A study on employees' awareness of virtual community and supportive operation in the remote work environment: A focus on the mediating role of familiarity with a virtual community and personalities

Authors: Oe, H. and Yamaoka, Y.

Publisher: Research Office, The Open University of Japan


The ideal way of remote work corresponding to the current novel-corona pandemic has been discussed as a new normal operation. A quantitative method was applied to the data set collected from Gen Y who are working for the enterprises in the UK, and Structural Equation Modelling was conducted. A mediating role of respondents' introvert/extrovert personality was investigated with two antecedents (e.g., Social connectedness and commitment to digital activities) by testing the significant impact on their perceived well-being while they work remotely. It has been found that the moderating impact of personality has only a mild significant differences between the two groups; Extrovert employees perceive the impact of commitment to digital activities on their well-being. Whereas, introvert employees perceive less relations between Social connectedness and digital commitment. Other control variables such as age, gender, and SNS use show some differences between the clusters.

From this finding, actionable implications were developed with a further research opportyhnity.

Source: Manual