Dr Miles Russell
- Principal Academic in Archaeology
- Christchurch House C117, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
Dr Miles Russell is Principal Academic in Prehistoric and Roman Archaeology and Director of Fieldwork in the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology.
He graduated from the Institute of Archaeology, University College London in 1988 and worked as a Field Officer for the UCL Field Archaeology Unit and then as a Project Manager for the Oxford Archaeological Unit, joining Bournemouth University in 1993. He has conducted fieldwork across the UK as well as in Germany, Sicily and Russia. He is currently director of the departmental training excavation, director of Regnum and co-director of the Durotriges Project (the latter two investigating the transition from the Iron Age to Roman period across SE and SW Britain) and previously Council for British Archaeology representative for Dorset and President of the Brighton and Hove Archaeological Society.
He gained his doctorate, on Neolithic monumental architecture, in 2000 and was elected a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London in 2006.
He has authored fifteen books, including Piltdown Man: the Secret Life of Charles Dawson, Piltdown Man: Case Closed, Monuments of the British Neolithic: the roots of Architecture, Flint Mines in Neolithic Britain, Arthur and the Kings of Britain, Rough Quarries Rocks and Hills: John Pull and the Neolithic Flint Mines of Sussex, The Early Neolithic Architecture of the South Downs, Prehistoric Sussex, Roman Sussex, Digging Holes in Popular Culture: Archaeology and Science Fiction, Bloodline: the Celtic Kings of Roman Britain, Bignor Roman Villa (with David Rudling) and (with Stuart Laycock) UnRoman Britain: Exposing the Myth of Britannia...
Miles is a regular contributor to television and radio, his most recent appearances being in Digging for Britain, The One Show, Time Team, Time Team: Big Roman Dig, Timewatch, The Seven Ages of Britain, Landscape Mysteries, Witness, Rome's Lost Legion, Operation Stonehenge: what lies beneath, Discovery, A History of Ancient Britain, The Big Spring Clean, Making History, The Sacred Landscapes of Britain, Border Country: the story of Britain's lost Middleland, Secrets from the Sky and Underground Britain.
- Manley, H., Cheetham, P., Stewart, D. and Russell, M., 2024. A Source of Confusion: New Archaeological Evidence for the Dorchester Aqueduct. Britannia.
- Russell, M., 2023. The Official Guide to Fishbourne Roman Palace and Gardens. Peterborough: Jarrold Publishing.
- Russell, M., Stewart, D., Cheetham, P. and Manley, H., 2022. Artistic Lysons? New work on the ‘lost’ mosaics of Frampton Roman villa, Dorset. MOSAIC, 49, 19-31.
- Russell, M., 2022. Excavations at Wolstonbury Later Bronze Age hilltop enclosure. Sussex Archaeological Collections, 158.
- Russell, M. and Manley, H., 2022. Two portraits of Agrippa Postumus in the British Museum. Journal of Roman Archaeology, 35 (1), 322-338.
- Gerdau-Radonić, K., Sperrevik, J., Smith, M., Cheetham, P.N. and Russell, M., 2022. Deathways of the durotriges: Reconstructing identity through archaeothanatology in later Iron Age southern Britain. The Routledge Handbook of Archaeothanatology: Bioarchaeology of Mortuary Behaviour. 243-262.
- Russell, M. and Manley, H., 2021. Finding Nero: Toppling and Defacing Statues in Roman Britain. British Archaeology, 180, 36-41.
- Russell, M., Cheetham, P., Stewart, D. and John, D., 2020. In the Footsteps of Vespasian: rethinking the Roman legionary fortress at Lake Farm, Wimborne Minster. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History & Archaeological Society, 141.
- Stewart, D., Cheetham, P. and Russell, M., 2020. A Magnetometry Survey of the Second Augustan Legionary Fortress at Lake Farm, Dorset. Britannia, 51, 307-317.
- Russell, M., 2019. Farewell two arms: a Roman Bronze Body Part from Halnaker, West Sussex. Sussex Archaeological Collections, 157.
- Russell, M., 2019. Mythmakers of Maiden Castle: Breaking the Siege Mentality of an Iron Age Hillfort. Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 38 (3), 325-342.
- Russell, M., Smith, M., Cheetham, P., Evans, D. and Manley, H., 2019. The girl with the chariot medallion: a well-furnished, Late Iron Age Durotrigian burial from Langton Herring, Dorset. Archaeological journal, 176 (2), 196-230.
- Russell, M., Cheetham, P., Barrass, K., Evans, D., Hambleton, E., Manley, H., Pitman, D. and Stewart, D., 2019. The Durotriges Project 2017: an interim statement. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History & Archaeological Society, 139, 127-133.
- Russell, M., 2018. Facing up to Constantine: Reassessing the Stonegate monumental head from York. Britannia, 49, 211-224.
- Russell, M. and Stewart, D., 2017. Hillforts and the Durotriges: A Geophysical Survey of Iron Age Dorset. Oxford: Archaeopress.
- Manley, H.P., Evans, D., Hewitt, I., Phurphy, P., Russell, M. and Welham, K., 2017. Tarrant Launceston: Survey and excavation of a long barrow with secondary burial at Race Down. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society, 138.
- Russell, M., Cheetham, P., Hewitt, I., Hambleton, E., Manley, H. and Stewart, D., 2017. The Durotriges Project 2016: an interim statement. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History & Archaeological Society, 138, 105-111.
- Russell, M., 2017. Arthur and the Kings of Britain.
- Russell, M., 2016. The Pulborough Head: a mid-3rd-century Roman stone portrait from West Sussex. Sussex Archaeological Collections, 154, 113-121.
