The case for research in game engine architecture

Authors: Anderson, E.F., Engel, S., McLoughlin, L. and Comninos, P.

Journal: ACM Future Play 2008 International Academic Conference on the Future of Game Design and Technology, Future Play: Research, Play, Share

Pages: 228-231

DOI: 10.1145/1496984.1497031


This paper is a call for research in the field of game engine architecture and design, a more comprehensive and thorough understanding of which we consider to be essential for its development. We present a number of key aspects that may help to define the problem space and provide a catalogue of questions that we believe identify areas of interest for future investigation. Copyright 2008 ACM.

Source: Scopus

The case for research in game engine architecture.

Authors: Anderson, E.F., Engel, S., McLoughlin, L. and Comninos, P.

Editors: Kapralos, B., Katchabaw, M. and Rajnovich, J.

Conference: Future Play 2008

Journal: Proceedings of the 2008 Conference on Future Play: Research, Play, Share

Pages: 228-231

Publisher: ACM

Place of Publication: New York, NY, USA

ISBN: 978-1-60558-218-4

DOI: 10.1145/1496984.1497031

Source: Manual

Preferred by: Eike Anderson

The case for research in game engine architecture.

Authors: Anderson, E.F., Engel, S., Comninos, P. and McLoughlin, L.

Editors: Kapralos, B., Katchabaw, M. and Rajnovich, J.

Journal: Future Play

Pages: 228-231

Publisher: ACM

ISBN: 978-1-60558-218-4

Source: DBLP

Preferred by: Leigh McLoughlin

The case for research in game engine architecture.

Authors: Anderson, E.F., Engel, S., McLoughlin, L. and Comninos, P.

Editors: Kapralos, B., Katchabaw, M. and Rajnovich, J.

Conference: Future Play 2008

Pages: 228-231

Publisher: ACM

ISBN: 978-1-60558-218-4

Source: BURO EPrints