Leisure and Forced Migration: Lives Lived in Asylum Systems
Authors: Ugolotti, N.D.M. and Caudwell, J.
Pages: 1-210
DOI: 10.4324/9780429341045
Abstract:This book offers a timely and critical exploration of leisure and forced migration from multiple disciplinary perspectives, spanning sociology, gender studies, migration studies and anthropology. It engages with perspectives and experiences that unsettle and oppose dehumanising and infantilising binaries surrounding forced migrants in contemporary society. The book presents cutting edge research addressing three inter-related themes: spaces and temporalities; displaced bodies and intersecting inequalities; voices, praxis and (self)representation. Drawing on and expanding critical leisure studies perspectives on class, gender, sexuality and race/ethnicity, the book spotlights leisure and how it can interrogate and challenge dominant narratives, practices and assumptions on forced migration and lives lived in asylum systems. Furthermore, it contributes to current debates on the scope, relevance and aims of leisure studies within the present, unfolding global scenario. This is an important resource for students and scholars across leisure, sport, gender, sociology, anthropology and migration studies. It is also a valuable read for practitioners, advocates and community organisers addressing issues of forced migration and sanctuary.
Source: Scopus
Leisure and Forced Migration: Lives lived in the Asylum System.
Editors: De Martini Ugolotti, N. and Caudwell, J.
Publisher: Taylor and Francis
Place of Publication: London
Abstract:This book offers a timely and critical exploration of leisure and forced migration from multiple disciplinary perspectives. It engages with experiences that unsettle and oppose dehumanising and infantising binaries surrounding forced migration. This is done through three inter-related themes: spaces and temporalities; displaced bodies and intersecting inequalities; voices, praxis and (self) representation.
Source: Manual