work on social innovation (co-production) and non medicalised approaches to health & wellbeing. I regularly receive research funding from international and UK funders and publish in peer reviewed international publications.
VeggiEAT eu funded project 1.6 million euros co investigator current Reflections on changes in commissioning of health care and support current £4,000 primary investigator current Developing a model of change in reoffending behaviour facilitated by equine assisted learning with young offenders £5,000 primary investigator current
Staying Active and Independent for Longer (SAIL) is a EU funded three and a half year study to develop eleven social innovations across three countries at BU Prof AnnHemingway, Prof Adele Ladkin and Dr Holly Crossen White are running the international feasibility study for this multi million pound project.
Further information -
Arts Link Fizz Sherborne is a project funded through the Big Lottery focused on improving the wellbeing of local people through dance and the arts. Here at BU we are undertaking the evaluation over four years involved are Dr Liz Norton, Prof Ann Hemingway and Dr Caroline Elllis Hill.
- Hemingway, A. and Sullivan, K., 2022. Reducing the incidence of domestic violence: An observational study of an equine-assisted intervention. Family Process, 61 (2), 549-570.
- Hemingway, A., 2020. Nurses are on the coronavirus frontline, so why are they being left out of the response? Conversation.
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:
Good health and well-being
"Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages"
Sustainable cities and communities
"Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable"
Journal Articles
- Dragosits, A., Martinsen, B., Hemingway, A. and Norlyk, A., 2025. Balancing acts – striving towards independence after early discharge: lived experiences of older adults and their relatives. BMC Health Services Research, 25 (1).
- Hemingway, A. and Sullivan, K., 2024. Equine-assisted learning reduces anxiety and increases calmness & social skills in young people. Academia Mental Health & Wellbeing.
- Hemingway, A., 2024. A Special Bond: How Equine Assisted Service Reduce Domestic Violence. Research Outreach.
- Hemingway, A., Mills, A. and moreton, S., 2024. Introducing the research methodology of interpretative phenomenological analysis for midwives. Midirs Midwifery Digest.
- Hemingway, A. and Sullivan, K., 2024. A short-term equine assisted learning program improves family relationships. A Pilot study. HETI Horses in Ed and Therapy International, Volume 23, Number 1, January 2024 (1 2024).
- Dragosits, A., Martinsen, B., Hemingway, A. and Norlyk, A., 2024. Coming home: older patients’ and their relatives’ experiences of well-being in the transition from hospital to home after early discharge. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 19 (1).
- Dragosits, A., Martinsen, B., Hemingway, A. and Norlyk, A., 2023. Being well? A meta-ethnography of older patients and their relatives’ descriptions of suffering and well-being in the transition from hospital to home. BMC Health Services Research, 23 (1).
- Norton, E., Hemingway, A. and Ellis Hill, C., 2023. The meaning and impact on well-being of bespoke dancing sessions for those living with Parkinson’s. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 18 (1).
- Crossen-White, H.L., Hemingway, A., Ladkin, A., Jones, A., Burke, A. and Timmermans, O., 2022. An international qualitative feasibility study to explore the process of using social innovation (co-production) strategies with older people: the SAIL project. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults, 23 (3), 129-149.
- Hemingway, A. and Sullivan, K., 2022. Reducing the incidence of domestic violence: An observational study of an equine-assisted intervention. Family Process, 61 (2), 549-570.
- Clayton, C.E., Hemingway, A., Hughes, M. and Rawnson, S., 2022. The public health role of caseloading midwives inadvancing health equity in childbearing women and babies living in socially deprived areas in England: The Mi-CARE Study protocol. European Journal of Midwifery, 6 (April).
- Ladkin, A., Hemingway, A. and Crossen-White, H., 2021. Health, active ageing and tourism. Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights, 2 (2).
- Alloh, F., Hemingway, A. and Turner-Wilson, A., 2021. The role of finding out in type 2 diabetes management among west-african immigrants living in the UK. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (11).
- Hemingway, A., 2021. Nurses report PTSD symptoms during the pandemic and here`s why. The Conversation.
- Ashencaen Crabtree, S., Esteves, L. and Hemingway, A., 2021. A ‘new (ab)normal’?: Scrutinising the work-life balance of academics under lockdown. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 45 (9), 1177-1191.
- Hemingway, A., 2020. Equine Assisted Interventions: Enhancing mental health and wellbeing. OPENACCESSGOVERNMENT.
- Crossen-White, H.L., Hemingway, A. and Ladkin, A., 2020. The application of social innovation as it relates to older people and the implications for future policymaking: a scoping review. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults, 21 (3), 143-153.
- Hemingway, A., 2020. Nurses are on the coronavirus frontline, so why are they being left out of the response? Conversation.
- Hemingway, A., 2020. Research Outreach, 1-4.
- Cescutti-Butler, L., Hewitt-Taylor, J. and Hemingway, A., 2020. Powerless responsibility: A feminist study of women's experiences of caring for their late preterm babies. Women and Birth, 33 (4), e400-e408.
- Harding, A.J.E., Hean, S., Parker, J. and Hemingway, A., 2020. 'It Can't Really be Answered in an Information Pack.. ': A Realist Evaluation of a Telephone Housing Options Service for Older People. Social Policy and Society, 19 (3), 361-378.
- Ashencaen Crabtree, S. et al., 2020. Donning the “slow professor”: A feminist action research project. Radical Teacher, 116, 55-65.
- Alloh, F., Hemingway, A. and Turner-Wilson, A., 2019. Systematic review of diabetes management among black African immigrants, white and South Asian populations. Journal of Global Health Reports, 3.
- Appleton, K.M., Dinnella, C., Spinelli, S., Morizet, D., Saulais, L., Hemingway, A., Monteleone, E., Depezay, L., Perez-Cueto, F.J.A. and Hartwell, H., 2019. Liking and consumption of vegetables with more appealing and less appealing sensory properties: Associations with attitudes, food neophobia and food choice motivations in European adolescents. Food Quality and Preference, 75, 179-186.
- Hemingway, A., 2019. A Study Exploring the Implementation of an Equine Assisted Intervention for Young People with Mental Health and Behavioural Issues. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research.
