Tony Stoller
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Journal Articles

  • Stoller and Wray, E., 2017. 1984 and all that: The impact of political change on Independent Radio in the UK. Communication Journal of New Zealand, 11 (1), 22-36.
  • Stoller, T., 2015. Classic FM's place within the tradition of UK classical music radio 1992-1995. Radio Journal, 13 (1-2), 37-55.



  • Stoller, T., 2020. Radio: Listening to the airwaves. Approaching Historical Sources in their Contexts: Space, Time and Performance. 113-130.
  • Stoller, 2012. Foresight, fudge or facilitation. The making of united Kingdom digital radio policy1987-2008. In: Mollgard, M., ed. Radio and Society. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
