Mental health among ethnic groups with diabetes in the UK

Authors: Alloh, F., Regmi, P., Pant, P.R., Simkhada, P. and van Teijlingen, E.

Conference: BNAC 15th Nepal Study Days 2017

Dates: 12-13 April 2017


Pages: 1-16

Publisher: BNAC

Place of Publication: London


Mental health among ethnic minority groups living with diabetes in the UK is an area that requires urgent attention from the research communities in UK. Globally diabetes affects more than 422 million people while in the UK more than 4 million people are affected by diabetes. Ethnic minority groups in the UK are at least six times more at risk of developing diabetes than the general population. In similar trend, mental health has been reported to be more prevalent among ethnic minority in the UK. Already ethnic minority groups experience poorer health outcomes from diabetes leading to complications like mental health. This is because diabetes and mental health have two-way relationship.

The purpose of this presentation is to highlight the need for ethnic minority specific research into the extent of mental health issues among the growing number of ethnic minority groups living with diabetes in the UK. This therefore requires that research communities focus more on the issue of mental health among ethnic minority groups living with diabetes in the UK.

Review of factsheets surrounding Mental health and diabetes among ethnic minority groups has been brought together to point out this area that has witnessed limited research among healthcare researchers. The economic and clinical burden of the issue of mental health has been highlighted to reiterate the need for research and clinical efforts to prevent mental health complications among ethnic minority groups living with diabetes in the UK.

Source: Manual