- Rosser, E.A., Scammell, J., Heaslip, V., White, S., Phillips, J., Cooper, K., Donaldson, I. and Hemingway, A., 2019. Caring values in undergraduate nurse students: A qualitative longtitudinal study. Nurse Education Today, 77, 65-70.
- Hemingway, A., Carter, S., Callaway, A., Kavanagh, E. and Ellis, S., 2019. An exploration of the mechanism of action of an equine-assisted intervention. Animals, 9 (6).
- Cescutti-Butler, L., Hemingway, A., Hewitt-Taylor, J. and Cescuitti Butler, L., 2019. “His tummy's only tiny” – Scientific feeding advice versus women's knowledge. Women's experiences of feeding their late preterm babies. Midwifery, 69, 102-109.
- Alloh, F., Hemingway, A. and Turner-Wilson, A., 2019. Exploring the experiences of west African immigrants living with type 2 diabetes in the UK. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (19).
- Alloh, F., Hemingway, A., Turner-Wilson, A. and Folashade, A., 2018. Diabetes management outcomes among Black-Africans compared to the Whites and South Asians in Western Countries: A mixed-methods review. Journal of Global health Report.
- Hartwell, H., Fyall, A., Willis, C., Page, S., Ladkin, A. and Hemingway, A., 2018. Progress in tourism and destination wellbeing research. CURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM, 21 (16), 1830-1892.
- Harding, A., Parker, J., Hean, S. and Hemingway, A., 2018. Supply-side review of the UK specialist housing market and why it is failing older people. Housing, Care and Support, 21 (2), 41-50.
- Appleton, K.M., Hemingway, A., Rajska, J. and Hartwell, H., 2018. Repeated exposure and conditioning strategies for increasing vegetable liking and intake: Systematic review and meta-analyses of the published literature. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 108 (4), 842-856.
- Turner-Wilson, A., Fisher, R., Crossen-White, H. and Hemingway, A., 2018. Interdisciplinary working relationships of health care staff in late 20th century Britain: A cultural study of practices from the past and implications for the present. IAFOR Journal of Cultural Studies, 3 (2), 17-28.
- Hemingway, A., Crossen-White, H. and Norton, E., 2018. Using the arts: Learning from a community consultation on health and wellbeing. British Journal of Health Care Management, 24 (8), 395-403.
- Alloh, F., Hemingway, A. and Turner-Wilson, A., 2018. Diabetes management outcome among Black-Africans compared to other ethnic groups in Western countries: A mixed-methods systematic review. Prospero.
- Harding, A.J.E., Parker, J., Hean, S. and Hemingway, A., 2018. Efficacy of Telephone Information and Advice on Welfare: The Need for Realist Evaluation. Social Policy and Society, 17 (1), 1-21.
- Bishop, L., Hemingway, A. and Crabtree, S.A., 2018. Lifestyle coaching for mental health difficulties: scoping review. Journal of Public Mental Health, 17 (1), 29-44.
- Hemingway, A. and Bosanquet, J., 2018. Role of nurses in tackling health inequalities. Journal of Community Nursing, 32 (6), 62-64.
- Zhou, X., Appleton, K.M., Hemingway, A., Hartwell, H. et al., 2018. Promotion of novel plant-based dishes among older consumers using the ‘dish of the day’ as a nudging strategy in 4 EU countries. Food Quality and Preference.
- Effah, A., Ersser, S.J. and Hemingway, A., 2017. Support needs of people living with Mycobacterium ulcerans (Buruli ulcer) disease in a Ghana rural community: a grounded theory study. International Journal of Dermatology, 56 (12), 1432-1437.
- Appleton, K.M., Dinnella, C., Spinelli, S., Morizet, D., Saulais, L., Hemingway, A., Monteleone, E., Depezay, L., Perez-Cueto, F.J.A. and Hartwell, H., 2017. Consumption of a high quantity and a wide variety of vegetables are predicted by different food choice motives in older adults from France, Italy and the UK. Nutrients, 9 (9).
- Page, S.J., Hartwell, H., Johns, N., Fyall, A., Ladkin, A. and Hemingway, A., 2017. Case study: Wellness, tourism and small business development in a UK coastal resort: Public engagement in practice. Tourism Management, 60, 466-477.
- Wall, S., Hemingway, A. and Curtin, S., 2017. Engaging with a healthy tourism “offer”: strategies to improve place perceptions. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 9 (5), 525-533.
- Hemingway, A., Ellis-Hill, C. and Norton, E., 2016. What does care farming provide for clients? The views of care farm staff. NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences, 79, 23-29.
- North, S., Hemingway, A., Maclean, A., Laurie, H. and Ellis-Hill, C., 2016. Evaluating a natural horsemanship program in relation to the ISES first principles of horse training. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, 15 (Sept/Oct), 87.
- Price, S., Viglia, G., Hartwell, H., Hemingway, A., Chapleo, C., Appleton, K., Saulais, L., Mavridis, I. and Perez-Cueto, F.J.A., 2016. What are we eating? Consumer information requirement within a workplace canteen. Food Quality and Preference, 53, 39-46.
- Crossen-White, H., Norton, E. and Hemingway, A., 2016. Consulting a community on their health and wellbeing using an arts-based approach. Health Education Journal.
- Crossen-White, H. and Hemingway, A., 2016. The effectiveness of arts-based health and wellbeing interventions within local communities: What do we know and what should we be finding out? Health and Social Care in the Community.
- Pyke, S., Hartwell, H., Blake, A. and Hemingway, A., 2016. Exploring well-being as a tourism product resource. Tourism Management, 55, 94-105.
- Bevan, A., Hemingway, A., Appleton, K.M., Hartwell, H., Magnante, O., Perez-Cueto, A., Monteleone, E., Giboreau, A. and Depezay, L., 2016. Familiarity and liking of vegetables: Is it important for vegetable consumption? British Journal of School Nursing, 11 (3), 125-130.
- Appleton, K.M., Hemingway, A., Saulais, L., Dinnella, C., Monteleone, E., Depezay, L., Morizet, D., Armando Perez-Cueto, F.J., Bevan, A. and Hartwell, H., 2016. Increasing vegetable intakes: rationale and systematic review of published interventions. European Journal of Nutrition, 55 (3), 869-896.
