Shenel McLawrence
- 01202 966713
- smclawrence@bournemouth.ac.uk
- Senior Lecturer in Marketing Communications
- Weymouth House W421, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
Shenel McLawrence, with a background in Law (LLB Hons) and Global Business Analysis (MBus) from the University of Manchester, is the recipient of a BU Vice-Chancellor’s Doctoral Scholarship, for her current research in High Net Worth Individual (HNWI) Client Relationships. Specifically, her qualitative research aims to review such client relationships within a services context, from the client’s perspective. Any discussions in relation to this research is welcomed. Previously teaching Marketing & Strategy (PG) at BU Business School, her current teaching includes units in the Applied Marketing Communication Campaigns (UG), Marketing Skillset (UG), and Academic and Professional Research (UG), alongside supervising Final Year UG Marketing, Advertising and PR student dissertations at BU Media School. In 2014, she was appointed FdA link tutor between the Media School and Bournemouth and Poole College, for the Marketing Communications course. Shenel has previously held other associate academic positions at Manchester Business School and Leeds Trinity University, in addition to delivering executive business education for University of London external programmes... Prior to academia, Shenel worked for Lloyds TSB (Black Horse Finance) and JP Morgan, in addition to undertaking some individual consultancy projects. Currently, she is looking to developing links between the University and industry (specifically those with connections with the Institute of Directorrs) for future collaborations.