Tabitha Baker

Dr Tabitha Baker

  • Senior Lecturer in Humanities and Law
  • Weymouth House W420, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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Dr. Tabitha Baker is a Senior Lecturer in Politics in the department of Humanities and Law, Faculty of Media and Communication. She gained her PhD in 2022 with her thesis entitled 'The Psychosocial Relationship between National Identity and Political Sentiment in England: 2016-2020' which explored the changing dynamics of national identity and political attitudes amongst rural citizens in the context of social, political, and economic change such as devolution in the United Kingdom, decolonisation, increasing globalisation, post-2008 austerity, Brexit, and the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Tabitha’s teaching spans across the BA Politics and MA Political Psychology programmes, teaching in areas of the Psychology of Politics, International Relations, and the History of Contemporary Britain. She currently holds a role as Programme Leader for the Foundation Certificate in Media and Communication.

Following on from her doctoral research, Tabitha’s research interests are multi-disciplinary and involve further exploring themes surrounding national, regional, and local identities, civic engagement, marginalisation and democratic empowerment, focussing on the South West region and Dorset area...


Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:

Reduced inequalities

"Reduce inequality within and among countries"

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Peace, justice and strong institutions

"Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels"

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Journal Articles



  • Baker, T., 2024. Who defines Britain? National identity at the heart of the 2024 UK General Election, In: UK Election Analysis 2024: Media, Voters and the Campaign. Centre for Comparative Politics and Media Research (Bournemouth University). Available from:

Internet Publications


  • Baker, T., 2022. The psychosocial relationship between national identity and political sentiment in England: 2016-2020. PhD Thesis. Bournemouth University, Faculty of Media and Communication.

PhD Students

  • Callum Blades. The Psychodynamics of Conspiracy Culture and Contemporary Politics
  • MacDonald Ebinepre Kwabena Amaran. A socio-legal comparative study of safeguarding for Children on Tik Tok in the United Kingdom and Nigeria
  • Kieran Clarke. A Historical Analysis of 1960 – 1963 and Ethnicization in Post-Colonial Kenyan Politics
  • Madhumita Nandi. Psychoanalytic Journeys: Colonialism and English Identity

Profile of Teaching PG

  • Issues and Debates in Political Psychology
  • Dissertation supervision

Profile of Teaching UG

  • Psychology of Politics
  • International relations, state power and public diplomacy
  • Understanding Contemporary Britain
  • Dissertation supervision
  • Foundations of International Relations

Invited Lectures

  • 12 Dec 2022 more
  • The Political Psychology of Defence Mechanisms, Edinburgh, Scotland, 13 Oct 2022 more


  • Local Democracy in a Time of Crisis (British Academy, 01 Nov 2023). Completed
  • Two Tone Towns: A Social History of Ska in Dorset (ESRC Festival of Social Science, 01 Oct 2023). Completed

External Responsibilities


  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (Advance HE, 2021)

Social Media Links

External Media and Press