- price, S., hartwell, H., hemingway, A. and chapleo, C., 2016. Work place food service perceptions of quality and trust. Appetite.
- Hartwell, H., Hemingway, A., Chapleo, C. and Price, S., 2016. Workplace foodservice; perception of quality and trust. APPETITE, 97, 169-175.
- Hemingway, A., effah, A. and ersser, S., 2015. Grounded theory approach to understand the support needs of people living with Mycobacterium ulcerans. International Journal of Dermatology.
- Gleeson, J., Hemingway, A. and Rosser, E., 2015. To What Extent Do Health Visitors and School Nurses Have a Voice in the Policy Process? community practitioner.
- Hemingway, A., Meeks, R. and Ellis-Hill, C., 2015. An exploration of an equine facilitated intervention with young offenders. Society and Animals.
- Hemingway, A., Norton, L. and Aarts, C., 2015. Principles of Lifeworld led Public Health Practice in the UK and Sweden: Reducing health inequalities. Nursing Research and Practice.
- Bevan, A.L., Hartwell, H., Hemingway, A. and Pacheco da Costa Proenca, R., 2015. An exploration of the fruit and vegetable "foodscape" in a university setting for staff: A preliminary study. British Food Journal, 117 (1), 37-49.
- Phillips, J., Cooper, K., Rosser, E., Scammell, J., Heaslip, V., White, S., Donaldson, I., Jack, E., Hemingway, A. and Harding, A., 2015. An exploration of the perceptions of caring held by students entering nursing programmes in the United Kingdom: A longitudinal qualitative study phase 1. Nurse Education in Practice.
- Hemingway, A. and Crabbe, K., 2014. Public health: a job for midwives. British journal of midwifery.
- Crabbe, K. and Hemingway, A., 2014. Public health and wellbeing: A matter for the midwife? British Journal of Midwifery, 22 (9), 634-640.
- Hemingway, A., 2014. The Cochrane Collaboration 20th Anniversary. Internet Journal of Advanced Nursing Practice, 13 (1), 1.
- pacheco, R., hartwell, H., bevan, A. and hemingway a, 2014. An Exploration of the Fruit and Vegetable ‘Foodscape’ in a University Setting for staff: A Preliminary Study. British Food Journal.
- Fyall, A., Hartwell, H. and Hemingway, A., 2013. Combining Tourism and Public Health Strategies. Tourism Tribune, 2013.2 Jan.
- Hemingway, A., 2013. What is nursing care and who owns it? Nursing Times, 109 (6), 16-17.
- Hemingway, A., Aarts, C., Koskinen, L., Campbell, B. and Chassé, F., 2013. A European Union and Canadian Review of Public Health Nursing Preparation and Practice. Public Health Nursing, 30 (1), 58-69.
- Hemingway, A., Aarts, C., Koskinen, L., Campbell, B. and Chassé, F., 2013. A European Union and Canadian Review of Public Health Nursing Preparation and Practice. Public Health Nursing, 30 (1), 58-69.
- Hemingway, A., fyall, A. and hartwell, H., 2013. Branding & Marketing of Tourism Destination in relation to Public Health. Tourism Tribune, 28 (2), 16-19.
- Hemingway, A. and Jack, E., 2013. Reducing social isolation and promoting well being in older people. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults, 14 (1), 25-35.
- Hartwell, H., Hemingway, A., Fyall, A., Filimonau, V. and Wall, S., 2012. Tourism engaging with the public health agenda: can we promote 'wellville' as a destination of choice? Public health, 126 (12), 1072-1074.
- Hartwell, H., Hemingway, A., Fyall, A., Filimonau, V. and Wall, S., 2012. Tourism engaging with the public health agenda: Can we promote ‘wellville’ as a destination of choice? Public Health, 126 (12), 1072-1074.
- Hemingway, A., Scammell, J. and Heaslip, V., 2012. Humanising values at the heart of nurse education. Nurs Times, 108 (41), 26-28.
- Hemingway, A., scammell, J. and heaslip, V., 2012. Humanising nursing care: a theoretical model. Nursing Times, 108 (40), 26-27.
- Hemingway, A., 2012. Humanity, respect and dignity are the foundations of practice. Nursing Times, 108 (40), 11.
- Hemingway, A., 2012. Humanity respect and dignity are the foundations of practice. Nursing times, 108 (40), 11-12.
- Hemingway, A., 2012. Can humanization theory contribute to the philosophical debate in public health? Public Health, 126 (5), 448-453.
- Hemingway, A., 2012. 60 seconds with Ann Hemingway. Nursing times, 108 (13), 32.
- Hall, L.M., Johnson, S., Hemingway, A., Pringle, D., White, P. and Wodchis, W.P., 2012. "The potential is unlimited!" Nurse leader perspectives on the integration of HOBIC in Ontario. Nurs Leadersh (Tor Ont), 25 (1), 29-42.
- Stevens, P. and Hemingway, A., 2011. Power to the people. Occupational Health, 63 (3), 22-23.
- Hemingway, A., Angell, C., Hartwell, H. and Heller, R., 2011. An emerging model for publishing and using open educational resources in public health. Perspectives in Public Health, 131, 38-43.
- Hemingway, A., 2011. Innovation for sustainable wellbeing. Perspectives in Public Health.
- Hemingway, A., 2011. Lifeworld led care wellbeing, and the 5th wave of public health. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being.
- Hemingway, A. and Stevens, P., 2011. Innovation to achieve sustainable wellbeing inside the built environment. Perspectives in Public Health.
- Hemingway, A. and Stevens, P., 2011. Innovation to achieve sustainable wellbeing inside the built environment. Perspectives in Public Health, 131, 117-118.
- Angell, C., Hartwell, H. and Hemingway, A., 2011. The emergence of public health open educational resources. Health Education, 111, 256-265.
- Angell, C., Hemingway, A. and Hartwell, H., 2011. Surfing the net for public health resources. Public Health, 125, 547-553.
- Hemingway, A., 2011. Lifeworld-led care: Is it relevant for well-being and the fifth wave of public health action? Int J Qual Stud Health Well-being, 6 (4).
