- Exploring Yoga and the Flow Experience: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Contemporary Yoga Communities more
- Face detection in Real-time Video more
- Facebook user interface design to suit the Saudi Arabian culture. more
- Factors associated with approval and rejection of disability pension applications in the Khomas region of Namibia more
- Factors that affect the management capacity, leadership and employee performance in the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH), Afghanistan: an embedded single-case study. more
- Færwhile & the Multimodal Creative Practice: Composing Fiction from Analogue to Digital more
- Fairness for resource allocation in cloud computing. more
- Family narratives of child-to-parent violence and abuse: lifting the veil of secrecy. more
- Feeling devalued: the creative industries, motherhood, gender and class inequality more
- Finding ways to engage with a healthy tourism "offer": evaluating potential synergies between wellbeing, public health, and tourism at a local destination. more
- Fish scales as ecological indicators: empirical approaches to improve their practical application to fish ecology more
- Fixing it in the present - the decisive moment in high dynamic range landscape photography. more
- Folkways and airwaves: oral history, community and vernacular radio. more
- Framing democratic politics: An investigation into the presence and effects of 'strategy' news frames in the UK more
- Friction and Wear Performance of Lifeboat Launch Slipways more
- From Passive Managers to Active Managers: Managing Innovation and Constraints in African Knowlegde Intensive Metalworking and Automotive Cluster more
- From use to law: the judicial recognition of community customary rights in Britain in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. more
- Fundaments of adaptive personalisation more
- Funktion und Bedeutung der ‘Besa’ in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart [‘Function and Meaning of ‘Besa’ in past and present’]) more
- Gay male performances in American confessional documentary and reality television. more
- Gender attitudes amongst Anglo-Catholic and evangelical clergy in the Church of England: A qualitative examination of how male priests respond to women’s ordination as priests and their consecration as bishops more
- Gender, class and 'binge' drinking: an ethnography of drinkers in Bournemouth's night-time economy. more
- Generation of 3D characters from existing cartoons and a unified pipeline for animation and video games. more
- Geographic variation in selected African mammalian taxa: a comparison of modern and fossil conspecifics more
- 'Giving effect to policy': a legal and empirical investigation of the implementation of European food quality schemes in Poland (PDO, PGI,TSG). more