Service-oriented Collaborative Business Processes
Authors: Xu, L., de Vrieze, P.T., Phalp, K.T., Jeary, S., Bouguettaya, A. and Liang, P.
Editors: Cardellini, V., Casalicchio, E., Castelo Branco, K., Estrella, J. and Monaco, F.
Publisher: IGI Group
Abstract:The ability to rapidly find potential business partners as well as rapidly set up a collaborative business process is desirable in the face of market turbulence. Traditional linking of business processes has a large ad hoc character. Implementing service-oriented business process mashup in an appropriate way will deliver the collaborative business process more flexibility, adaptability and agility. In this chapter, we describe new landscape for supporting collaborative business processes. The different solutions and tools for collaborative business process applications are presented. A new approach for supporting situational collaborative business process, process-oriented mashup is introduced. We have highlighted the security and scalability challenges of process-oriented mashups. Further, benefits of using process-oriented mashup are discussed.
Source: Manual