- Hemingway, A., 2010. Wellbeing in the workplace. Occupational Health.
- Hemingway, A., Juhansoo, T., Mitchell, M. and Nordstom, P., 2009. Using critical reflection to learn about international inequalities in health. Nurse Education Today, March Vol 51 Issue 2 125-129. (Issue 2), 125-129.
- Aarts, C., Nordstom, P., Koskinen, L., Juhansoo, T., Mitchell, H., Marquis, F., Critchley, K., Chasse, F., Campbell, B. and Hemingway, A., 2009. Enabling nursing students to focus on the Ottawa Charter and the nurses role in tackling inequalities in health through international exchange. Nurse Education Today, 30, 448-452.
- Hemingway, A., 2009. Using practice development methodology to develop children’s centre teams: Ideas for the future. Perspectives in Public health, 129, 234-238.
- Hemingway, A. and Cowdell, F., 2009. Using practice development methodology to develop children's centre's teams: Ideas for the future. Perspectives in Public Health, 129, 234-238.
- Koskinen, L., Aarts, C., Chasse, F., Hemingway, A., Juhansoo, T., Mitchell, M., Marquis, F., Critchley, K. and Nordstrom, P., 2009. Enhancing cultural competence: Trans-Atlantic experiences of European and Canadian nursing students. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 15, 502-509.
- Critchley, K.A., Richardson, E., Aarts, C., Campbell, B., Hemingway, A., Koskinen, L., Mitchell, M.P. and Nordstrom, P., 2009. Student Experiences With an International Public Health Exchange Project. Nurse Educator, 34 (2), 69-74.
- Hemingway, A., 2008. Men and indigestion project summary. Mens Health Forum.
- Hemingway, A., 2007. Determinants of coronary heart disease risk for women on a low income: literature review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 60, 359-367.
- Hemingway, A. and Taylor, G., 2006. The men and indigestion pilot study summary. Mens Health Forum Website.
- Hemingway, A., 2005. Women on a low income, coronary heart disease risk and lifestyle change. Community Practice.
- Hemingway, A., 2005. Assembling art: The machine and the American avant-garde. MODERNISM-MODERNITY, 12 (3), 539-541.
- Hemingway, A., 1999. Thrombolysis Administration in A & E. Nursing Times.
- Sullivan, K. and Hemingway, A., 2023. Mind the Gap – Young People’s Mental Health and Equine Assisted Interventions. Mental Health of Children and Adolescents in the 21st Century. UK: Intech Open.
- Hemingway, A., 2021. The Embodied Nature of Horse Human Communication: A Feasibility Study of an Equine Assisted Intervention; Benefits for Horses and Humans. Mind and Matter - Challenges and Opportunities in Cognitive Semiotics and Aesthetics. InTechOpen.
- Hemingway, A., 2018. Embodied routes towell-being: Horses and young people. Routledge Handbook of Wellbeing. 201-213.
- Hemingway, A., fyall, A. and hartwell, H., 2017. Hospitable and Healthy Destination: A Collaborative Approach. In: Marra, E. and Melotti, M., eds. Mobilities and Hospitable Cities. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 66.
- Hemingway, A., 2017. Horses and Humans: Teaching Young People to be Well. In: Prof Kate Galvin, ed. Handbook of Wellbeing. Routledge.
- Appleton, K.M., Hemingway, A., Saulais, L., Dinnella, C., Monteleone, E., Depezay, L., Castagna, E., Perez-Cueto, F.J.A., Beavn, A. and Hartwell, H., 2017. Increasing vegetable intakes: An updated systematic review of published interventions. Advances in Vegetable Consumption and Health Research. 85-154.
- Hemingway, A., fyall, A. and hartwell, H., 2015. Developing wellbeing destination brands: A collaborative approach’. Nation Branding – Concepts, Issues, Practice. Routledge.
- Board, M. and Hemingway, A., 2014. The Context of Nursing Older People. Caring for Older People in Nursing. London: SAGE.
- Hartwell, H., Hemingway, A., Fyall, A., Filimonau, V., Wall, S. and Short, N., 2014. Building tourism and well-being policy: Engaging with the public health agenda in the UK. Health, Tourism and Hospitality: Spas, wellness and medical travel, Second edition. 397-401.
- Hemingway, A., fyall, A. and hartwell, H., 2013. Developing Wellbeing Destination Brands: A Collaborative Approach. Destination Branding. sage.
- Hemingway, A., 2013. Caring for Wellbeing in Later Life. Nursing Older People. Learning Matters.
- Hemingway, A., fyall, A. and hartwell, H., 2013. Developing Wellbeing Destination Brands. Tourism Destination Branding. sage.
- Hemingway, A., 2013. caring for wellbeing with older people. caring for older people. learning matters.
- Hemingway, A., 2013. introducing humanisation theory. caring for older people. learning matters.
- Harker, P. and Hemingway, A., 2003. Health-related behaviour in low-income families. In: Giles, A., ed. A lifecourse approach to coronary heart disease prevention: scientific and policy review. London: The Stationery Office, 137-150.
- Hemingway, A., 2024. Human/Equine Psycho physiology/ Brain Activity During Interactions. In: Horses in Education and Therapy International 17-21 June 2024 Budapest.
- Hemingway, A. and Sullivan, K., 2024. A pre-test post-test study of an equine assisted intervention for young people with mental health and behavioural issues. In: Happy Horse Happy Life Annual Conference 4-7 March 2024 Ocala Florida.
- Hemingway, A., 2023. The Cost of Ideological Political Decision Making. In: Journalism during a Pandemic 1 November 2021-2 November 2023 Online.
- Hemingway, A., 2022. Reducing DVA an observational study of an equine assisted intervention. In: Equine Assisted Practitioner Conference 10-11 June 2022 Unicorn Centre Cheltenham.
- Hemingway, A., 2022. Nursing Empowerment and the Publics Health. In: CareARt 14-15 June 2022 Basel Switzerland.
- Hemingway, A., 2022. Hierarchy of Evidence EAS. In: South West Equine Assisted Practitioners Research and Evaluation Workshop 22-23 May 2022 HorseWorld Bristol.
