Trust and quality computation for cyber threat intelligence sharing platforms
Authors: Mavzer, K.B., Konieczna, E., Alves, H., Yucel, C., Chalkias, I., Mallis, D., Cetinkaya, D. and Sanchez, L.A.G.
Journal: Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience, CSR 2021
Pages: 360-365
DOI: 10.1109/CSR51186.2021.9527975
Abstract:Information sharing has been considered a critical solution against the ever-increasing complexity of cyber-attacks. In this effort Cyber Threat Intelligence is undergoing a process of increasing its maturity levels. The quantification of the quality of shared information and the assessment of trust amongst information sharing entities is an important part of the process. The Trust and Quality Tool has been designed as a tool with the aim of improving the trust in the relevancy of shared information by enabling an option to assess its trustworthiness and defining a set of metrics for trust and quality.
Source: Scopus
Trust and Quality Computation for Cyber Threat Intelligence Sharing Platforms
Authors: Mavzer, K.B., Konieczna, E., Alves, H., Yucel, C., Chalkias, I., Mallis, D., Cetinkaya, D. and Sanchez, L.A.G.
Pages: 360-365
DOI: 10.1109/CSR51186.2021.9527975
Source: Web of Science (Lite)
Trust and quality computation for cyber threat intelligence sharing platforms
Authors: Mavzer, K.B., Konieczna, E., Alves, H., Yucel, C., Chalkias, I., Mallis, D., Cetinkaya, D. and Sanchez, L.A.G.
Conference: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (IEEE CSR) – ACTI Workshop
Dates: 26-28 July 2021
Journal: Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience, CSR 2021
Pages: 360-365
ISBN: 9781665402859
DOI: 10.1109/CSR51186.2021.9527975
Abstract:Information sharing has been considered a critical solution against the ever-increasing complexity of cyber-attacks. In this effort Cyber Threat Intelligence is undergoing a process of increasing its maturity levels. The quantification of the quality of shared information and the assessment of trust amongst information sharing entities is an important part of the process. The Trust and Quality Tool has been designed as a tool with the aim of improving the trust in the relevancy of shared information by enabling an option to assess its trustworthiness and defining a set of metrics for trust and quality.
Source: Manual
Preferred by: Deniz Cetinkaya
Trust and Quality Computation for Cyber Threat Intelligence Sharing Platforms.
Authors: Mavzer, K.B., Konieczna, E., Alves, H., Yucel, C., Chalkias, I., Mallis, D., Cetinkaya, D. and Sánchez, L.A.G.
Journal: CSR
Pages: 360-365
Publisher: IEEE
ISBN: 978-1-6654-0285-9
Source: DBLP
Trust and quality computation for cyber threat intelligence sharing platforms
Authors: Mavzer, K.B., Konieczna, E., Alves, H., Yucel, C., Chalkias, I., Mallis, D., Cetinkaya, D. and Sanchez, L.A.G.
Conference: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR)
Pages: 360-365
ISBN: 9781665402859
Abstract:Information sharing has been considered a critical solution against the ever-increasing complexity of cyber-attacks. In this effort Cyber Threat Intelligence is undergoing a process of increasing its maturity levels. The quantification of the quality of shared information and the assessment of trust amongst information sharing entities is an important part of the process. The Trust and Quality Tool has been designed as a tool with the aim of improving the trust in the relevancy of shared information by enabling an option to assess its trustworthiness and defining a set of metrics for trust and quality.
Source: BURO EPrints