- Russell, M., 2016. A first-century Roman copper-alloy portrait bust from Tarrant Rushton. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History & Archaeological Society, 137, 167-172.
- Russell, M., Cheetham, P., Evans, D., Hambleton, E., Hewitt, I., Manley, H., Gale, J., Pitman, D. and Stewart, D., 2016. The Durotriges Project, Phase Three: an interim statement. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History & Archaeological Society, 137.
- Russell, M. and Manley, H., 2016. Sanctioning memory: Changing identity. using 3d laser scanning to identify two 'new' portraits of the emperor Nero in English antiquarian collections. Internet Archaeology, 6DUMMY.
- Russell, M. and Manley, H., 2015. Trajan Places: Establishing Identity and Context for the Bosham and Hawkshaw Heads. Britannia.
- Rudling, D. and Russell, M., 2015. Bignor Roman Villa. The History Press.
- Russell, M., Cheetham, P., Evans, D., Gerdau-Radonic, K., Hambleton, E., Hewitt, I., Manley, H., Speith, N. and Smith, M., 2015. The Durotriges Project, Phase Two: an interim statement. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History & Archaeological Society, 136, 157-161.
- Russell, M. and Rudling, D., 2015. Bignor Roman Villa: Paradise Found. British Archaeology, 144, 38-43.
- Russell, M., Cheetham, P., Evans, D., Hambleton, E., Hewitt, I., Manley, H. and Smith, M., 2014. The Durotriges Project, Phase one: an interim statement. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society, 135, 217-221.
- Russell, M. and Manley, H., 2013. Finding Nero: shining a new light on Romano-British sculpture. Internet Archaeology, 32.
- Russell, M., 2013. A near life-size, togate bust from Chichester, West Sussex. Britannia: a journal of Romano-British and kindred studies, 44.
- Russell, M. and Manley, H., 2013. A case of mistaken identity? Laser-scanning the bronze "Claudius" from near Saxmundham. Journal of Roman Archaeology, 26 (1), 393-408.
- Russell, M., 2012. The Piltdown Man Hoax: Case Closed. Stroud: The History Press.
- Russell, M., 2010. Bloodline: the Celtic Kings of Roman Britain.. Stroud, England: Amberley.
- Russell, M. and Laycock, S., 2010. UnRoman Britain: Exposing the Great Myth of Britannia. Stroud, England: The History Press.
- Russell, M., 2006. Roman Sussex. Stroud: Tempus.
- Russell, M., 2004. The Treachery of Images: Deconstructing the Neolithic Monumental Architecture of the South Downs. In: Cotton, J. and Field, D., eds. Towards a New Stone Age: Aspects of the Neolithic in South-East England. York: Council for British Archaeology.
- Russell, M., 2003. Piltdown Man: The Secret Life of Charles Dawson. Stroud: Tempus.
- Russell, M., 2002. Monuments of the British Neolithic: the Roots of Architecture. Stroud: Tempus.
- Russell, M., 2002. Excavations at Mile Oak Farm. In: Rudline, D., ed. Downland Settlement and Land-use: The Archaeology of the Brighton Bypass. London: Archetype Publications, 5-81.
- Russell, M., 2002. Prehistoric Sussex. Stroud, England: Tempus.
- Digging Holes in Popular Culture: Archaeology and Science Fiction. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
- Russell, M., 2001. Rough Quarries, Rocks and Hills: John Pull and the Neolithic Flint Mines of Sussex. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
- Russell, M., 2001. The Early Neolithic Architecture of the South Downs. Oxford: Archaeopress.
- Russell, M., 2000. Of Flint Mines and Fossil Men: The Lavant Caves Deception. Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 19, 105-108.
- Russell, M., 2000. Flint Mines in Neolithic Britain. Stroud, England: Tempus.
- Russell, M., 1997. NEO- “Realism?”: An alternative look at the Neolithic chalkland database of Sussex. In: Topping, P., ed. Neolithic Landscapes. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 69-76.
- Russell, M., 1997. Relief-patterned Daub (Section Fifteen). In: Betts, I., Black, E. and Gower, J., eds. Journal of Roman Pottery Studies, Volume 7: A Corpus of Relief-Patterned Tiles in Roman Britain. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 45-81.
- Russell, M., 1996. Problems of Phasing: A Reconsideration of the Black Patch Middle Bronze Age “Nucleated Village”. Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 15, 33-38.
- Russell, M., 1996. A Reassessment of the Bronze Age Cemetery-Barrow on Itford Hill, East Sussex, and its place in the Prehistory of Southeast England. Poole, England: Bournemouth University School of Conservation Sciences.
- Russell, M., 1996. A Later Bronze Age Tanged ‘Chisel’ from Langton Matravers. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History & Archaeological Society, 118, 153-154.
- Russell, M. and Rudling, D., 1996. Excavations at Whitehawk Neolithic Enclosure, Brighton, East Sussex: 1991-93. Sussex Archaeological Collections, 134, 39-61.
- Gardiner, M., Russell, M. and Gregory, D., 1996. Excavations at Lewes Friary 1985-6 and 1988-9. Sussex Archaeological Collections, 134, 71-123.
- Russell, M., 1993. Excavations at New Park Street, Devizes, 1990. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 86, 88-101.
- Russell, M., 1990. “Strange Symbols of Some Kind”: The Problems Surrounding Stamped Roman Clay Walls. University College London Institute of Archaeology Bulletin, 27, 87-117.
- Russell, M., 1990. Excavations in Friars Walk, Lewes, 1989. Sussex Archaeological Collections, 128, 141-156.