- Crossen-White, H., Hemingway, A. and Ladkin, A., 2021. Discussing the global need to rethink ageing and how to ensure a good quality of health and wellbeing in later life. In: RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 31 August-3 September 2021 Online.
- Hemingway, A. and Laurie, H., 2021. A proposed study to shift TheHorseCourse equine-assisted intervention to VR platform for large-scale reach. In: Federation for Horses in Education and Therapy International Seoul Korea 8-11 June 2021 Seoul Korea.
- Hemingway, A. and Sullivan, K., 2021. The impact of DFM and TheHorseCourse on domestic violence and abuse in Troubled Families. In: HETI 2021 8-11 June 2021 Seoul South Korea.
- Hemingway, A., 2020. The Hierarchy of Evidence and Equine Assisted Interventions. In: Equine Assisted Interventions the Evidence 1 September 2020 Online.
- Norton, E., Hemingway, A. and Ellis-Hill, C., 2019. Reflections on humanising the research process. In: Humanising Care, Health and Wellbeing 13-14 June 2019 Bournemouth University.
- Hemingway, A. and Kosky, N., 2018. The Horse Course Restart Program - Analysis of an Initial Data Set. In: Royal College of Psychiatrists Annual Conference 9-10 October 2018 London.
- Ashencaen Crabtree, S., 2018. Donning the Slow Professor’ at BU: A feminist action research project: reflections and conclusions. In: Womens academic network conference 23-24 May 2018 BU.
- Alloh, F., Hemingway, A. and Turner-Wilson, A., 2018. Theoretical explanation for type 2 diabetes management among West-African immigrants living in the UK. In: International conference of global health and epidemiology 20-23 August 2018 Wolverhampton, UK.
- Hemingway, A., Carter, S., Kavanagh, E., Callaway, A. and Ellis, S., 2018. The Mechanism of Action of an Equine Assisted Intervention. In: International Congress of Equine Facilitated Programmes 25-29 June 2018 Dublin Ireland.
- Hemingway, A., 2018. A Feasibility study of an equine assisted intervention for young people with social and emotional issues. In: International Congress of Equine Facilitated Programmes 25-29 June 2018 Dublin Ireland.
- Alloh, F., Hemingway, A. and Turner-Wilson, A., 2018. Grounded Theory of diabetes management among West Africans living with diabetes in the UK. In: International conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences 25-27 July 2018 Granada, Spain. Thirteenth International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Autonomy in Times of Turmoil. What to make of the Social?.
- Hemingway, A., 2018. Innovative Routes to Wellbeing. In: iWell Research Centre Launch Conference 16-17 July 2018 Bournemouth.
- Turner-Wilson, A., Crossen-White, H., Hewitt-Taylor, J. and Hemingway, A., 2018. Japanese Ancient Arts and Shinrin-Yoku. In: The European Conference on Arts and Humanities 2018 9 July-10 August 2018 Brighton. Fearful Futures - Programme and Abstract Book, 37 IAFOR.
- Alloh, F., Heminway, A. and Turner-Wilson, A., 2018. Understanding lifestyle contribution in the management of type 2 diabetes among African immigrants living in the UK. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 28, 177-178.
- Alloh, F., Hemingway, A. and Turner-Wilson, A., 2018. Striving to be healthy: Experience of diabetes management among African immigrants living in the UK. In: Postgraduate Researchers' Conference 20 March 2018 Bournemouth University.
- Ashencaen Crabtree, S. et al., 2018. ‘Welcome to the Machine!’ Resisting isomorphic, masculinised corporatisation of Higher Education through feminist scholarship. In: DAKAM Gender and Women's Studies Conference 10-12 November 2018 Istanbul. Yes TBA.
- Ashencaen Crabtree, S. and Hemingway, A., 2018. The WAN Network Slow Professor study at BU, a progress report. In: Back in the Women's Room: Dialogues on Gender Focused Research 24 May 2017 Bournemouth University Women's Academic Network.
- Appleton, K.M., Dinnella, C., Spinelli, S., Morizet, D., Saulais, L., Hemingway, A., Monteleone, E., Depezay, L., Perez-Cueto, F.J.A. and Hartwell, H., 2018. Liking for and consumption of vegetables in European adolescents: Healthy eating, liking, food neophobia and food choice motives. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 77 (OCE3), E88.
- Alloh, F., Hemingway, A. and Turner-Wilson, A., 2017. Contribution of lifestyle factors in the management of type 2 diabetes among African immigrants in the UK. In: The 10th Conference of the International Society for Health and Human Rights 26-29 September 2017 Novi Sad, Serbia.
- Alloh, F., Hemingway, A. and Turner-Wilson, A., 2017. Contributing lifestyle factors associated with type 2 diabetes among African immigrants in the UK: A pilot study findings. In: PhD Symposium at Liverpool John Moore's University 4-5 July 2017 Liverpool.
- Norton, E. and Hemingway, A., 2017. Reducing health inequalities through public health practice- the role of the lifeworld. In: Humanising Care Conference 29-30 June 2017 Bournemouth University.
- Crossen-White, H., Norton, E. and Hemingway, A., 2017. Using the Arts to consult a community about their health and wellbeing needs. In: Culture Health and Wellbeing International Conference 19-21 June 2017 Bristol.
- Turner-Wilson, A., Fisher, R., Crossen-White, H., Hemingway, A. and Mellor, S., 2017. Family Matters: Insights Into Late Twentieth Century Interdisciplinary Working Practices From Retired British Healthcare Professionals, Past Ideas and Modern Perspectives. In: The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies 1-4 June 2017 Kobe , Japan.
- Appleton, K.M., Dinnella, C., Spinelli, S., Morizet, D., Saulais, L., Hemingway, A., Monteleone, E., Depezay, L., Perez-Cueto, F.J.A. and Hartwell, H., 2017. Different food choice motives predict the consumption of a high quantity and a high variety of vegetables in European older adults. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 76 (OCE4), E222.
- Rosser, E., Scammell, J., Rosser, E., Phillips, J., Cooper, K., White, S., Heaslip, V., Hemingway, A. and Donaldson, I., 2016. Learning about the complexity of humanised care: findings from a longitudinal study of nurse students’ perceptions. In: 27th International Networking for Healthcare Education Conference 6-8 September 2016 Cambridge, England.
