The challenges facing education in engineering drawing practice

Authors: Garland, N., Glithro, R. and Wade, R.

Journal: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education: Building Community: Design Education for a Sustainable Future, E and PDE 2017

Pages: 254-259

ISBN: 9781904670841


The Engineering Drawing has traditionally communicated the technical product specification (TPS) evolving to reflect technologies such as 2D and 3D- CAD as well as the full ISO Geometrical Product Specification (GPS). Although Model Based Definition (MBD) or Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) omit the use of drawing to communicate the TPS they lend themselves ideally to ISO- GPS methods. The methods present an opportunity to ensure Design and Engineering students are equipped with knowledge and understanding of GPS relevant to conventional TPS as well as PMI/MBD. A survey of industry experts indicated expectation of good knowledge and understanding of the underlying GPS methods alongside traditional elements such as orthographic projections and linetypes and a fair or good understanding of PMI/MBD application. New materials and delivery structures were developed and implemented for the level 4 Design Media Unit; lectures were translated to seminars where the lecture element focused upon examples rather than rules with students applying the techniques using simple paper sketches. Throughout the series a simple scotch-yoke assembly was utilised, with rapid-prototyped physical working models and components distributed for students to work with; this provided familiarity of function, fit and form throughout the five week programme. The CAD tutorials utilised pre-modelled components identical to those used during the lectures. Students applied the methods practiced during the seminar and reinforced learning outcomes; students evaluated and recorded the appropriate fit, orientation and form tolerances to ensure system functionality with “worse-case” stack up. All components were considered together in order to maintain design intent and functionality.

Source: Scopus


Authors: Garland, N., Glithro, R. and Wade, R.


Pages: 254-259

ISBN: 978-1-904670-84-1

Source: Web of Science (Lite)

The Challenges Facing Education in Engineering Drawing Practice

Authors: Garland, N., Glithro, R. and Wade, R.

Editors: Berg, A., Bohemia, A., Buck, L., Gulden, T., Kovacevic, A. and Pavel, N.

Conference: The 19th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education

Dates: 7-8 September 2017

Publisher: The Design Society & Institution of Engineering Designers

ISBN: 978-1-904-67086-5


The Engineering Drawing has traditionally communicated the technical product specification (TPS) evolving to reflect technologies such as 2D and 3D-CAD as well as the full ISO Geometrical Product Specification (GPS). Although Model Based Definition (MBD) or Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) omit the use of drawing to communicate the TPS they lend themselves ideally to ISO-GPS methods. The methods present an opportunity to ensure Design and Engineering students are equipped with knowledge and understanding of GPS relevant to conventional TPS as well as PMI/MBD. A survey of industry experts indicated expectation of good knowledge and understanding of the underlying GPS methods alongside traditional elements such as orthographic projections and line-types and a fair or good understanding of PMI/MBD application. New materials and delivery structures were developed and implemented for the level 4 Design Media Unit; lectures were translated to seminars where the lecture element focused upon examples rather than rules with students applying the techniques using simple paper sketches. Throughout the series a simple scotch-yoke assembly was utilised, with rapid-prototyped physical working models and components distributed for students to work with; this provided familiarity of function, fit and form throughout the five week programme. The CAD tutorials utilised pre-modelled components identical to those used during the lectures. Students applied the methods practiced during the seminar and reinforced learning outcomes; students evaluated and recorded the appropriate fit, orientation and form tolerances to ensure system functionality with “worse-case” stack up. All components were considered together in order to maintain design intent and functionality.

Source: Manual

The Challenges Facing Education in Engineering Drawing Practice

Authors: Garland, N.P., Glithro, R. and Wade, R.

Editors: Berg, A., Bohemia, A., Buck, L., Gulden, T., Kovacevic, A. and Pavel, N.

Conference: 19th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education

Publisher: The Design Society & Institution of Engineering Designers

ISBN: 978-1-904-67086-5


The Engineering Drawing has traditionally communicated the technical product specification (TPS) evolving to reflect technologies such as 2D and 3D-CAD as well as the full ISO Geometrical Product Specification (GPS). Although Model Based Definition (MBD) or Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) omit the use of drawing to communicate the TPS they lend themselves ideally to ISO-GPS methods. The methods present an opportunity to ensure Design and Engineering students are equipped with knowledge and understanding of GPS relevant to conventional TPS as well as PMI/MBD. A survey of industry experts indicated expectation of good knowledge and understanding of the underlying GPS methods alongside traditional elements such as orthographic projections and line-types and a fair or good understanding of PMI/MBD application. New materials and delivery structures were developed and implemented for the level 4 Design Media Unit; lectures were translated to seminars where the lecture element focused upon examples rather than rules with students applying the techniques using simple paper sketches. Throughout the series a simple scotch-yoke assembly was utilised, with rapid-prototyped physical working models and components distributed for students to work with; this provided familiarity of function, fit and form throughout the five week programme. The CAD tutorials utilised pre-modelled components identical to those used during the lectures. Students applied the methods practiced during the seminar and reinforced learning outcomes; students evaluated and recorded the appropriate fit, orientation and form tolerances to ensure system functionality with “worse-case” stack up. All components were considered together in order to maintain design intent and functionality.

Source: BURO EPrints