Model based definition: Finally, the engineering drawing killer?

Authors: Garland, N., Wade, R., Glithro, R. and Palmer-Smith, S.

Journal: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education: Towards a New Innovation Landscape, E and PDE 2019

ISBN: 9781912254057

DOI: 10.35199/epde2019.69


Engineering drawing has stood as the universal method of translating design intent since the first standard was formalised in 1927 as BS308. Further development of national and international standards has been informed by advances in CADCAM technology and the need for transfer of complex yet unambiguous definition between organisations. The emergence of model-based definition (MBD) has driven a new workflow where engineering drawing is no longer required. Instead, the dataset includes semantic, machine readable, tolerancing of surfaces and features for integration into manufacturing and metrology procedures. Despite the advantages of MBD, it has been largely ignored in UK higher education. However, MBD is the ideal method for teaching and learning geometrical tolerancing since it ignores the theoretically exact dimensions and housekeeping, concentrating on the functional limits. Further, it utilises the 3D workspace that students are increasingly familiar with.

Source: Scopus