- North, S., Hemingway, A., Laurie, H., McClean, A. and Ellis-Hill, C., 2016. Evaluating a natural horsemanship program in relation to the ISES First Principles of Horse Training. In: 12th International Equitation Science Conference 23-25 June 2016 Saumur France.
- Appleton, K.M., Hemingway, A., Saulais, L., Dinnella, C., Monteleone, E., Depezay, L., Morizet, D., Perez-Cueto, F.J.A., Bevan, A. and Hartwell, H., 2016. Systematic review of published interventions aiming to increase vegetable intakes. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 75 (OCE3), E205.
- Scammell, J., Rosser, E., Hemingway, A., Phillips, J., Cooper, K., Heaslip, V., White, S. and Donaldson, I., 2015. Nurturing caring values in pre-registration nurse education: a qualitative longitudinal study. In: STTI Honours Nursing Society Biennium Conference 8-12 November 2015 Las Vegas, USA.
- Rosser, E., Scammell, J., Hemingway, A., Cooper, K., Phillips, J., Heaslip, V., White, S. and Donaldson, I., 2015. Caring Values of Nursing Students: the impact of education. In: Biennial Convention of Sigma Theta Tau International 7-11 November 2015 Las Vagas.
- Rosser, E., Scammell, J., Hemingway, A., Cooper, K., Phillips, J., Heaslip, V., White, S. and Donaldson, I., 2015. The Effect of Education on the Caring Values of Nursing Students. In: 26th International Networking for Healthcare Education Conference 8-10 September 2015 Cambridge.
- Hemingway, A., 2015. Improving workplace foodscapes: ideas for managing hunger and satiety. In: International food research seminar 15-16 April 2015 Institute Paul Boucus Lyon France.
- Hemingway, A., Hartwell, H. and Ladkin, A., 2014. Workplace Health & Wellbeing: Considering the Tourism Workforce. In: 3rd International Tourism Conference. Tourism & Innovation: Re-inventing, Revolutionizing, Transforming 9-11 November 2014 Montego Bay, Jamaica.
- Hemingway, A., Hartwell, H., Appleton, K. and Bevan, A., 2014. Increasing vegetable consumption through food service. In: EuroCHRIE conference 7-17 October 2014 Dubai.
- Hemingway, A., Norton, E., Hutchinson, J. and Fagerberg, I., 2014. What kinds of knowledge are relevant for caring practices? In: Sigma Theta Tau International 16-18 June 2014 Gothenberg, Sweden.
- Bevan, A., hartwell, H., Hemingway, A. and Proenca, R., 2014. An exploration of the fruit and vegetable ‘foodscape’ in a university setting: A pilot study. In: 11th International conference on culinary arts and science, 13-15 June 2014 Porto, Portugal.
- Rosser, E., Hemingway, A., Harding, A., Cooper, K., Donaldson, I., Heaslip, V., Jack, E., Phillips, J., Scammell, J. and White, S., 2013. Do students enter nursing programmes with a caring disposition? An exploration of the qualities and values held by students entering pre-registration nursing in one English University. In: 24th International Networking for Healthcare Education 3-5 September 2013 Cambridge, UK. 3.9.13.
- Phillips, J., Cooper, K., Rosser, E., Scammell, J., Heaslip, V., White, S., Donaldson, I., Hemingway, A., Jack, E. and Harding, A., 2013. To explore the impact of a humanising curriculum on new nursing recruits' personal beliefs about the core values of nursing. In: 24th International Networking for Healthcare Education 3-5 September 2013 Cambridge, UK.
- Rosser, E.A., Hemingway, A., Harding, A., Jack, E., Cooper, K., Phillips, J., Scammell, J., Heaslip, V., White, S. and Donaldson, I., 2013. An exploration of the perceptions of caring held by students entering nursing programmes. In: 24th International Networking for Healthcare Education Conference 2-5 September 2013 Cambridge.
- Rosser, E., Hemingway, A., Harding, A., Cooper, K., Donaldson, I., Heaslip, V., Jack, E., Phillips, J., Scammell, J. and White, S., 2013. Putting patients at the heart of nursing care: an exploratory study of student values entering pre-registration nursing in one UK University. In: Inaugural Phi Mu Chapter conference 20-21 June 2013 Bournemouth UK. 20.6.13.
- Hemingway, A. and Jack, E., 2010. Social isolation and older people a research study: preliminary findings. In: 18th Annual Public Health Forum - Confronting the Public Health Crisis. Global issues, local actions - health and wellbeing in a time of ecological and economic crises 24-25 March 2010 Bournemouth International Centre, Bournemouth, England.
- Hemingway, A., 2010. Humanisation and public health research. In: 8th Biennial International Qualitative Research Conference 6-8 September 2010 Bournemouth University, England.
- Hemingway, A., 2008. Using international students as resources. In: Going Global 3 3-5 December 2008 London. British Council.
- Hemingway, A., 2007. The Ottawa Charter Twenty Years On: an International Nursing Student Exchange Program Perspective. In: 19th IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion and Health Development 2007: Health Promotion Comes of Age: Research, Policy & Practice for the 21st Century 10-15 June 2007 Vancouver, Canada.
- Norton, E., Hemingway, A. and Ellis-Hill, C., 2021. Final Evaluation Report Summary for Parkinson’s Dance, Memory Art and Art for Parents Project. May 2021.. Bournemouth University.
- Esteves, L., Ashencaen Crabtree, S. and Hemingway, A., 2020. Impacts of C-19 lockdown on the work-life balance of BU academics - Preliminary results. n/a.
- Hemingway, A., crossen white, H. and Ladkin, A., 2019. Staying Active and Independent for Longer EU Commission funded project report year ending 2019. BU.
- Crossen-White, H., Norton, E. and Hemingway, A., 2016. Creative Consultation: A community’s views on health & wellbeing. BU: BU.
- Crossen-White, H., Hemingway, A. and Norton, E., 2016. Creative Consultation: A community’s views on health & well being: Evaluation Report. Website: Arts South West.
