Journal Articles
- A Conference Companion in Davos more
- A Constrained Inverse Kinematics Technology for Real-time Motion Capture of Generalized Body Configuration more
- A constructive role for social science in the development of automated vehicles more
- A constructivist vision of the first-trimester abortion experience more
- A consumer attributions-based approach for investigating the effect of corporate greenwashing on wishcycling more
- A consumer study of young people's views on their educational social worker: Engagement as a measure of an effective relationship more
- A consumer-grade LCD monitor for precise visual stimulation more
- A Consumer's approach to Child Mental Health more
- A content analysis of thinspiration, fitspiration, and bonespiration imagery on social media more
- A contextual approach of the Greek Management more
- A Contingent Resource-Based Perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility and Competitive Advantage: A Focus on Transition Countries more
- A controlled evaluation of token economy procedures with chronic schizophrenic patients more
- A cool storage pot for insulin in rural central Africa more
- A copula-based clustering algorithm to analyse EU country diets more
- A co-registration investigation of inter-word spacing and parafoveal preview: Eye movements and fixation-related potentials more
- A Correlation Based Recommendation System for Large Data Sets more
- A cost analysis of the employer-based bednet programme in Coastal and Western Kenya more
- A coupled analysis of deformation and heat transfer in hot forging more
- A critical analysis of the exercise prescription and return to activity advice that is provided in patient information leaflets following lumbar spine surgery more
- A critical analysis of the medical model as used in the study of pregnancy and childbirth more
- A critical appraisal of the social norms approach as an interventional strategy for health-related behavior and attitude change more
- A critical ethnography of communication processes involving the management of oral chemotherapeutic agents by patients with a primary diagnosis of colorectal cancer: Study protocol more
- A critical evaluation of coastal erosion in Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil more
- A critical examination of pure tantalum processed by high-pressure torsion more
- A Critical Examination of the Potential Benefits of Theophylline on Extended Acute Inflammation in Old Age. more