Dr Leigh McLoughlin
- 01202 965654
- lmcloughlin at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
- http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7566-3568
- Principal Academic in Creative Technology
- Poole House P210, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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- Moseley, M., Howat, L., McLoughlin, L., Gilling, S. and Lewis, D., 2021. Accessible digital assessments of temporal, spatial, or movement concepts for profoundly motor impaired and non-verbal individuals: a pilot study. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 16 (3), 350-360.
- McLoughlin, L., Fryazinov, O., Moseley, M., Sanchez, M., Adzhiev, V., Comninos, P. and Pasko, A., 2014. SHIVA: Virtual sculpting and 3D printing for disabled children. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2014, 665-670.
- McLoughlin, L. and Anderson, E.F., 2013. Reverse Skew-T - A Cloudmaking Tool for CG. In: Eurographics 2013.
- Anderson, E.F., McLoughlin, L., Liarokapis, F., Peters, C., Petridis, P. and de Freitas, S., 2010. Developing serious games for cultural heritage: A state-of-the-art Review. Virtual Reality, 14 (4), 255-275.
- Comninos, P., McLoughlin, L. and Anderson, E.F., 2010. Educating technophile artists and artophile technologists: A successful experiment in higher education. Computers and Graphics (Pergamon), 34 (6), 780-790.
- Anderson, E.F., McLoughlin, L., Liarokapis, F., Peters, C., Petridis, P. and Freitas, S.D., 2009. Serious Games in Cultural Heritage. In: Ashley, M., ed. VAST 2009: 10th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 22-25 September 2009 St. Julians, Malta. VAST 2009: 10th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage - VAST-STAR, Short and Project Proceedings, 29-48 Eurographics Association.
- Comninos, P., McLoughlin, L. and Anderson, E.F., 2009. Educating technophile artists: experiences from a highly successful computer animation undergraduate programme. SIGGRAPH ASIA Educators Program ACM.
- McLoughlin, L., 2008. Cloud 21.
- Anderson, E.F. and McLoughlin, L., 2007. Critters in the Classroom: A 3D Computer-Game-Like Tool for Teaching Programming to Computer Animation Students. In: SIGGRAPH '07: ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 Educators Program 5-9 August 2007 San Diego, USA. New York: ACM Press.
Journal Articles
- Moseley, M., Howat, L., McLoughlin, L., Gilling, S. and Lewis, D., 2021. Accessible digital assessments of temporal, spatial, or movement concepts for profoundly motor impaired and non-verbal individuals: a pilot study. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 16 (3), 350-360.
- Fayolle, P.A., McLoughlin, L., Sanchez, M., Pasko, G. and Pasko, A., 2021. Modeling and visualization of multi-material volumes. Scientific Visualization, 13 (2), 117-148.
- Zhao, H., McLoughlin, L., Adzhiev, V. and Pasko, A., 2019. "Why do we not buy mass customised products?" - An investigation of consumer purchase intention of mass customised products. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 10 (2), 181-190.
- Zhao, H., McLoughlin, L., Adzhiev, V. and Pasko, A., 2019. 3D mass customization toolkits design, Part I: Survey and an evaluation model. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 16 (2), 204-222.
- Zhao, H., McLoughlin, L., Adzhiev, V. and Pasko, A., 2019. 3D mass customization toolkits design, Part II: Heuristic evaluation of online toolkits. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 16 (2), 223-242.
- McLoughlin, L., Fryazinov, O., Moseley, M., Adzhiev, V., Wu, M. and Pasko, A., 2018. Developing an Accessible 3D Printing Pipeline. Hyperseeing, 57.
- McLoughlin, L., Fryazinov, O., Moseley, M., Sanchez, M., Adzhiev, V., Comninos, P. and Pasko, A., 2016. Virtual Sculpting and 3D Printing for Young People with Disabilities. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 36 (1), 22-28.
- McLoughlin, L., Fryazinov, O., Moseley, M., Sanchez, M., Adzhiev, V., Comninos, P. and Pasko, A., 2014. SHIVA: Virtual sculpting and 3D printing for disabled children. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2014, 665-670.
- Anderson, E.F., McLoughlin, L., Liarokapis, F., Peters, C., Petridis, P. and de Freitas, S., 2010. Developing serious games for cultural heritage: A state-of-the-art Review. Virtual Reality, 14 (4), 255-275.
- Comninos, P., McLoughlin, L. and Anderson, E.F., 2010. Educating technophile artists and artophile technologists: A successful experiment in higher education. Computers and Graphics (Pergamon), 34 (6), 780-790.
- Anderson, E.F., McLoughlin, L., Gingrich, O., Kanellos, E. and Adzhiev, V., 2024. Approaches to Nurturing Undergraduate Research in the Creative Industries - a UK Multi-Institutional Exploration. In: Sousa Santos, B., ed. Eurographics 2024 22-26 April 2024 Limmasol, Cyprus. Eurographics 2024 - Education Papers The Eurographics Association.