- Hemingway, A., 2010. Final Recommendations from the World Health Organisation Commission on the Social Determinants of Health: Nurses, part of the solution? A discussion paper.. Elsevier.
- Critchley, K., Richardson, E., Aarts, C., Campbell, B., Hemingway, A., Koskines, L., Juhansoo, T., Mitchell, M. and Nordstrom, P., 2010. Experiences with an EU/Canada Public Health project: an overview. EU.
- Hemingway, A. and Jack, E., 2009. Healthy Living Centre Evaluation. BU.
- Hemingway, A. and Jack, E., 2008. Evaluation of the Boscombe West & Springbourne Healthy Living Centre in Bournemouth,Sept 2005-Oct 2008. Final Report Draft. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Hemingway, A., 2007. Women on a low income and CHD risk a literature review. Journal of Advanced Nursing.
- Hemingway, A., 2006. Women on a low income and risk factors for Coronary Heart Disease: a research study. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Hemingway, A., 2005. Community involvement in health promotion: an evaluative study. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Hemingway, A., Taylor, G. and Young, N., 2004. Quit bellyaching: the men and indigestion pilot study: executive summary. Men's Health Forum.
- Hemingway, A. and Taylor, G., 2004. An Evaluation of the Processes and Outcomes in Two Interagency Public Health Teams Working in Deprived Areas. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Hemingway, A., 2003. Factors which may affect attendance at cardiac rehabilitation. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
Internet Publications
- Hemingway, A., 2024. A special bond: How equine-assisted services helps families impacted by domestic abuse. Research Outreach.
- Ashencaen Crabtree, S., Esteves, L. and Hemingway, A., 2022. What’s New at WAN. Bournemouth University Research Blog. Available from:
- Hemingway, A., 2022. Pet therapy: how dogs, cats and horses help improve human wellbeing. the conversation. Available from:
- Hemingway, A., 2022. Pet Therapy: How Dogs Cats & Horses Improve Human Wellbeing. The Conversation. Available from:
- Hemingway, A., 2020. The Hierarchy of Evidence and Equine Assisted Interventions... TheHorseCourse (THC). prezi. Available from:
- Esteves, L., Hemingway, A. and Ashencaen Crabtree, S., 2020. How the C-19 lockdown has affected the work-life balance of BU academics (A 5 part series of BU Research Blogs). BU Research Blogs. Available from: ttps://
- Cescutti-Butler, L., 2017. Powerless responsibility: women’s experiences of caring for their late preterm baby/babies. PhD Thesis. Bournemouth University, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences.
- Hemingway, A. and Stevens, P., 2011. The wellbeing at work demonstration site.
- Norton, E., Hemingway, A. and Ellis-Hill, C., 2022. Creation of community arts activities for health and wellbeing: learning from an evaluation study. In: The 4th International NCCS & EACS Conference, Malardalen University, Sweden.
- Norton, E., Hemingway, A. and Ellis-Hill, C., 2022. Creation of community arts activities for health and wellbeing: learning from an evaluation study. In: Caring in a Changing World. The 4th International NCCS & EACS Conference, Malardalen University, Sweden..
PhD Students
- Sarah Moreton. The experiences of nurses returning to the workforce and undertaking vaccination during COVID 19, (In progress)
- Charlotte Roche. A Constructivist Grounded Theory study examining the impact of trauma and the social determinants of health on women during the perinatal period, and the role of caseloading midwives in tackling widening health inequalities in England., (In progress)
- Eleanor Jack. The learning needs of paramedic students in relation to patients with mental health issues, (In progress)
- shel silva. Preventing motorcycle deaths and injury through eye tracking and experiential analysis, (In progress)
- Adam Nyende, 2025. Exploring the lived experience of control and well-being of older people living with frailty within the healthcare service provision in southern England, (Completed)
- Mavis Bengtsson, 2024. A participatory research project with older people to generate a new model for older peoples care in the community, (Completed)
- Aline Dragosits, 2024. An exploration of the experiences and wellbeing of older people experiencing early discharge from hospital in Austria, (Completed)
- abigail barkham, 2016. Group work as a method of service delivery for community matrons
- Andrew Harding, 2017. Housing advice and older people a realist evaluation
- tina graham, 2017. an autoethnography of empathic resonance
- Elizabeth Waithaka, 2018. recommissioning public health nursing
- folashade alloh, 2018. Nigerian diaspora living with type II diabetes a grounded theory
- Pippa Hillen, 2020. Do nurses do public health?
