Democratising the Media: Media Reform and the Future of Journalism in Egypt

Authors: Elsheikh, D., Jebril, N. and Jackson, D.

Pages: 130-146

DOI: 10.4324/9781003214625-10


Since the 2011 revolution, Egypt has witnessed significant changes in its political and media landscape. The media’s trajectory has been marked by unpredictability and inconsistency, with a turbulent opening phase after the revolution, a polarising phase during the Muslim Brotherhood’s one-year rule, and a current phase of restriction. The changes have influenced both journalists and audiences, with increasing evidence of public distrust in the media and journalists experiencing difficulties in their professional duties. To shed light on the uncertain future role of the media in the country’s ongoing transition, we conducted 20 interviews with Egyptian journalists, encompassing the spectrum of media ownership patterns utilised in Egypt’s media environment, including print, web, and television. In these interviews, we sought the journalists’ forecasts for the future of journalism in Egypt as well as their suggestions for reforming the existing media sector. Their input was analysed based on the literature on media reform and transition.

Source: Scopus