Eden House Evaluation Final Report, Bournemouth: Bournemouth University
Authors: Haydock, W. and Hean, S.
Publisher: Bournemouth University
Place of Publication: Bournemouth
Abstract:Executive Summary Findings: Over the period 2010-2013 Eden House saw considerable increases in referrals and activity recorded. By 2013 there were over 300 referrals, an increase of 77.5% from the 2010 figure, which was under 200.
Most individuals referred to Eden House were of White ethnic backgrounds, but the proportions were in line with best estimates of local need, based on criminal justice statistics.
The mental health pilot engaged a higher proportion of those from BME backgrounds than Eden generally, in line with research that suggests BME individuals are more likely to suffer mental illness and come into contact with the criminal justice system Referrals through various criminal justice agencies, including probation, are very strong, and referrals through Court Link more than doubled in this period, highlighting the growing strength of this particular initiative and the partnership work involved.
Referrals into the specific mental health pilot have notably improved in the past two years Referrals from Children & Family Centres have increased in the past two years, suggesting that the introduction of a crèche has made a difference to the ability of Eden to engage mothers with young children Referrals through health agencies remain relatively low but have been increasing, suggesting there is scope for building these relationships further Self-referrals have increased, suggesting that Eden has a reputation within the local community Activity levels within Eden have increased considerably in the past three years As referral numbers increased, engagement levels initially fell, but have since recovered to their previous levels, reflecting a much higher level of activity within Eden in 2013 than any previous year in the data provided. Service users are now attending sessions more often than at any point since 2010.
There are some issues with the accuracy of data completion, particularly in the past two years, though for the mental health pilot data completion has been excellent.
Partnership working is strongest with the police, housing and drug treatment agencies There are possibilities of deepening engagement through sharing data with other partner agencies Physical and mental health of service users generally improves during the course of their engagement with the service, but drug and alcohol outcomes leave room for improvement Outcomes in terms of financial situation could be further improved Key testimony from service users suggests that engagement with Eden can make a considerable difference to their lives.
Recommendations: Undertake a review of data recording processes to ensure that all activity is recorded appropriately, and outcomes of the service can be fully evidenced. The data provided through Supporting People forms is been extremely useful, and it is recommended that some way of recording similar data for all service users is developed.
Maintain and develop links with health and other agencies to build on the mental health support available to service users Consider whether there are further opportunities for expanding the mental health pilot activity 3 Review the period in which referrals increased (2010 – 2013), to better understand why engagement rates initially fell, and what actions were taken that enabled Eden to recover these Consider whether there are opportunities for closer partnership working with employment and financial agencies, or developing such support and education within Eden itself
Source: Manual