- Zhao, H., McLoughlin, L., Adzhiev, V. and Pasko, A., 2018. "Why do we buy mass customised products?"-consumer's perspective of success factors for online mass customisation. In: 8th International Conference on Mass Customization and Personalization – Community of Europe (MCP - CE 2018) 19-21 September 2018 Novi Sad, Serbia.
- McLoughlin, L., Fryazinov, O., Moseley, M., Adzhiev, V., Wu, M. and Pasko, A., 2018. Developing an Accessible 3D Printing Pipeline. In: FASE 2018 Session in SMI2018, 7 June 2018, 7 June 2018 Lisbon, Portugal. Hyperseeing, 57-62.
- Zhao, H., McLoughlin, L., Adzhiev, V. and Pasko, A., 2018. An Evaluation Model for Web-based 3D Mass Customization Toolkit Design. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics, 113, 375-390.
- McLoughlin, L., 2013. Accessible Virtual Sculpting and 3D Printing. In: RAatE 2013: Recent Advances in Assistive Technology & Engineering 25 November 2013 Warwick, UK.
- Anderson, E.F., McLoughlin, L., Watson, J., Holmes, S., Jones, P., Pallett, H. and Smith, B., 2013. Choosing the Infrastructure for Entertainment and Serious Computer Games – a Whiteroom Benchmark for Game Engine Selection. In: VS-Games 2013 11-13 September 2013 Bournemouth. , 101-108 IEEE Computer Society.
- Comninos, P., McLoughlin, L. and Anderson, E.F., 2009. Educating technophile artists: experiences from a highly successful computer animation undergraduate programme. SIGGRAPH ASIA Educators Program ACM.
- Anderson, E.F., McLoughlin, L., Liarokapis, F., Peters, C., Petridis, P. and Freitas, S.D., 2009. Serious Games in Cultural Heritage. In: Ashley, M., ed. VAST 2009: 10th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 22-25 September 2009 St. Julians, Malta. VAST 2009: 10th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage - VAST-STAR, Short and Project Proceedings, 29-48 Eurographics Association.
- Anderson, E.F., Engel, S., Comninos, P. and McLoughlin, L., 2008. The case for research in game engine architecture. Future Play, 228-231 ACM.
- Anderson, E.F. and McLoughlin, L., 2007. Critters in the Classroom: A 3D Computer-Game-Like Tool for Teaching Programming to Computer Animation Students. In: SIGGRAPH '07: ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 Educators Program 5-9 August 2007 San Diego, USA. New York: ACM Press.
- Anderson, E.F. and McLoughlin, L., 2006. Do Robots Dream of Virtual Sheep: Rediscovering the "Karel the Robot" Paradigm for the "Plug&Play Generation". In: GDTW2006 15-16 November 2006 Liverpool, UK. , 92-96.
- Cubitt, A., Beeson, M., McLoughlin, L., Cherouvim, G., Hopkins, D., Shimoda, J. and Carus, D., 2004. The Victory Game Engine. In: CGAIDE 2004 5th Game-On International Conference on Computer Games: Artificial Intelligence, Design and Education 8-10 November 2004 Reading, UK.
- McLoughlin, L., 2013. Realistic natural atmospheric phenomena and weather effects for interactive virtual environments. PhD Thesis. Bournemouth University.
- McLoughlin, L. and Anderson, E.F., 2013. Reverse Skew-T - A Cloudmaking Tool for CG. In: Eurographics 2013.
- McLoughlin, L., 2008. Cloud 21.
- Anderson, E. and Mcloughlin, L., 2006. C-Sheep: Controlling Entities in a 3D Virtual World as a Tool for Computer Science Education. In: Future Play 2006.
- Anderson, E.F. and McLoughlin, L., 2006. C-Sheep: Controlling Entities in a 3D Virtual World as a Tool for Computer Science Education. In: Future Play 2006 London (On), Canada.
- McLoughlin, L. and Anderson, E.F., 2006. I See Sheep: A Practical Application of Game Rendering Techniques for Computer Science Education. In: Future Play 2006.
- McLoughlin, L., 2014. SHIVA.
- Anderson, E.F. and McLoughlin, L., 2006. "The Meadow" for C-Sheep.
External Responsibilities
- Coventry University, Research Degree External Examiner (2011)
- IBIMA, Editorial Board member (2010-), http://www.ibimapublishing.com/journals/IJIW/ijiw.html; International Journal of Interactive Worlds
- PhD in Computer Animation (Bournemouth University, 2013)
- BA (Hons) in Computer Visualisation and Animation (Bournemouth University, 2005)
- Times Higher Education Award for Outstanding Digital Innovation in Teaching or Research (Times Higher Education, 2015)
- Best Animation Education Paper (ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2009 - Education Program, 2009)
- Best Animation Education Paper (ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2009 - Education Program, 2009)
- best student demo (CGAIDE 2004 - 5 th Game-On International Conference on Computer Games: Artificial Intelligence, Design and Education, 2004)
Website Links
- ISNI number 0000 0004 2748 1588, http://www.isni.org/isni/0000000427481588