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- Brown, C.R.H. and Derakshan, N., 2024. Can templates-for-rejection suppress real-world affective objects in visual search? Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 31 (4), 1843-1855.
- Cabbai, G., Brown, C.R.H., Dance, C., Simner, J. and Forster, S., 2023. Mental imagery and visual attentional templates: A dissociation. Cortex, 169, 259-278.
- Brown, C.R.H. and Forster, S., 2023. Lapses in the Person Radar: ADHD Symptoms Predict Difficulty in Interpersonal Distancing. Journal of Attention Disorders, 27 (4), 368-380.
- Brown, C.R.H., 2022. The prioritisation of motivationally salient stimuli in hemi-spatial neglect may be underpinned by goal-relevance: A meta-analytic review. Cortex, 150, 85-107.
- Brown, C.R.H., 2021. The relationship between COVID-19-specific health risk beliefs and the motivation to quit smoking: A UK-based survey. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 227.