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Abdulaziz Alblwi

  • aalblwi at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
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Abdulaziz Alblwi is a PhD student in the Department of Computing and informatics, Bournemouth University, UK. Abdulaziz research is interdisciplinary involving Social Informatics, Behavioural Science, Social Psychology and Software Engineering. His research tackles the problem of procrastination on social media, and he explores the design features, which can both trigger and also limit procrastination.

Journal Articles

  • Saleh, S., Ouhmida, A., Cherradi, B., Al-Sarem, M., Hamida, S., Alblwi, A., Mahyoob, M. and Bouattane, O., 2024. A novel hybrid CNN-KNN ensemble voting classifier for Parkinson’s disease prediction from hand sketching images. Multimedia Tools and Applications.
  • Brahmi, Z., Mahyoob, M., Al-Sarem, M., Algaraady, J., Bousselmi, K. and Alblwi, A., 2024. Exploring the Role of Machine Learning in Diagnosing and Treating Speech Disorders: A Systematic Literature Review. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 17, 2205-2232.
  • Mahyoob, M., Algaraady, J. and Alblwi, A., 2023. A Proposed Framework for Human-like Language Processing of ChatGPT in Academic Writing. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 18 (14), 282-293.
  • Al-Furas, A., Alrahmawy, M.F., Alblwi, A., Al-Adrousy, W.M. and Elmougy, S., 2023. Attributed Network Embedding Using an Improved Weisfeiler-Lehman Schema and a Novel Deep Skip-Gram. IEEE Access, 11, 110102-110123.
  • Mahyoob, M., Alrahaili, M., Algaraady, J. and Alblwi, A., 2022. Sentiment Analysis of Public Tweets Towards the Emergence of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant: A Social Media Analytics Framework. Engineering, Technology and Applied Science Research, 12 (3), 8525-8531.
  • Alblwi, A., McAlaney, J., Al Thani, D.A.S., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2021. Procrastination on social media: predictors of types, triggers and acceptance of countermeasures. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 11 (1).
  • Alblwi, A., McAlaney, J., Altuwairiqi, M., Stefanidis, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2020. Procrastination on Social Networks: Triggers and Countermeasures*. Psihologija, 53 (4), 393-410.
  • Alblwi, A., Al-Thani, D., McAlaney, J. and Ali, R., 2020. Managing procrastination on social networking sites: The d-crastinate method. Healthcare (Switzerland), 8 (4).





  • MSc in Information Technology (2017)