Dr Yan Gong
- ygong at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
- http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2853-2108
- Lecturer in Computer Science
- P302, Poole House
Yan Gong is a Lecturer in Computer Science at Bournemouth University. He received his PhD in Computer Science from Loughborough University in 2023, specialising in NLP, Cross-modal Learning, Generative AI, and AI Agents. While pursuing his PhD, he also worked as a part-time research assistant in AI and NLP at Loughborough University, further honing his expertise in these cutting-edge technologies. Before pursuing his PhD, Dr Gong gained significant industry experience as a lead AI engineer for over six years, a role that allowed him to develop a deep understanding of practical AI applications and their impact on the tech industry. He also holds a Master's degree in Communications and Signal Processing with distinction from Newcastle University, achieved in 2012. Dr Gong is driven by a passion for applying his research to solve real-world problems, actively seeking partnerships with industry stakeholders to bring his innovative solutions to market. He welcomes applications to his PhD program from candidates who are eager to explore and contribute to the fields of NLP, Cross-modal Learning, Generative AI, and AI Agents.
Journal Articles
- Gong, Y., Cosma, G. and Finke, A., 2024. VITR: Augmenting Vision Transformers with Relation-Focused Learning for Cross-modal Information Retrieval. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, 18 (9).
- Gong, Y. and Cosma, G., 2023. Improving visual-semantic embeddings by learning semantically-enhanced hard negatives for cross-modal information retrieval. Pattern Recognition, 137.
- Gong, Y., Cosma, G. and Fang, H., 2021. On the limitations of visual-semantic embedding networks for image-to-text information retrieval. Journal of Imaging, 7 (8).
- Gong, Y. and Cosma, G., 2023. Boon: A Neural Search Engine for Cross-Modal Information Retrieval. MMIR 2023 - Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Deep Multimodal Learning for Information Retrieval, Co-located with: MM 2023, 29-37.
- Gong, Y., Cosma, G. and Finke, A., 2023. Neural-Based Cross-Modal Search and Retrieval of Artwork. 2023 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2023, 264-269.
- Gong, Y. and Cosma, G., 2023. Boon: A Neural Search Engine for Cross-Modal Information Retrieval.
- Gong, Y., Cosma, G. and Finke, A., 2023. Neural-based Cross-modal Search and Retrieval of Artwork.
- Gong, Y., Cosma, G. and Finke, A., 2023. VITR: Augmenting Vision Transformers with Relation-Focused Learning for Cross-Modal Information Retrieval.
- Gong, Y. and Cosma, G., 2022. Improving Visual-Semantic Embeddings by Learning Semantically-Enhanced Hard Negatives for Cross-modal Information Retrieval.
Profile of Teaching PG
- COMP7076 Industrial Skills and Professional Issues. Level (PG/UG): MSc Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence. Number of registered students: 5. My contribution and approximate proportion: I am the unit leader (11 weeks, one assessment).
External Responsibilities
- Pattern Recognition (Elsevier ), Reviewer
- ACM MM 23 Conference, Reviewer
- PhD in Computer Science (Loughborough University, 2023)