Yaar Dagan

Dr Yaar Dagan

  • ydagan at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
  • Lecturer in Law
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Dr Yaar Dagan is a law lecturer and a researcher at Bournemouth University, the Department of Humanities & Law, Faculty of Media & Communication. He currently serves as a Visiting Researcher at the Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics, and Ethics (CAPPE) at the University of Brighton, and as a visiting lecturer at Lviv Polytechnic University (Ukraine). He previously served as a visiting researcher at the Sussex Centre for Human Rights Research, as well as other academic institutions, such as the European University Institute (Italy), the University of Iceland, and Erasmus+, an international teaching mobility programme for Higher Education researchers.

Yaar holds his PhD from Keele University, School of Law, as well as an LLM (2012) and LLB (2010) from the Haim Striks School of Law, the College of Management Academic Studies. His thesis, titled ‘Drones, Settler Colonialism, and the Law’, explores the nexus between drone violence and international law. Before moving to the UK, Yaar was a lecturer in academic institutions overseas, including the Academic Center for Law and Science (2015-2017), and the Haim Striks School of Law...
