Authors: Bickle, E., Allen, S. and Mayer, M.

Pages: 238-246

DOI: 10.4324/9781003433347-32


This chapter presents two alternative futures for the future of learning development within the field of higher education. In our dystopian future, we discuss the capabilities and potential impacts that the rapid development of artificial intelligence software such as ChatGPT may have upon the very foundations of our profession. In particular, we discuss the potential for Integrated Learning Development and outline the various new roles that a Learning Developer may take on in a technology-led future. In our utopian future, we discuss our desire to see the role of Learning Development to be fully understood by all within the higher education sector. We outline the ways in which this may be achieved, including accredited entry routes, closer integration into core teaching practices, better understandings of how Learning Developers can assist in embedding academic integrity in HE, freedom to conduct research, and leaving behind the deficit approach to learning development.

Source: Scopus

The Future of Learning Development: Two Visions

Authors: Bickle, E., Allen, S. and Mayer, M.

Editors: Syska, A. and Buckley, C.

Publisher: Routledge

ISBN: 978-1032560083

Source: Manual