Introducing Psychological Concepts and Methods to Cybersecurity Students

Authors: Taylor, J., Thackray, H., Hodge, S.E. and McAlaney, J.

Pages: 1829-1839

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3432-8.ch092


This chapter begins with a brief review of the literature that highlights what psychology research and practice can offer to cybersecurity education. The authors draw on their wide-ranging inter-disciplinary teaching experience, and in this chapter, they discuss their observations gained from teaching psychological principles and methods to undergraduate and postgraduate cybersecurity students. The authors pay special attention to the consideration of the characteristics of cybersecurity students so that psychology is taught in a way that is accessible and engaging. Finally, the authors offer some practical suggestions for academics to help them incorporate psychology into the cybersecurity curriculum.

Source: Scopus