- Michele Smith, 2022. investigating motorcyclists’ visual search for hazard perception
- Sue Baron. Exploring the patient journey: an approach to patient centred healthcare improvement
- Stacy Wall. The integration of tourism and public health policy
- abigail barkham. the role of the community matron in supporting social learning within patient groups
- alex effah. A grounded theory study on the experiences of buruli ulcer for individuals affecte in ghana
- Eleanor Jack. The Mental Health training needs of paramedic students
- judith gleeson. health visiting and policy implementation
- Luisa Cescutti-Butler. The experiences of delivery for mothers of pre term babies
- Sarah Price. Public Sector Food Service
- Sarah Pyke. social tourism and public health
Profile of Teaching PG
- context and scope of public health
- public health management strategies
Profile of Teaching UG
- evidence for practice
Invited Lectures
Reducing Inequalities in health, Basel Switzerland, 15 Jun 2022 more
About the social determinants of health -
Reducing Domestic Violence: the role of EAI, Cheltenham, 10 Jun 2022 more
about recent equine assisted research -
Equine Assisted Interventions for Mental Health, Bovington Army Base and Live Stream to You Tube, 07 Oct 2021 more
On Track Mental Health Day Event MOD invitation to speak -
The Cost of Ideological Political Decision Making, Online, 16 Jun 2021 more
BU Science Health & Data Communications Research Group -
CORONAVIRUS, STATISTICAL CHAOS AND THE NEWS, Online organised by BU, 04 Dec 2020 more
A Joint Symposium of Bournemouth University, Royal Statistical Society and Association of British Science Writers 9.00 am – 5.30 pm, 4 December, 2020 -
Equine Assist Interventions Hierarchy of Evidence,, 10 Sep 2020 more
Invited by TheHorseCourse to talk about building an evidence base at an international online seminar they hosted -
Enabling community participation - health promo, Online University of Zeeland, 13 May 2020 more
Online Lecture to public health students at University of Zeeland Holland -
Co-creation of public health initiatives, University of Zeeland Holland, 29 May 2019 more
University of Zeeland public health lecture -
Public Health an Opportunity for Nursing, Vlessingen Holland, 29 May 2019 more
Public Health and Nursing -
Public Health and Partnership Working, University of Zeeland Holland, 01 Mar 2019 more
Public Health: Nurses part of the solution? -
Public Health and Obesity, Institute Paul Boucouse Lyon France, 12 Apr 2016 more
Public Health and Obesity -
Public Health + Home Care: making the links, Bristol, 01 Sep 2004 more
Invited to speak at national home care conference
- Developing an AI assisted Emotion Recognition System for Integration into a VR Product (Horsense VR) to improve Mental Health (HEIF, 16 Jan 2025). Awarded
- Male Carers: Improving services for male carers a co-production project (Public Health Dorset, 01 Sep 2023). Awarded
- Nursing and Rural Inequalities in Health an EU Canada project (European Commission, 30 Nov 2021). Completed
- Exploring the mechanism of action of an equine assisted intervention (TheHorseCourse/Esme Fairbairne Foundation, 19 Aug 2021). Awarded
- Understanding the mechanism of action of an equine assisted intervention (TheHorseCourse, 29 Jul 2021). Awarded
- Exploring the effectiveness of an intervention to prevent motorcycle related deaths and injuries (Doc Bike, 02 Oct 2019). Awarded
- INNOVATEDIGNITY (European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, 01 Feb 2019). Awarded
- Women`s experience of maternity care when living on a low income (Southampton NHS Trust, 02 Jan 2018). In Progress
- SAIL - Staying Active and Independent for Longer (European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, 01 May 2017). Completed
- Arts Link Sherborne (Big Lottery Fund, 01 Apr 2017). Awarded
- Recommissioning Public Health Nursing for Dorset (Public Health Dorset, 02 Oct 2014). Awarded
- Trust in workplace food service (Solutions for Chefs, 01 Oct 2014). Completed
- Wellbeing and tourism (ESRC, 01 Sep 2014). Awarded
- Redefining Wellbeing (ESRC, 01 Sep 2014). Awarded
- Commissioning a Wellbeing service for Dorset (Public Health Team Dorset, 01 Sep 2014). Awarded
- Wellbeing and Tourism (Visit England, 01 Sep 2014). Completed
- workplace food service perception of quality and trust (solutions for chefs, 01 Sep 2014). Completed
- Housing Care and Support for Older People (First Stop Advice, 01 Sep 2014). Completed
- exploring an equine assisted intervention in a young offenders institute (THC, 02 Jul 2014). Completed
- arts and health (public health team dorset, 01 Jan 2014). Awarded
- veggieat (EU commission, 01 Oct 2013). Awarded
- Wellbeing as a Boundary Object to bring together public health and tourism strategy (public health dorset, 01 Sep 2013). Completed
- Wellbeing in the workplace (Higher Education Funding Council for England, 01 Sep 2011). Completed
- Exploring the impact of friendship clubs on older peoples health and wellbeing (Brendoncare Foundation, 01 Jan 2010). Completed
- PHORUS Project - Public Health Open (Online) Resources in the University Sector Research Lead (JISC Joint information Systems Committee, 01 Sep 2008). Completed
- Factors which Impact on Attendance at Cardiac Rehabilitation in Dorset (Healthworks, 30 Sep 2004). Completed
- The Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease in Women on a Low Income (Higher Education Funding Council for England, 01 Sep 2003). Completed
External Responsibilities
- General Nursing Council Trust, Research bid reviewer (2022-)
- World Health Organisation, Member Evidence Advisory Group Nursing P Health (2019-)
- World Health Organisation Public Health Nursing and Midwifery Collaborating Centre, Member (2018-2022)
- Cyprus Research Institute, Reviewer for Research Bid applications (2017)
- Cochrane Collaboration, Member of Nursing Priorities Review Group (2013-2018)
- Manchester Metropolitan, External Examiner for Peoples Uni MSc Public Healt (2011-2015)
Public Engagement & Outreach Activities
- Equine Assisted World Pod Cast (01 May 2024-01 Jun 2026)
- Expert Panel Discussion on Inequalities and Climate Change (18 Aug 2022)
- Equine Assisted Interventions for Mental Health (07 Oct 2021-08 Oct 2021)
- The Hierarchy of Evidence and Equine Assisted Interventions (02 Sep 2020)
Attended Training
- Unconscious Bias, 25 Sep 2018
- HEA Leadership application, 12 Dec 2016
- PhD in Inequities in health (2005)
- PhD in PhD (University of Southampton, 2005)
- BSc (Hons) in Ed Honours Degree (Southbank University, 1991)
- Dip HE in Nurse Teacher Qualification, (GNC, 1991)
- Registered Nurse in Registered Nurse (GNC, 1984)
- Nursing Legend (RCN, 2020)
- Chair (European academy of caring science, 2013)
- Nominated Chair (European Academy of Caring Science, 2013)
- membership (international scholarship society for nurses, 2011)
- Partnership working award (Dept of Health, 2009)
- European Academy of Caring Science (Affiliate), Associate,
- RCN, Member,
- UK Public Health Association, Member,
- Faculty of Public Health
Social Media Links
- Author's Website,
- Facebook,
- Facebook,
Website Links
- Funded by Interreg 2 Seas Mers Zeeën,
External Media and Press
- Horse Study for Mental Wellbeing, Bmth Echo, 18 Sep 2019.
- Reduction of government funding for parks, BBC radio and TV, 19 Mar 2017.
Broadcast Interview
- Good Morning Auckland, Equine Assisted
- Nursing Legends, My Life as a Nurse - Ann Hemingway, Oshikanlu, R, 02 Nov 2020.
- Politics South, The reduction of funding to support green urban areas by the UK government, Pascoe, T, 19 Mar 2017.
- Politics South, The reduction of government funding to support urban green areas, Pascoe, T, 19 Mar 2017.